Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

Post by Firestarter »

Two weeks ago, I spoke to a man in his early 20s on the streets of Amsterdam, with spasmic movements and slurred speech indicating brain damage.
He told me, he thinks this happened because of getting punches on his head from kickboxing.
This wasn’t one of my brightest moments, only when I saw him walking away I realised that he had suffered a stroke 5 months ago. Thinking to myself, was he poisoned with the clot shots?

All through 2020, until week 21 of 2021 there were less children dying in Europe than expected: 841 fewer deaths, according to EuroMOMO.
Then on 28 May 2021, week 21 of 2021, the European Medicines Agency granted emergency use authorisation of the COVID vaccine to children. Since then, coincidentally, suddenly children started dying in larger number than expected, with 685 excess deaths until the end of 2021, and another 1385 excess deaths throughout 2022.
This trend has continued in 2023, with 753 more children dying than expected until week 45.

This means that from the beginning of 2020 until week 21 of 2021, when the EMA extended emergency authorisation of the clot shots for children, 841 fewer children died than expected, but since kids were injected with these untested vaccines, 2823 more children died than expected across the EU: https://expose-news.com/2023/11/22/thou ... d-vaccine/

When I heard about COVID mRNA vaccines, I thought that IS cancer (ironically when I first heard about mRNA vaccines they were promoted as personalised cancer vaccines)…

An analysis of “coded deaths” in Wales and England, shows that since the COVID vaccines were introduced cancer deaths have risen significantly in 2021 and even more in 2022.

According to cancer expert Chris Flowers, we “have never seen anything like the severity of fatal breast cancers and other cancers in the young that exploded in 2022.
Perhaps most distressing, is the rise in the young of what some oncologists now call “turbo cancers,” a new term
”: https://expose-news.com/2023/11/29/new- ... data-show/

From 1 January to 31 May 2023, the unvaxxed in England counted only 436 COVID deaths, while 8,330 COVID deaths were recorded in the COVID vaxxed population, of which 6,902 deaths among the quadruple (booster) vaxxed: https://expose-news.com/2023/11/26/unva ... id-deaths/


There were countries that in 2020 didn’t have excess deaths, or even below average mortality rates, like New Zealand…
The roll out of the COVID vaccine was … a massacre.

“Expert” statisticians concluded that the probability of these deaths in New Zealand not being caused by the clot shots are 100 billion to one.
They knew in advance that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine would cause huge numbers of injury and deaths, this is premeditated mass murder: https://archive.is/X9GC3

Liz Gunn has been deceiving us.
Selling the high number of deaths (e.g. 32%) in nursing homes as evidence of “super deadly batches” and “mass vaccine casualties”.

Something like this…
There were “vaccination centres” with mortality rates at levels of 30% (30% of all people vaxxed, dead by 2023), where the average mortality rate is 0.75%.


Besides that, there are huge unexplainable gaps in the “whistleblower data”. As the reporting has been intentionally deceitful, this looks to have been done on purpose: https://archive.is/gxpYN

Why did this “whistleblower” wait until the plandemic ended, or didn’t he wait?!?
New Zealand’s VFF (Voices For Freedom) has reported its interaction with NZ whistleblower Barry Young, beginning “…a couple of years ago”: https://archive.is/0GOIG

The whistleblower and another person working with him have been raided (arrested) by the New Zealand cops.
I think that legally speaking this “whistleblower” doesn’t stand a chance. The New Zealand cops accuse him of stealing private data. This is true of course.

While this “whistleblower” will claim that he has exposed mass murder, the public prosecutor will claim that he has spread “misinformation”.
Legally speaking this “whistleblower” doesn’t have a single argument that will stand up in a (corrupt) court of law…

According to Steve Kirsch, “the “record level” data (high quality data) showed that Covid vaccines kill one person in every 1000 vaccinated worldwide, which translates into more than 10 million such deaths worldwide”: https://cairnsnews.org/2023/12/03/nz-co ... leblowers/


The little known fired physics professor Denis Rancourt has exposed murder by COVID injection on a much wider (worldwide) scale for years, but has been ignored by all but a few virus deniers…
Firestarter wrote: Sat May 20, 2023 7:31 pmRancourt concludes:
1) no virus caused a pandemic;
2) in 2020 mortality in the US was much higher than in Canada because of the lockdown and health protocols (ventilators in particular);
3) the excess deaths during the plandemic didn’t cross some borders;
4) hydroxichloroquine caused deaths in mainland Europe;
5) since 2021 excess mortality was caused by COVID vaccines;
6) there was a huge increase in mortality in India and Australia caused by the COVID vaccines, in India the vaccines had a 1% mortality rate.

A compilation of COVID vaccine propaganda. Join the WAR against the unvaccinated, who ARE the problem, do NOT do your own research, ARE killing other people.
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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

Post by Firestarter »

In Canada, there were an impressive 48,780 excess deaths in 2022 compared to 2019 (a 17% increase in mortality).

In 2022, 1 in every 784 Canadians died…
Maybe there are other explanations, but I think that this was caused by the clot shots.

After COVID mRNA booster shots in November/December 2021 there were spikes in COVID cases (and deaths): https://www.globalresearch.ca/canadian- ... 22/5844539

Despite all of the pandemic doom stories there were no excess deaths in Ireland in 2020, now reported by the OECD. Nearly all OECD counties saw an increase of the 65+ population by 19% between 2015 and 2022, besides that Ireland’s population had increased by 8% in those years. When this is taken into account, there were no scary excess deaths.
Adjusting mortality rates to take account of these changes has shown that Ireland did not record excess mortality during 2020-2022. In fact, Ireland had a lower than expected death rate.
Of course, according to the official tale it was only the brutal lockdown that prevented excess deaths. That could be an argument if it wasn’t for countries without a lockdown, like Sweden, that also didn’t have excess deaths (let’s not even go to Africa!).

I don’t know why the OECD would cover up that there were excess deaths in 2021 and 2022…

I haven’t found a good graph, but the following table shows that there was excess mortality in Ireland every single month since January 2021, that really started to rise in Ireland in July 2021, and has remained high until November 2023 (over 16,100 excess deaths in total).

Then it got even worse, in December 2022, Ireland had 25.4% more deaths compared to the same month from 2016 to 2019.
Germany (+37.3%), Austria (+27.4%) and Slovenia (+25.9%) had even higher excess mortality rates than Ireland, while the average excess mortality across the EU was a whopping 19%!

Romania and Bulgaria (low-vaxxed?!?) recorded below expected mortality rates: https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/ire ... 38817.html

From 1 December 2022 to 25 January 2023, Ireland recorded 9,718 deaths in 8 weeks, 42% higher than the pre-pandemic 6,802 deaths in the same period.
This has caused funerals to be delayed, due to lacking capacity…

Some 17,381 deaths were registered in England and Wales in the week up to 13 January 2024, 2,837 higher than the average for this time of year.

Apparently the mainstream media will not point to the clot shots as a possible cause: https://archive.is/LF80y


So these scientists can figure out that there has been an increase in overall mortality, especially caused by heart attacks, but won’t conclude that this could have been caused by the untested COVID vaccines, instead proposing that this was caused by the COVID virus, and a lack of medical care…
Many countries, including the UK, have continued to experience an apparent excess of deaths long after the peaks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Numbers of excess deaths estimated in this period are considerable. The UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) has calculated that there were 7.2% or 44,255 more deaths registered in the UK in 2022 based on comparison with the five-year average (excluding 2020). This persisted into 2023 with 8.6% or 28,024 more deaths registered in the first six months of the year than expected.

The causes of these excess deaths are likely to be multiple and could include the direct effects of Covid-19 infection, acute pressures on NHS acute services resulting in poorer outcomes from episodes of acute illness, and disruption to chronic disease detection and management. Further analysis by cause and by age- and sex-group may help quantify the relative contributions of these causes.
Since July 2020, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) has published estimates of excess mortality based on a Poisson regression model for England week by week, overall and decomposed by age, ethnicity, region and cause. This model finds that in the period from week ending 3rd June 2022 to 30th June 2023, excess deaths for all causes were relatively greatest for 50–64 year olds (15% higher than expected), compared with 11% higher for 25–49 and < 25 year olds, and about 9% higher for over 65 year old groups.

Several causes, including cardiovascular diseases, show a relative excess greater than that seen in deaths from all-causes (9%) over the same period (week ending 3rd June 2022–30th June 2023), namely: all cardiovascular diseases (12%), heart failure (20%), ischaemic heart diseases (15%), liver diseases (19%), acute respiratory infections (14%), and diabetes (13%).
For middle-aged adults (50–64) in this 13-month period, the relative excess for almost all causes of death examined was higher than that seen for all ages. Deaths involving cardiovascular diseases were 33% higher than expected, while for specific cardiovascular diseases, deaths involving ischaemic heart diseases were 44% higher, cerebrovascular diseases 40% higher and heart failure 39% higher. Deaths involving acute respiratory infections were 43% higher than expected and for diabetes, deaths were 35% higher. Deaths involving liver diseases were 19% higher than expected for those aged 50–64, the same as for deaths at all ages.
Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard et al. - Excess mortality in England post Covid-19 pandemic: implications for secondary prevention (December 2023): https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lane ... 1/fulltext


Who could have guessed that the result of the brutal lockdown and BlackRock’s “going direct” plan would be:
The UK is in danger of becoming a 'two nation' state not seen since the Victorian era after Covid lockdowns had a 'catastrophic effect' on the country's social fabric , a new report has claimed.
There is a widening gap between those who are comfortable and an 'underclass' which is disproportionately affected by mental health issues and poverty, according to an inquiry by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ).

Mental ill health issues in young people went from one in nine to one in six and nearly a quarter amongst the oldest children.

There are over 2.6 million people economically inactive because of long term sickness, an increase of nearly 500,000 since the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

Post by Firestarter »

Now that the plandemic has ended, Dennis Rancourt is (finally) picked up by the big right wing American alternative media.
Rancourt now seems better at explaining to “normal” people (than scientists) than before that: there was no pandemic caused by any coronavirus, the brutal lockdown and health protocols caused “COVID deaths” during the first wave of COVID propaganda, and the COVID vaccines killed people.

Here’s his recent interview with Alex Jones.
https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones/statu ... 8556525669


Please remember the “safe and effective” mantra, we know this NOT because the COVID vaccines were properly tested, but because our authorities, that would never ever lie to us, have declared them to be…

Women are dying during childbirth at the same rates as 20 years ago, up from 8.8 in 2017-19 to 13.4 deaths per 100,000 maternities in 2020-2022.
It really only started to rise in 2021, after introduction of the clot shots…
Blood clots were the leading cause of deaths among new mothers, followed by Covid, heart disease and mental health issues.
For some reason the article doesn’t mention COVID vaccines as a possible cause, but the comments do: www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1294 ... ystem.html

In the following experiment, that should have been performed BEFORE they were approved, pregnant rats were injected with the Pfizer COVID mRNA vaccine, and then performed tests on the pup rats (to be compared with the pups of non-vaxxed rats).

Apparently the COVID vaccines cause “autism-like” behaviour in the male pups: a reduction in social interaction, and abnormal, repetitive patterns of behaviour.
Our findings reveal that the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine significantly alters WNT gene expression and BDNF levels in both male and female rats, suggesting a profound impact on key neurodevelopmental pathways. Notably, male rats exhibited pronounced autism-like behaviors, characterized by a marked reduction in social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior. Furthermore, there was a substantial decrease in neuronal counts in critical brain regions, indicating potential neurodegeneration or altered neurodevelopment. Male rats also demonstrated impaired motor performance, evidenced by reduced coordination and agility.

In the sociability test (session I), the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Male group spent significantly less time with stranger 1 rats compared to the % 0.9 NaCl Saline Male Group (p < 0.01). Similarly, in the social novelty and motivation test (session II), the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Male group spent significantly less time with stranger 2 rats compared to the % 0.9 NaCl Saline Male Group (p < 0.01). The sociability index (stranger 1/empty) and novelty index (stranger 2/stranger 1) were also significantly lower in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Male group compared to the % 0.9 NaCl Saline Male Group (p < 0.001) (Table 2) (Fig. 2).
The poor lab rats were killed after the experiments, and their brain analysed. These showed a decrease in neuronal counts (confirming the autism).
However, brain BDNF levels were significantly decreased in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Male group compared to the % 0.9 NaCl Saline Male Group (p < 0.001) (Table 4).
Just as troubling is that the COVID vaccine caused impaired physical abilities in the male rat pups (for some reason this isn’t properly described in the report, but can be seen in the figure).
However, a notable exception was observed for latency time to fall, where a significant interaction between group and sex was identified (F = 5.059; p = 0.029), indicating a sex-specific response to the vaccine in terms of motor coordination and balance. Specifically, within the group that received the BNT162b2 vaccine during gestation, there was a significant difference between males and females (F = 14.315; p < 0.001), with males exhibiting more pronounced effects as compared to females.

Mumin Alper Erdogan et al. – Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats: Insights into WNT and BDNF Signaling Perturbations (January 2024): https://link.springer.com/article/10.10 ... 23-04089-2


This American spook “agent Smith” explains the coming plandemic, lockdown, clot shots, directed energy weapons. Some of what he’s talking about is still science fiction (at least that’s what I hope)…
I couldn’t find the original 2017 presentation by this psychopath.
(alternative: rumble.com/v2abjei-the-darpa-pandemic-a ... rispr.html)
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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

Post by Firestarter »

IgG4 is a special class of antibodies that instructs our immune system to ignore a pathogen rather than fight it. A scientific-looking study discovered that the immune destroying mRNA vaccines increase IgG4 levels in the blood… that suppress the immune system.

They injected 3 groups with 3 shots of either the 2 mRNA vaccines or the (non-mRNA) Novavax vaccine. They “forgot” a placebo control group…
The mRNA vaccines resulted in IgG4 levels HUNDREDS OF TIMES greater than Novavax (the scales below are logarithmic).

See 2 quotes from the study:
Compared with recipients of prior mRNA vaccine, anti-S IgG3 levels were markedly higher (>10-fold) after three or four homologous doses of NVXCoV2373. By contrast, much higher anti-S IgG4 levels (>75-fold) were observed following repeated mRNA vaccination, but not after three or four homologous doses of NVX-CoV2373 (Fig. 1A).

Increased concentrations of IgG4 have been associated with immunosuppression and poor clinical outcomes of COVID-19, and while generally regarded as anti-inflammatory, may contribute to some autoimmune disorders and inflammatory IgG4- related diseases. Following repeated mRNA vaccination, IgG4 was observed to increase from 0.04% of total SARS-CoV-2 spike–specific IgG after two doses to 19.27% after three doses.

What oh what could have caused this increase in heart attacks, since injecting people with untested gene-altering, immune destroying “vaccines”?!?

The rate at which people under 75 died from heart problems in Britain was in decline before the plandemic, but since 2020 the rate has risen. The premature death rate for cardiovascular disease in England reached 80 per 100,000 people in 2022, the highest since 2011.
The number of people dying prematurely of cardiovascular conditions reached the highest level since 2008, with more than 39,000 deaths in 2022. There have been almost 100,000 excess cardiovascular-related deaths in England since March 2020.

Obviously vaccines aren’t a possible cause (at least not according to the mainstream media): https://www.theguardian.com/society/202 ... n-a-decade

A funeral director in Mississippi talks about a huge increase in deaths and shocking changes in the vascular system of the corpses.
She thinks that this is caused by “something” that has been injected into the population: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org ... peaks-out/

Two years ago the Canadian selfie truckers were worldwide news. After PM Justin Trudeau invoked the emergency act on 14 February 2022, the “freedom convoy” was quickly ended, and almost completely forgotten (with the herd distracted by the next media hysteria).
Just the other day, a Canadian federal court ruled that invoking the emergency act by Trudeau violated the constitution of Canada.

Judge Richard Mosley wrote:
I have concluded that the decision to issue the proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness - justification, transparency and intelligibility - and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration.
While this looks like a major legal victory, I don’t know what the truckers actually won, or Trudeau and cronies lost.
This seems like an effort to restore our trust in the same corrupt legal system that enforced the brutal lockdown and crimes against humanity during the plandemic: https://dailycaller.com/2024/01/23/cour ... s-illegal/

Tuesday’s court ruling revealed a secret memo from the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada that recommended that Trudeau would invoke the emergency act to end the Freedom Convoy.
The Privy Council Office is led by its Clerk, Council Janice Charette, who approved the memo to invoke the Emergencies Act.

The British crown appointed governor general (that keeps Canada a British colony) is part of the King’s Privy Council for Canada, a group that helps the monarch to control Canada: https://expose-news.com/2024/01/25/call ... in-canada/
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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

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In the Netherlands, the health council has advised to immediately start vaccinating every baby with RS vaccines (first approved by the US FDA in May 2023), developed by GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer (of course!), as apparently the rate of infections with the respiratory syncytial virus has been rising since May 2021, after the start of the COVID vaccination program.

Unfortunately I haven’t found information on whether the infants of COVID vaccinated pregnant mothers were predominantly the severe cases of RSV infections: (in Dutch) https://archive.is/ZRPiC

The number of Brits off long-term sick has hit a new record high – to 2.8 million - in the wake of clot shots. That’s a huge increase from the 2.1 million when the plandemic was started.
The number of days lost to long-term sickness in Whitehall rose from 1.4 million in the year to March 2018, to 1.9 million in the year to March 2022 (a 34% increase).

The cause of the increase in long-term sickness is “unclear”, as apparently our wonderful media do not take the untested vaccines into account as a possible cause: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-130487 ... -high.html

When I first heard about the untested mRNA vaccines, I immediately thought… cancer.
Apparently some doctor (and professor) in the UK saw a huge increase in melanoma cancer cases in the COVID mRNA booster jabbed. His colleagues in the UK and Australia confirmed this troubling link that’s especially alarming in those younger than 50 years.

Recently the American Cancer Society (ACS) warned of a surge in new cancer cases in the US in 2023 of over 2 million, with special concern for the rise in cancer in younger victims: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/02/08/the ... time-bomb/

Steve Kirsch looked at how many of the reported vaccine adverse effect dementia was caused by the untested COVID vaccines, as compared to other vaccines, to simply conclude that “the COVID vaccines cause dementia”.
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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

Post by Firestarter »

We’ve seen stories by these terrible anti-vaxxers that all of these excess deaths since 2021 were caused by the clot shots.
Last week the UK ONS reports that, “Deaths registered in England and Wales in Week 6 were 2.0% lower than the expected number (251 fewer deaths)”…

You’d never guess (or maybe you could) how they achieved this wonderful “news”?!?
They simply produced a new “methodology” that estimates the expected deaths higher. So with the expected deaths higher (because of the clot shots?), the “excess deaths”, according to the “old” method, have now become “less than expected” deaths!
This new method is “in development” so can change as required…

The “new method” has also been used to make the 2020 pandemic year seem deadlier in comparison to the years before and after, by decreasing the “expected deaths” less in 2020 than in the other years: https://expose-news.com/2024/02/24/ons- ... -cover-up/

The mainstream media point out that a new study shows that the higher risks of several serious medical conditions caused by the COVID vaccines are “extremely rare”.
Including “… carditis” that causes deadly heart attacks, autoimmune disorder Guillain-Barre syndrome and Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM, which causes swelling of the brain and spinal cord) …

Maybe you could have guessed by now that they claim that the risks of these diseases are much, much higher after getting COVID. If that were true they would notice a reduction in these diseases after these “95% effective” jabs (instead of significantly higher risks), but don’t think about that too much…

In reality the adverse effects of the clot shots are even worse, as noted by Dr. Clare Craig, “For the first 21 days or more all events are lower because of the healthy vaccinee effect”, because people who are currently sick don’t get vaccinated.
Of course this “healthy vaccinee effect” wanes in time, so they needed “booster” shots to makes the immune destroying COVID vaccines seem effective: https://dailysceptic.org/2024/02/20/cov ... udy-finds/
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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

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Why now? Because genocide Joe is now the “deep state” favourite candidate?!?
On 7 March, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. finally “criticised” Trump’s role in getting the immune destroying clots shots approved at warp speed: https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/sta ... 5295105491

I’m certainly NOT the only one to think that the COVID “plandemic” was planned in advance.
I think that the BlackRock “going direct” plan of August 2019 is the most important advance “plan”:
Firestarter wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:39 pmMonths before the corona “pandemic” was started, the biggest investment fund in the world, BlackRock where the Trump family invests their savings, authored a plan to go “direct” in the next crisis, blurring the lines between government fiscal policy and central bank monetary policy.
The plan was rolled out in August 2019 at the G7 summit of central bankers.

Also interesting in this context is President Trump’s Executive Order EO 13887, of 19 September 2019 (something numeric: 9/19/19?), “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States To Promote National Security and Public Health.

Section 2 of the executive order describes the “solution”:
This order directs actions to reduce the United States’ reliance on egg-based influenza vaccine production; to expand domestic capacity of alternative methods that allow more agile and rapid responses to emerging influenza viruses; to advance the development of new, broadly protective vaccine candidates that provide more effective and longer lasting immunities; and to support the promotion of increased influenza vaccine immunization across recommended populations.
That’s basically describing the “need” for mRNA vaccines. Or as it is worded in section 4 of the EO, “cell-based and recombinant vaccine manufacturing”: https://www.technocracy.news/when-techn ... lled-over/

So then during the plandemic, the untested COVID mRNA vaccines were first emergency approved at warp speed (“normally” it takes at least 10 years of testing before new vaccines get approved…), and then quietly definitively approved, so they will never be properly tested…

Also relevant is that president Trump appointed big pharma shill Scott Gottlieb to head the FDA in 2017, with the objective to get big pharma’s products approved with less strict medical trials:
Firestarter wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:23 pmGottlieb has repeatedly criticised FDA’s “flawed culture” in which the safety of a drug is too much of a concern. Gottlieb will try to dramatically cut regulations governing food, drugs, cosmetics, dietary supplements and tobacco, so the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t have to worry about something minor like the health of their victims.
Of course this is not a drastic change from the policy under the Obama administration. FDA review for new drugs has fallen from an average of about 18 months a decade or two ago to about 12 months more recently, while the percentage of approvals of drug applications has risen to more than 90% in 2015.
Firestarter wrote: Thu Aug 05, 2021 7:24 pmAfter Scott Gottlieb was replaced as Trump's FDA Commissioner in April 2019, he became a director of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and in February 2020 he also joined the board of the little known Illumina Inc.

Michael Callahan, the associate of self-proclaimed inventor of mRNA vaccines Robert Malone, proposed to murder COVID patients by sedating them and putting them on a ventilator (to prevent the spread of COVID?!?)…
Firestarter wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:02 pmLast spring, doctors put patients on ventilators partly to limit contagion at a time when it was less clear how the virus spread, when protective masks and gowns were in short supply. Doctors could have employed other kinds of breathing support devices that don’t require risky sedation, but early reports suggested patients using them could spray dangerous amounts of virus into the air, said Theodore Iwashyna, a critical-care physician at University of Michigan and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in Ann Arbor, Mich.
At the time, he said, doctors and nurses feared the virus would spread through hospitals. “We were intubating sick patients very early. Not for the patients’ benefit, but in order to control the epidemic and to save other patients,” Dr. Iwashyna said “That felt awful.”
This basically resulted in a brutal lockdown that caused COVID deaths during the first wave of COVID hysteria, which was used as an argument to justify the brutal lockdown…

Anton Chaitkin sort of “predicted” this in 2009…
Firestarter wrote: Mon May 09, 2022 8:13 pmPresident Obama has put in place a reform apparatus reviving the euthanasia of Hitler Germany in 1939 that began the genocide there. The apparatus here is to deny medical care to elderly, chronically ill and poor people and thus save, as the president says, two to three trillion dollars by taking lives considered "not worthy to be lived" as the Nazi doctors said.
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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

Post by Firestarter »

Firestarter wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:04 pmIn April/May 2020, Sywert van Lienden and his 2 business partners - Bernd Damme and Camille van Gestel - made a cool 20 million profit on a deal selling 40 million Chinese masks to the Ducth government for 100 million Euro.


At first the responsible government officials - Rob van der Kolk, Mark Frequin and Bas van den Dungen - reject the Van Lienden and partners mask deal, for several reasons.
Then on 12 April 2020, Van Lienden sent his mask proposal to Van den Dungen, noting that he had made the plan in cooperation with the CC's in the mail, which included Prince Constantijn (the younger brother of King Willem-Alexander, him again!).
While the plandemic included trillions in euros in fraud by the rich and corrupt, in the Kingdom of the Netherlands only one of those scandals was made into a media hysteria. The only thing Sywert van der Linden did wrong was lying, by claiming that he wouldn’t make a profit.
While the government officials knowingly went along with this deal and Prince Constantijn of the nr. 1 crime family of the Netherlands was involved, they were ignored by our wonderful media.

On 26 March 2020, Feike Sijbesma, honorary chairman and former CEO of royal DSM, was appointed as a special envoy for the Dutch government to companies that could produce the unsafe and ineffective COVID vaccines.
Feike Sijbesma’s younger brother was the head of the German division of COVID vaccine producer AstraZeneca. So the Dutch government’s audit department reported that this wasn’t (!) a conflict of interest, and that Health Minister Hugo de Jonge did “reasonably well”: https://nltimes.nl/2024/04/10/dutch-gov ... ourt-audit

In many banana republics they might get upset over such blatant conflicts of interest, but our beloved king awarded Sjibesma a nice knighthood for his services to the kingdom in September 2021.

In 2016, Feike Sijbesma became co-chair of the High Level Assembly of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) for the World Bank Group and the next year was named a "Global Climate Leader” by the World Bank.
In 2020, Sijbesma was appointed to an external advisory group on policy challenges for the IMF.
Since mid-2020, Sijbesma is chairman of Royal Philips and Unilever.
In 2023, UN Secretary-General António Guterres appointed Sijbesma as a member of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement's group.

Feike Sijbesma is naturally a member of the Board of Trustees of the WEF.
Sijbesma is also a member of the Supervisory Board for the Dutch Central Bank (DNB): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feike_Sijbesma

In another one of those strange coincidences, in 2007 AstraZeneca acquired a biopharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Montreal, Canada from none other than royal DSM.
The factory had originally been financed by the Canadian government, together with Societe Generale de Financement du Quebec and (of course) DSM: https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/projects/dsm/


In March 2024, on the streets of Amsterdam I talked to a man that complained that because of a severe case of COVID, he had spent more than a year in hospital, got 4 surgeries, and lost more than 20 kg in bodyweight. Naturally I thought, but didn’t say, COVID doesn’t exist and surgeries for a respiratory disease is criminally insane.
He later added that 2 weeks before he got severely ill, his food “tasted like antibiotics”. I thought to myself, but didn’t say, that sounds like a severe case of food poisoning, and instead asked if he had suffered from diarrhoea, which he never answered.
He did later say that after he was released from hospital, he sometimes had to vomit, up to 6 times a day, losing 2 kg of bodyweight. I thought to myself, but didn’t say, that also sounds like food poisoning…

Maybe there are other explanations, but I think that most of these excess deaths (compared to the 2015-2019 average) were caused by the immune destroying clot shots…

In 2021, in the US there were 448,740 excess deaths for people older than 65.
Since 2021, there has not been a period without excess deaths. Usually (before the COVID vaccines) excess deaths were only in 1 or 2 peaks (during epidemics) in the winter.

See the 2 graphs with excess deaths in 2021 from weeks 21 to 52.

In 2022 there were 371,466 excess deaths and in 2023 another 257,415 excess deaths for people older than 65 in the US.
This means that from the beginning of 2021 until week 1 of 2024 there have been a scary 1,069,943 excess deaths among people aged over 65 in the US (that doesn’t come close to the 50 million deaths in 2 years in the US from the mRNA vaccines predicted by some misinformation agents though): https://expose-news.com/2024/03/31/usa- ... y-c19-jab/
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Pottinger and Deborah Birx

Post by Firestarter »

I’ve previously posted about Stanley Pottinger’s involvement in staging false flag terror around the globe, and his son Matthew:
Firestarter wrote:Stanley Pottinger’s son, Matthew Pottinger, together with Vicky Ward, David Boies and… Jeffrey Epstein were all members of the Council on Foreign Relations at one point: https://www.truthforhealth.org/2023/07/ ... ultimatum/

In 2017, Matthew Pottinger was hired as a member of Trump’s US National Security Council.
From 22 September 2019 to 7 January 2021, Matthew Pottinger was even Trump’s US deputy national security advisor.

After leaving the Trump administration (in its last days), Matthew Pottinger joined the Hoover Institution and the zionist Foundation for Defense of Democracies

In 1998, Matt Pottinger went to China to work as a journalist for 7 years, where one of the topics he covered was (the original) SARS fake-epidemic.
In 2005, Pottinger “unexpectedly” joined the US Marine Corps in which role he met General Michael Flynn, who later appointed him to Trump’s US National Security Council and as Asia Director. In September 2019, Pottinger even became Deputy National Security Advisor, directly under NSA Robert O’Brien.

Matthew Pottinger also promoted the brutal lockdown and mask mandates, saying that “dramatic actions” had to be taken, including a travel ban from China to the US.
At one important meeting Pottinger used Peter Navarro to promote the brutal lockdown. Navarro was involved in promoting the 2020 presidential election voter fraud fraud, and on 25 January 2024 was sentenced to 4 months in jail for contempt-of-Congress.
Firestarter wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:02 pmIn one of those strange coincidences, Callahan worked in China during the 2003 SARS epidemic. Also present in China at the time were Matt Pottinger and possibly White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx.
Matt Pottinger got his wife’s friend, Deborah Birx, appointed as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator on 27 February 2020. It was Birx who ultimately implemented the brutal lockdown.
Matt met his wife, Yen Pottinger, when he was working as a journalist in China: https://brownstone.org/articles/matt-po ... lockdowns/

Yen Pottinger is a long-time collaborator of Deborah Birx including the (original) SARS China hoax. Yen Pottinger, with Birx, have been using AIDS as an argument to implement the depopulation agenda.
Yen Pottinger was involved in advising on COVID-19 diagnostics and testing (with all the false positives to justify the brutal lockdown): https://icap.columbia.edu/news-events/s ... ight-agai/
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Re: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak hysteria

Post by Firestarter »

The following scientific-looking report concludes that the excess all-cause mortality in 2021 and 2022 in high-vaxxed Japan was probably caused by the COVID vaccines.
While there was no excess mortality in 2020, after mass vaccination, in 2021 there was a significant excess mortality of 2.1% that in 2022 increased to a whopping 9.6%, while before 2021 there was a downward trend in mortality in Japan.
The annual numbers of age-adjusted deaths in Japan from 2020, 2021, to 2022 went from 1,206,126, to 1,244,976, and 1,320,768 deaths from all causes (in 2022, the excess deaths totalled 115,799).

See the decreasing trend in mortality in Japan, and the increase in 2021 and 2022, since the COVID vaccinations.

Strangely the writers of this article don’t report on which death causes saw the most increase (excess) in deaths, but instead report on the rise in cancer mortality that was “only” 1.1% in 2021, and 2.1% for all cancers in 2022 (so much lower than the relative excess mortality from all causes).
This rise in excess mortality also suggests that either the long-term effects of the clot shots are as bad (or even worse) than the short-term effects, or the cumulative effects of the multiple booster jabs make them even deadlier.

Miki Gibo et al. – Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan (April 2024): https://www.cureus.com/articles/196275- ... c-in-japan

The following is a scientific looking report on the self-reported heart problems after being poisoned with the immune-destroying clot shots in Saudi Arabia…

Of the study participants 15.8% were admitted to critical care units and 11.4% to general hospital wards. A scary 9.5% received medical care for cardiac complications for more than one year.
The problem with this “study” is that it includes a disproportionate large percentage of people with severe adverse effects, and for obvious reasons didn’t include those that died…
Significant associations were found among demographic variables, vaccination behaviors, health diagnoses, and perceptions of self-reported physician-diagnosed cardiac complications post mRNA vaccination in Saudi Arabia. Key findings included a high mRNA vaccine uptake with a frequency of 747 (92.79%) and a mere frequency of 218 (27.11%) reporting cardiac complications post vaccination.

Approximately 27.11% of participants reported being diagnosed with cardiac complications post mRNA vaccination. Duration, hospitalization, and treatment methods varied significantly, with medical treatment being the most common.
Muazzam M. Sheriff et al. – A Study on the Self-Reported Physician-Diagnosed Cardiac Complications Post mRNA Vaccination in Saudi Arabia (January 2024): https://web.archive.org/web/20240119112 ... -arabia#!/

The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, analysed age-corrected mortality data from 2020 and 2021.
See a graph of the COVID mortality in 2020 and 2021 for different ages, which shows COVID mortality rate increasing with age, with mortality rates in 2021 higher...

The following chart shows a 145% to 174% rise in global COVID deaths in all age groups from 2020 to 2021 (caused by the vaccines?!?).
https://dailysceptic.org/2024/04/12/lan ... -vaccines/

This was already reported in March 2022, concluding that the mortality rates in high-quality nursing homes in the US were higher than in low-quality nursing homes.
This was probably caused by the high-quality nursing homes implementing the deadly COVID protocols “better” than the low-quality nursing homes…

See the higher the ranking (in “quality”), the higher the number of non-Covid deaths in the nursing homes.

This suggests an about 10% increase in mortality in 2–5-star nursing homes (compared to low-ranking 1-star nursing homes).
Or an estimated 1/3 to 1/2 of the excess mortality in 12 months: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-nur ... e-paradox/

This more or less confirms that the health protocols were designed to kill (the deaths were used to inflate the COVID death numbers). Michael Callahan, the associate of self-proclaimed inventor of mRNA vaccines Robert Malone, proposed to murder COVID patients by sedating them and putting them on a ventilator (to prevent the spread of COVID?!?)…
Firestarter wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:02 pmLast spring, doctors put patients on ventilators partly to limit contagion at a time when it was less clear how the virus spread, when protective masks and gowns were in short supply. Doctors could have employed other kinds of breathing support devices that don’t require risky sedation, but early reports suggested patients using them could spray dangerous amounts of virus into the air, said Theodore Iwashyna, a critical-care physician at University of Michigan and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in Ann Arbor, Mich.
At the time, he said, doctors and nurses feared the virus would spread through hospitals. “We were intubating sick patients very early. Not for the patients’ benefit, but in order to control the epidemic and to save other patients,” Dr. Iwashyna said “That felt awful.”
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