Opt out of PRISM

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Re: Opt out of PRISM

Post by kimy »

Thomas Jeffrey wrote: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:04 pm Communication, data, and internet security appear to be big issues these days. Prophecy and Oracle had a couple interesting posts in the Politics and Government page about the NSA and other agencies around the globe who are trying to monitor internet, telephone, and other data traffic. Not out of real concern, but based on Principle, I think “opting out of PRISM” as much as possible would be a good idea. I went to the prism-break site to check it out and was hoping some of you may be able to answer a couple of questions.
  • 1. Does some of software listed, such as the video-conferencing, VOIP, Instant Messaging, and maybe e-mail encryption, require both parties to have the same software installed to be able to communicate? 2. Would the use of a Proxy server be of any help, (and I don’t pretend to know exactly what that is)? 3. Are there good tools available for Android phones that anyone knows about that could help with this privacy invasion? 4. And… Michael, what do Tails and/or TOR do? Are they heavy and slow installs, and do they work on Linux?
Thanks in advance for any help.
The fun but also sad thing is, that this is still up to date and nothing changed. Governments trying to stop these companies from stealing so many personal information but they fail in my opinion.
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Technocracy, Elon Musk, Great Reset

Post by Firestarter »

Post moved to "new" thread on Elon Musk and technocracy: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... f=7&t=2631

Keywords: "Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, grandfather Joshua Norman Haldeman, Howard Scott and Marion King Hubbert, Thorstein Veblen"
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Re: Technocracy, Elon Musk, Great Reset

Post by Firestarter »

Post moved to "new" thread on Elon Musk and technocracy: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... f=7&t=2631

Keywords: "University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, John O’Reilly, Zip2, Peter Thiel, Mike Griffin Russia, In-Q-Tel, Confinity, PayPal, Palantir"
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Re: Technocracy, Elon Musk, Great Reset

Post by Firestarter »

Post moved to "new" thread on Elon Musk and technocracy: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... f=7&t=2631

Keywords: "Patrick Wood, Columbia University, Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller, New International Economic Order, United Nations, Sustainable Development, China, social credit system"
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Faraday cage, radiation weapons, magpies

Post by Firestarter »

There used to be a time that you could take the battery out of the mobile phones, for some reason, they made things "better" by eliminating that possibility.

It's strange that I prefer metal cases, even though a bag functioning as a faraday cage is more practical.
Over here in the Netherlands, with more bikes than people, material to fix a punctured inner tube is sold in metal cases big enough to fit most "dumb" phones (too small for smartphones though).

I can remember reading about the US army having faraday cage tents to communicate in secrecy.

This should be a bestseller...
A 3 layer fabric - nickel- and copper-coated -— is sold ($26 per square meter) so you can make your DIY Faraday cage bag for phone. This metallic fabric could of course also be used to isolate other "smart" devices (e.g. laptop).
Silent Pocket also sells pre-made faraday bags for a smartphone: https://www.wired.com/story/silent-pock ... one-pouch/

In the 1950's, the Soviets produced the LIDA machine that "uses a combination of pulsed light, sound waves and electromagnetic radiation to entrain brain waves and produce various emotional states".

The CIA got one so Ross Adey could experiment with it, he put a cat in a box and turned on the LIDA, "Within a matter of two or three minutes it is sitting there very quietly.... It stays almost as though it were transfixed".

Of course modulated electromagnetic radiation penetrates wall, so these type of devices can be (are?) used on a gigantic scale.
There are similar US patents, like e.g. a 1973 patent by Rabichev et al.

If they could produce this more than 60 years ago, just imagine what they can do today: https://www.transformation.dk/www.raven ... nessie.htm

With people brainwashed to the point that they're lining up to get vaccinated with biochemical weapons, these psychopaths don't even have to hide their sick plans.

The US military is developing futuristic "directed energy" (DE) weapons strong enough to destroy enemy missiles, supposedly to protect us. This is described in the recent report "Directed Energy Futures 2060".
They hope to have a working "Dome System" forcefield by 2060 that could destroy all enemy missiles.

DE systems are already widely used by armies worldwide, for counter-air defense, target identification, tracking, counter intelligence search & reconnaissance (ISR) and electronic warfare (EW).
Current DE systems developed can already operate at ranges “nearing 1 kilometer”.
One of the high-power microwave weapons developed is the Tactical High Power Microwave Operational Responder (THOR), to take down swarms of drones. It is expected to be further tested abroad (most likely on Africans) later this year.

Of course radiation with this intensity could also be used against the population. Do you really trust your government to not abuse these kind of "invisible" weapons?
They can simply increase the radiation power of the kill grid every couple of years by placing new cell towers (5G, 6G, 7G, etc.), while continuing to deny that there are such things as high energy radiation weapons (let alone that these are used): https://breakingdefense.com/2021/07/dir ... ce-fields/

Those "eco-friendly" LED lights emit such damaging radiation that they kill a massive amount of insects (50% of some species).
But don't worry, our wonderful media has come up with an alternative explanation for why the damaging radiation kills insects - because these LED's light are basically better they make "insects more exposed to predators" (even though they have no evidence for this hypothesis): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech ... finds.html

Some fools say that humans are by far the smartest of animals (or even so smart that we're no animals at all)...
So while the human herd is helping big brother to enslave us all, by walking around with the surveillance equipment called smartphones, magpies don't like to be traced!

After bird watchers attached tiny tracking devices to 5 Australian magpies, within 10 minutes one magpie was already helping another to get rid of the tracker, within 5 days all 5 magpies were cleaned of these privacy violating devices (helped by their peers): https://www.sott.net/article/464797-Don ... ng-devices
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Re: Opt out of PRISM

Post by Firestarter »

Just when I thought privacy violations couldn’t possibly get worse my second-hand, overpriced laptop broke down a couple of months ago. After I bought a new laptop, when going through first start-up, Microsoft demanded that I'd enter my (Microsoft) email account, and log in (there is some technical bypass). I needed an internet connection to start-up the laptop.

Through start-up, Windows offered to save all my browser history and documents in my "cloud" (that is part of my email account). Of course I said no to all of these "offers" (free of charge).
Since then I got some scary warning messages that Windows doesn't make back-ups of my computer.

After I logged in, and changed the laptop to a "local account", Windows still logged in to my email account. I had to change this in the settings, and then also in my Word application.
It sometimes resumes (Windows really is some sort of virus).


Even scarier?!?
Every computer since 2008 with an Intel or AMD processor has a built-in back door. It can access everything on your computer, without you knowing. It can even open a remote connection on the network interface (which really makes it a backdoor).

There isn’t much you can do about it, and because it’s hardware, it’s independent of operating systems (or other software): https://www.sysjolt.com/2021/every-mode ... -backdoor/

The following has more information on the Intel backdoor (the AMD CPU backdoor is similar)…
The backdoor works through the Intel Management (Intel ME) unit, a secondary processor on the motherboard. It’s a microcontroller with its own processor, memory, and I/O. Intel ME is not affected by the various sleep states of your PC and will remain active even when your computer is shut down (if there’s still power in the battery).
It is nearly impossible to detect, and even harder to stop.

The AMD Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) microprocessors have a similar feature, with an embedded extra ARM-based microcontroller: https://itsfoss.com/fact-intel-minix-case/
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