The fight against Newspeak

Comprehending laws and contracts is impossible, unless we first learn the meaning of the words and phrases they contain.

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Re: The fight against Newspeak

Post by veritas »

notmartha wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:14 pm
veritas wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:40 am See the crucified Dionysus with the 7 Pleiades overhead. This is not Dionysus and this is a complete fake.
Again, please quote who you are responding to. With 11+ pages, it is hard to follow the thread without proper quotes. And please keep your posts objective, excluding personal attacks.
It seems to me easy to guess who I answer, who writes to them, how can I answer those who are not participating in the conversation? You are a Jew, am I right?
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Re: The fight against Newspeak

Post by notmartha »

veritas wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:32 pm
notmartha wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:14 pm
veritas wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:40 am See the crucified Dionysus with the 7 Pleiades overhead. This is not Dionysus and this is a complete fake.
Again, please quote who you are responding to. With 11+ pages, it is hard to follow the thread without proper quotes. And please keep your posts objective, excluding personal attacks.
It seems to me easy to guess who I answer, who writes to them, how can I answer those who are not participating in the conversation? You are a Jew, am I right?
No it is not easy to figure out who you are talking to/about. Many people participated in this thread.

And you are wrong.
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Re: The fight against Newspeak

Post by veritas »

notmartha wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:57 pm
veritas wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:32 pm
notmartha wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:14 pm

Again, please quote who you are responding to. With 11+ pages, it is hard to follow the thread without proper quotes. And please keep your posts objective, excluding personal attacks.
It seems to me easy to guess who I answer, who writes to them, how can I answer those who are not participating in the conversation? You are a Jew, am I right?
No it is not easy to figure out who you are talking to/about. Many people participated in this thread.

And you are wrong.
From a recent online essay--
There are 13 letters that have come down to us among the works of Plato, a corpus compiled and organised in ancient times. One of the 13 – the first – is demonstrably not by Plato, and this bad apple has raised doubts about the authenticity of the whole collection. Another reason for scepticism is the epistolary genre itself. Forgers, as we know, made good money in antiquity by creating spurious letters from famous people and selling them to libraries and collectors. We have great numbers of surviving forgeries, attributed to Socrates, Diogenes and other Greek sages but showing stylistic features out of step with the Greek of their authors’ times. All personal letters from Greek antiquity are therefore suspect, although some – such as a number of those attributed to Demosthenes – appear to be genuine. ... l-about-us
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The fight against technocracy

Post by Firestarter »

Technocracy is the best one-word explanation I found for the developments to turn us all into mind-controlled slaves since September 2001: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2631

Part of the agenda to enslave mankind are newspeak, hip words. It are especially standard sentences (sayings) that are dumbing us down to the point that standard questions are automatically answered with the standard answers, like the mind controlled slave we are. Most smart fools think that using the latest hip technological lingo makes them look “intelligent”.
What makes this especially powerful is the voice-to-skull technology where we get brainwashed by sending the propaganda directly into our brain by the voice of God radio waves in the same frequency as our brainwaves, this has been used since the early 1980s (in a similar way to the nightly conditioning of the Brave new world Aldous Huxley described).
Firestarter wrote:In 1975, director of Laboratories of Experimental Neuropsychology at Veterans Administration Hospital in Kansas City Don R. Justesen unwittingly leaked National Security Information, when he published an article in “American Psychologist” on the influence of microwaves. He quoted results of an experiment described to him by Joseph C. Sharp, who was working on Pandora, a secret project of the American Navy.
It has interesting information on the possible health effects of microwaves, but more interesting on experiments on sending voices directly into the brain using microwaves…

The most important technocratic weapon used against is the surveillance equipment called the smartphone, through which big brother knows all about us, and our friends and family. This really makes the brainwashing possible, because without immediate feedback on the latest mind control strategies, they wouldn’t know the results of the latest efforts to turn us into mind controlled slaves.
Teenagers these days often cannot even socialise together anymore without pulling out their smartphones every ten minutes. And “older” people are often just as bad.
Parents don’t know how to raise their children without advice from their favourite smartphone app. As the smartphone is sort of all-knowing:
Firestarter wrote:Silly me, thinking that smartphones are merely surveillance equipment, when it has become the smart fools’ god!
With the smartphone effectively the smart fool’s god, wouldn’t it be fitting if the herd starts praying to their smartphone (including confessing their sins?) to make their faith hollow?!?

Certainly not the first of its kind, the Hallow app to help us pray, which received $40 million in its last funding round, and is backed by PayPal mafia godfather Peter Thiel and J.D. Vance (that’s also a friend of Vivek Ramaswamy).
The Hallow app is promoted by movie stars, including Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, Liam Neeson, and Jim Caviezel (that played the leading role in the Trump-supporting “Sound of Freedom” movie), and the classical Italian singer Andrea Bocelli.

The Hallow app looks to become the most popular prayer app, with a subscription cost of a mere $60 per year or $9 per month. That’s one way to become a millionaire: ... ow-prayers

According to chapter 80 of the Tao Te Ching.
If a country is governed wisely,
its inhabitants will be content.
They enjoy the labor of their hands
and don't waste time inventing
labor-saving machines.

Since they dearly love their homes,
they aren't interested in travel.
There may be a few wagons and boats,
but these don't go anywhere.

There may be an arsenal of weapons,
but nobody ever uses them.
People enjoy their food,
take pleasure in being with their families,
spend weekends working in their gardens,
delight in the doings of the neighborhood.

And even though the next country is so close
that people can hear its roosters crowing and its dogs barking,
they are content to die of old age
without ever having gone to see it.
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MAGA witchcraft

Post by Firestarter »

With “maga” the Latin word for witch, it shouldn’t really be surprising that the maga cult has been indoctrinated with satanic (theosophical) and freemasonic messages…

In September 2021, at a ReAwaken America event, Trump’s disgraced NSA Mike Flynn was leading an occult “sevenfold rays” prayer very similar to that of the theosophist Elizabeth Clare Prophet in 1984. With the brainwashed MAGA red hatters repeating… ... event.html

These rays sound like sun worshipping to me. This is what Wikipedia has to say about the 7 rays…
The seven rays is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies in both Western culture and in India since at least the sixth century BCE.
In occidental culture, it can be seen in early Western mystery traditions, such as Gnosticism and Mithraism, and in texts and iconic art of the Catholic Church as early as the Byzantine Empire.[1][2][3][4] In India, the concept has been part of Hindu religious philosophy and scripture since at least the Vishnu Purana, dating from the post-Vedic era.

Beginning in the late 19th century, the seven rays appeared in a modified and elaborated form in the teachings of Theosophy, first presented by Helena Blavatsky.[8] The Theosophical concept of the seven rays was further developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the writings of Theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater, and by other authors such as Alice Bailey, Manly P. Hall, and others — notably including the teachings of Benjamin Creme and his group Share International,[9] as well as the philosophies of organizations such as Temple of the People,[10] "I AM" Activity,[11] The Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse,[8][12] The Temple of The Presence (1995)[13] and various other organizations promulgating Ascended Master Teachings, a group of religious teachings based on Theosophy.

Blavatsky summarizes the syncretistic principle of her doctrine as it relates to the seven rays:
"...a key which reveals to us on indisputable grounds of comparative analogy... the Indian phœnix, the emblem of cyclic and periodical time, the "man-lion" Singha, of whose representations the so-called "gnostic gems" are so full. Over the seven rays of the lion's crown, and corresponding to their points, stand, in many cases, the seven vowels of the Greek alphabet AEHIOYW, testifying to the Seven Heavens. This is the Solar lion and the emblem of the Solar cycle, as Garuda is that of the great cycle, the "Maha-Kalpa" co-eternal with Vishnu, and also, of course, the emblem of the Sun, and Solar cycle. ... As well remarked by C. W. King: — "Whatever the primary meaning (of the gem with the solar lion and vowels) it was probably imported in its present shape from India, that true fountain head of gnostic iconography." (Gnostics, p. 218)

The grifter Trump has been widely ridiculed for selling $60 “God Bless the USA” bibles.
These Bibles include a King James Bible and a handwritten version of the chorus of Lee Greenwood’s song “God Bless the USA”, the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Country singer Lee Greenwood is the originator of the “God Bless the USA” bible that he has been selling since 2001 (after 9/11).
Greenwood’s song has been used by several Republican candidates (including of course Trump).

See Lee Greenwood on the left (dressed in the stars and stripes of corruption) performing at a at a rally for Republican vice presidential candidate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on the right (in black) on 21 October 2008 in Reno, Nevada.
The blond women in the light dress, left of the centre, is Trump’s friend, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who endorsed the McCain-Palin ticket, because Obama was too extremely left wing (was that really in support of Obama?!?)…

Trump gets a stake of the bible selling through CIC Ventures LLC.
CIC Ventures is also connected to selling Trump’s $399 “Never Surrender” sneakers:

The US constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and Pledge of Allegiance were of course devised by freemasons (or at the very least inspired by freemasonry), but don’t think about that too much: ... eemasonry/
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Riding the goat; Judaism origins

Post by Firestarter »

I always found the sign with the following statue goat rider (Bokkenrijder) in the Oosterpark in Amsterdam strange as it suggests that children should climb on the back of the goat.

Recently it hit me that this status is a blatant example of “Riding the goat”.
At the following link, to my surprise it is actually described that goat riders could refer to making a trip to their master, the Devil: (in Dutch)

There is also a “Suske en Wiske” comic called “De Bokkerijders” (the goat riders), first published in 1956.
(in Dutch)

While I thought that “Riding the goat” was some sort official term to describe the initiation of freemasons into the first degree, freemasonry itself claims that this has never been more than a prank.

Early masonic ritual books referred to God as “God Of All Things” and abbreviated it as G.O.A.T. (an abbreviation now often used to describe the “Greatest Off All Time”).
The goat could of course also refer to the Greek god, Pan: ... er-stunts/


I found the following on the origins of Judaism interesting, translated from Russian, it overlaps with some of the information I posted previously in this thread…
the key event for the emergence of Judaism was the bringing in the XII century BC by a group of Semitic refugees from Egypt ("Levi's tribe") to Canaan a new deity named Yahweh. This group of refugees met him and made a covenant (berit) in Midian, where Yahweh was revered as the god of the sandstorm (samuma). In Canaan, the "Levites" joined the local tribal association Israel, which joined their covenant with Yahweh and took from them the myth of the life of their ancestors in Egypt and their escape from it. Brought from outside, Yahweh entered into a difficult relationship with the traditional Canaanite pantheon of Israel. At the end of several centuries of such interaction, the image of Yahweh merged with the images of the two main members of this pantheon - El and Baal. From Al, Yahweh inherited the features of an elderly wise patriarch, the father of gods and people. The self-name of Israel ("El rules") was formed on behalf of Al, as the name of the capital of Israel, Jerusalem ("Foundation of Shalim"), formed on behalf of the son of Al and Asher.

The qualities of Baal were learned by Yahweh so fully that it makes it possible to characterize yahvism as a kind of vaalism. After merging with Al, Yahweh inherited from him his wife Usher, whose veneration continued in the official Jewish cult until the Babylonian conquest. In the post-captivity era, Ushera was expelled from Judaism with the transfer of some of her duties to Yahweh, but was eventually partially rehabilitated under the names of Wisdom, or Shekhina. In captive Judaism, the veneration of Ashera in the form of a sacred tree symbolizing her fruit-bearing womb was widespread. In post-captivity Judaism, the continuation of this image was the menorah (seven candlestick).

According to the Old Testament esoteric tradition, Cain did not come from Adam, but from the upright Edenic "serft" Samael. In Tikun ha-Zohar, the Cainites say as follows: "...the people of the Great Mixture are the children of the primordial serpent who seduced Eve; the Great Mixture is made of the poison that the serpent poured into Eve and from which she conceived Cain"[23].
This tradition was developed in the midrash of the VII-VIII centuries A.D. Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer: "And she (Eve) saw that his (Cain's) likeness is not the likeness of people, but the likeness of the gods. And she prophesied and said, "I received a man with God (Genesis 4:1) "[24] A similar tradition is recorded in the Book of Zohar (1.35b), Mishnah (Sota 10b) and the Book of Bahir (Bahir, 200)[25]. "Rabbi Ios said that when the descendants of Cain walked on the earth, they smoothed out the face of the earth and that they had a resemblance to the angels of heaven at above and to men at the bottom" (Zohar, Bereshit A, 464).

Thus, according to Jewish religious and esoteric anthropology, humanity is fundamentally heterogeneous: in addition to the offspring of Adam and Eve (descendant of Sefa) and the descendants of the "guards" of the "daughters of men" throughout the history of mankind (both antediluvian and post-Flood, there is another "hybrid" branch of the human race, originating from the carnal union of Eve and the Edenic "snake". ... abbalists/
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Re: The fight against Newspeak

Post by Prince Arthur »

Witch Riding Backwards On A Goat, 1500

Albrecht Durer

ImageWitch Riding Backwards On A Goat, 1500 by Prince Arthur, on Flickr

Riding the GOAT

Pledging your soul to the ‘Great ARCHitect of the Universe’ – t.G.A.O.T.u.? ... e_Universe

ImageAlbrecht Durer entered into the CONTRACT of the ARCH by Prince Arthur, on Flickr
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Krampus, Sunneklaas, St Lucia

Post by Firestarter »

Firestarter wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:23 pmIt looks like the tale of Sinterklaas was mostly based on the Norse God Odin (the tale of Santa Claus changed his home to the North Pole). One of Odin's most popular titles is – Allfather.
Odin had a long white beard (one eye) and sometimes visited earth, in disguise, in a cloak and broad-brimmed hat or hood.
Besides Santa Claus, there are some local European variations on the Sinterklaas, Saint Nicholas, Odin, Yule celebrations…

In Austria, Bavaria and Tyrol, St Nicholas is accompanied by the demonic Krampus, who punishes “bad” children by taking them to his lair.
Krampus was incorporated into the St Nicholas festivities in the 17th century.

On 5 December, Krampus Night, young men dress up as hairy goat-like devils to terrify children.
Image ... us-1531687
( ... us-1531687)

See St Nicholas in the Alps mountains area accompanied by Krampus demons (instead of the “zwarte Piet” in the Netherlands, and “Oel” demons in Belgium).
(in Dutch) ... htfeesten/

In the small Dutch northern (Wadden) island of Ameland there is a secretive local ritual instead of Sinterklaas, called “Sunneklaas” (I didn’t even know about this…).
On 5 December, journalists of PowNed tried to report on “Sunneklaas”, but were harassed by Ameland locals. They filed charges with the cops, and politicians said it’s terrible that these journalists were harassed (as they care so very much about “freedom of speech”).

Apparently the Sunneklaas ritual involves some matchmaking for young adults that they claim was originally also part of the Sinterklaas festivities.
The young men take over the streets, dressed up with masks.
(in Dutch)
(in Dutch)

In other Wadden islands, a similar “Sunderklaas” ritual is celebrated, which involves dressing up, in Texel on 5 December (the normal day for Sinterklaas) and 12 December (the day of St Lucia, after “lux”, Latin for light).
It has been argued that these rituals relate to Wodan (the Germanic name for Odin), Krampus and “sun” worshipping (in Dutch “zon”).

In the North of Italy and Scandinavia there is an annual celebration for St Lucia on 13 December, with similarities to the Sinterklaas in the Netherlands and Belgium. Lucia is the patron saint of Venice and Syracuse: (in Dutch)
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