Subject; "Questions about corruption / Kérdések korrupcióról"
These are what I asked in the email;
This is the email;1, How happens the employment of Hungarian ex-communists and their families at NATO/EU? And who stand up for them?
Because for example, when I tried to use my rights to prevent the ex-communists and their families bias/prejudice as a victim of ex-communists crimes then the family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". - And the family doctors falsified my health documents and insurance with false medical reports, and the authorities refuse to stop this crime.
- And I saw an Al Jazeera documentary where the Taliban and a person from the previous regime had no problem to tell how the Taliban employed him after Taliban won the war, and they didn't say "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". Title "Exclusive access inside the Taliban's palace | Witness Documentary"., time 15:52
2, Why didn't NATO stop this human rights crime, when it used Hungary for military medical exercise?
"NATO’s largest series of military medical exercises took place in Bakonykúti Training Area, Hungary. It included 1600 military medical experts, from 27 Allies and a number of partner nations". While the Hungarian health is persecuting me on a racist political way.
3, What if there is a war between Russia and NATO/EU and mass graves of genocide are discovered?
- and all or most of the dead were victims of ex-communist crimes, and their relatives and supporters. - And EU/NATO investigations point to Russians and to its allies, but they say EU/NATO did corrupt investigations. - And Russians and their allies try to use my fight for my human rights to prove how the corrupt part of EU/NATO has been falsifying everything to hide their own human rights crimes. - A fact, for example the Russian embassy voluntarily talked with me to prove their innocence, in 2020 at my first expressing opinion in front of them, while EU/NATO doesn't want to end this persecution against me. - My conclusion with the Russian embassy was this in 2021; "- The West, especially the EU, introduced new laws, services to prevent/ solve problems like this after the cold war, and they got a lot of money for that. And if they can't solve it in Hungary then they should have lured me into another country to live there before I realize this".
It's not difficult to foresee that it will happen as always "-Does he have anybody (gang, family, etc) which can punish our (criminal) authorities as the gypsies are doing it or doesn't?", "-No? Then ignore it and time will solve it somehow..".Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
23, 08, 2024. Hungary,
To; -Governments, Ministries, and Defences /Armies, Secret services of NATO and EU countries, -PESCO (Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)
-Viktor Orbán Prime Minister, FIDESZ-KDNP political parties, -Hungary Helps Program, Azbej Tristan, Péter Kovács
Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20151115Consul.png, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
Subject; Questions about corruption
Dear Sir, Madam,
I'd like to ask the following, because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this persecution can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.
1, How happens the employment of Hungarian ex-communists and their families at NATO/EU? And who stand up for them?
Because for example, when I tried to use my rights to prevent the ex-communists and their families bias/prejudice as a victim of ex-communists crimes then the family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". - And the family doctors falsified my health documents and insurance with false medical reports, and the authorities refuse to stop this crime.
- And I saw an Al Jazeera documentary where the Taliban and a person from the previous regime had no problem to tell how the Taliban employed him after Taliban won the war, and they didn't say "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". Title "Exclusive access inside the Taliban's palace | Witness Documentary"., time 15:52
2, Why didn't NATO stop this human rights crime, when it used Hungary for military medical exercise?
"NATO’s largest series of military medical exercises took place in Bakonykúti Training Area, Hungary. It included 1600 military medical experts, from 27 Allies and a number of partner nations". While the Hungarian health is persecuting me on a racist political way.
3, What if there is a war between Russia and NATO/EU and mass graves of genocide are discovered?
- and all or most of the dead were victims of ex-communist crimes, and their relatives and supporters. - And EU/NATO investigations point to Russians and to its allies, but they say EU/NATO did corrupt investigations. - And Russians and their allies try to use my fight for my human rights to prove how the corrupt part of EU/NATO has been falsifying everything to hide their own human rights crimes. - A fact, for example the Russian embassy voluntarily talked with me to prove their innocence, in 2020 at my first expressing opinion in front of them, while EU/NATO doesn't want to end this persecution against me. - My conclusion with the Russian embassy was this in 2021; "- The West, especially the EU, introduced new laws, services to prevent/ solve problems like this after the cold war, and they got a lot of money for that. And if they can't solve it in Hungary then they should have lured me into another country to live there before I realize this".
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
*** in Hungarian / Magyarul ***
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, 08, 23
Címzett; -NATO és EU országok; Kormányai, Minisztériumai, Honvédelmei / Hadseregei, és Titkosszolgálatai, -PESCO, (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)
-Orbán Viktor Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai pártok, -Hungary Helps Program, Azbej Tristan, Kovács Péter
Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20151115Consul.png, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
Tárgy: Kérdések korrupcióról
Tisztelt Cím!
A következőket szeretném kérdezni, mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most az EU-nak, NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. További információk erről az üldözésről a csatolásokban találhatók 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.
1, Hogyan történik a magyar ex-kommunisták és családjaik foglalkoztatása a NATO/EU-nál? És kik állnak ki értük?
Mert például amikor megpróbáltam élni az ex-kommunisták és családjaik elfogultságai/előítéletei elleni jogaimmal, mint ex-kommunista bűncselekmények áldozata, akkor a háziorvosok és más hatóságok is elutasították a jogaimat azzal az indokkal hogy "Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". - És a Háziorvosok meghamisították az egészségügyi dokumentumaimat és biztosításomat hamis orvosi jelentésekkel, és a hatóságok megtagadják megállítani ezt a bűnt.
- És láttam egy Al jazeera dokumentumfilmet, ahol a táliboknak és az előző rezsimből származó személynek nem volt gond elmondani, hogyan alkalmazták őt a tálibok miután a tálibok megnyerték a háborút, és ők nem mondták hogy "Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". Cím "Exclusive access inside the Taliban's palace | Witness Documentary", idő 15:52
2, Miért nem állította meg NATO ezt az emberi jogi bűnt, amikor katonai orvosi gyakorlatra használta Magyarországot?
"NATO legnagyobb hadiorvosi gyakorlatsorozata volt Magyarországon, a Bakonykúti Gyakorlati Körzetben. 1600 katonai egészségügyi szakértő vett részt benne, 27 szövetségestől és számos partnerországtól". Mialatt a magyar egészségügy rasszista politikai módon üldöz engem.
3. Mi van, ha háború van Oroszország és a NATO/EU között, és népirtás tömegsírjait fedezik fel?
- és a halottak mindegyike vagy nagy része ex-kommunista bűnök áldozatai voltak, és a hozzátartozóik és támogatóik. - És EU/NATO nyomozások pedig az oroszokra és szövetségeseire mutatnak, de ők azt mondják, hogy a EU/NATO korrupt vizsgálatokat végzett. - És az oroszok és szövetségeseik pedig megpróbálják felhasználni az emberi jogaimért folytatott küzdelmemet annak bizonyítására, hogy EU/NATO korrupt része mindent meghamisított, hogy elrejtsék a saját emberi jogi bűncselekményeiket. - Tény, például az orosz nagykövetség önként beszélt velem, hogy bizonyítsák ártatlanságukat, 2020-ban az első véleménynyilvánításomon előttük, mialatt EU/NATO nem akar véget vetni ennek az ellenem irányuló üldözésnek. - Az Orosz Nagykövetséggel ez volt következtetésem 2021-ben; „- A Nyugat, különösen az EU új törvényeket, szolgáltatásokat vezetett be az ehhez hasonló problémák megelőzésére/ megoldására a hidegháború után, és sok pénzt kaptak ezért. És ha nem tudják megoldani ezt Magyarországon, akkor el kellett volna csábítaniuk egy másik országba, hogy ott éljek, mielőtt rájönnék erre".
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert
By the way about a half year ago or more at least 1 police was killed and 2 seriously injured in a suicide bombing man let the police into his house and then blew it up. I think the corrupt mafia authorities created that suicide crime with picking the wrong man, and then a police chief or Interior ministry said something like this "This event (1 police died) is inside the statistics.. so stop worry..", lol, I never heard this from them before.
- So what I mean is these people just gonna carry on with their racist crime, and EU-NATO gonna ignore this crime because corruptions. And EU-NATO / Western world can't really tell me "move here or there" because they are so obviously in the bed with my enemies. - And earlier I thought Malaysia will be a place where I can be useful after this persecution is over, anyway.. The corruptly idiot EU-NATO system should left me alone, I was a very good worker before the stalking etc started (it started around 2008), and since 2015 my fight for my life is proving also how I work.
** 2 ** As I said in my earlier post that next week on 28 August I will express my opinion (1 person protest) in Budapest, and I wonder if the police etc authorities will ask their tricky question "Is there anything we can do?" and I will say again "Yes, I want you to give back my human rights / stop this human rights crime..". And I wonder if they gonna say me "Okay let's do it.." because it would be the same like at Orban's home, or at his office "We can't do it because more people would come as a precedence and it's bad for our dirty business", and they try to show that it's my fault. Not to mention my enemies always wanted to carry on with their human rights crime instead of stopping it, that's why they lied in each of their "investigations".
But hey if they say me that they want to stop their own racist human rights crime then they can (but so far they were cheaters with their fake promises etc). Their cheap promises is like in sneaky mafia movies when the backstabber is a sweet friendly person or crocodile tears etc..
- Fact is if they want to stop their own crime then they would just simply delete their false medical reports from my health history and insurance and inform me about it, but they never did that for some corrupt racist reasons..
- Two things are sure a) I will report again those police etc which will try to trick me. and b) EU-NATO aren't happy about my reports because they're friends of my enemies and they don't want to look dirty in it.
I've been protesting since 2020 and I met hundreds of police since the persecution started in 2015. But I only met one single police which was sick with this crime and no crocodile-tears etc, the rest police followed orders and ignored my troubled life, and/or were thinking like radical racist in an apartheid etc.. I think about 3-5 % of police are seriously radicals, the rest follows orders for money etc benefits. And ironically that "only one" police worked front of the Russian embassy and not elsewhere, no wonder why West is losing colonies and wars everywhere.