Green energy fraud

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Green energy fraud

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We’ve been fooled into believing that electricity produced by wind is better for the environment than conventional energy sources.

For nearly the last 40 years, world energy demand has grown at about 2% a year.
Since a two-megawatt turbine can produce about 0.005 terawatt-hours per year, we would need to built an additional 350,000 per year, just to supply the growth in energy consumption. That’s 150% of the amount that was built in the world since the early 2000s!

That many turbines would require a land area half the size of the British Isles, including Ireland (61,000 sq mi) – to be build every single year.
In 50 years this would amount to a land area about half the size of Russia covered with wind farms (3.05 million sq mi).
Please note that this would only cover the increase in energy consumption!

In reality the vast majority of generated energy in the third world is from burning “traditional biomass”: sticks, logs, charcoal and dung burned for cooking food.
Even in rich countries with subsidised wind and solar energy, most of the “renewable energy” in fact comes from wood and hydro.

It takes a lot of energy to build wind turbines, which apart from the fiberglass blades, are made mostly of steel, with concrete bases. Coal is needed to make the steel and cement.
A two-megawatt wind turbine weighs about 250 metric tons, including the tower, nacelle, rotor and blades. They need about half a ton of coal to make a ton of steel. Add another 25 tons of coal for the cement and you’re talking about 150 metric tons of coal per wind turbine.

If they would build 350,000 wind turbines a year (just to keep up with increasing energy demand), they would need 50 million metric tons of coal a year more than being mined now. That’s about half the EU’s hard coal–mining output.

If you look at these numbers, you can only conclude that it is utterly futile to think that wind power can make any significant contribution to world energy supply, let alone reduce emissions, without destroying the planet (that´s besides the huge number of birds being chopped up in the blades of the turbines): ... ind-power/
(archived here:

Then there´s the cost...
Offshore wind is very expensive. In 2017, the first U.S. offshore wind farm on Rhode Island cost a whopping $150,000 per household powered!

In 2018, Virginia politicians approved an offshore wind project at an estimated cost of $300 million.
Virginians will first pay 25 times the U.S. market price for the turbines and then pay 78 cents/kilowatt-hour for their intermittent electricity. That’s 26 times the 3 cents per kWh wholesale price for coal, gas, hydroelectric or nuclear electricity in the Commonwealth!

Because turbines age, onshore wind electricity output declines by 16% per decade of operation.
Natural gas plants have 30-40 year lifetimes, while wind turbines last only 15-20 years, or even less for offshore wind farms (due to the weather conditions).

Removing (decommissioning) wind turbines is also very expensive.
Virginia’s turbines will be 27 miles from the coast (which is even more expensive to remove). Removing an industrial-scale “wind farm” could cost billions, and could double the cost of wind power.
One study estimates that it will cost $565,000 per megawatt to remove Europe’s offshore turbines — or about $3.4 million for each new generation 6-MW turbine.

Because wind varies from second to second, day to day, year to year, you can´t rely on wind power when it´s needed most.
Industrial wind promoters claim turbines generate electricity about a third of the time. Energy experts put that output at 20-30% or even lower, depending on location.

From an economic, environmental and energy perspective, wind energy is unsustainable: ... -about-to/
(archived here:

I think I´m gonna read about the heroics of Don Quixote for inspiration:

EDIT - I've decided to broaden the scope of this thread, so changed its name.
Last edited by Firestarter on Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wind power fraud

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It shouldn´t surprise anybody that none other than Queen Elizabeth II profits from the wind energy fraud.
The Crown Estate holds “ancient” exclusive rights to the seabed around the British Isles for wind and wave power.
In 2018, the U.K.’s world-leading investment in offshore wind farms contributed toward a record Sovereign grant to the Royal Family - $137 million.

The payment is currently 25% of the profits of the Crown Estate. The rate has been increased from 15% for 10 years (until 2027) under the guise of refurbishing Buckingham Palace.
In 2018, the Crown’s seabed generated 7.7 gigawatts (0.2 GW more than in 2017).
The Sovereign Grant will continue to rise as more offshore wind farms are build.

The Queen’s seabeds reportedly generate 8% of Britain’s electricity, but the British government has recently decided that even more money must be wasted on wind power:
We’ve set out that by 2030, offshore wind is going to be providing at least a third of the UK’s entire power needs. ... al-budget/
(archived here:

Then the “reputable” Guardian announed in the headlines that the “Crown backs down and ‘refines’ plans for offshore wind auction”...

But the millions flowing to the Crown Estate wasn’t lowered, but instead they made the tender offering more transparent.
For some reason, the British government planned to make the taxpayer loose even more money in a “sealed envelope bid”...

According to the Guardian, the Crown Estate collected (only) £41m in 2018 (instead of $137 million): ... nd-auction
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Burning garbage, green energy hoax

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In the not so good old swinging 60s, my home town of Amsterdam was dumping and burning toxic waste at the Volgermeerpolder and Diemerzeedijk which has severely damaged the health caused amongst others by dioxin: viewtopic.php?t=1355#p5454

It looks like nothing has changed, only these days importing garbage and burning this in Amsterdam is called “green energy”!
The incinerators are placed where the poor survive, so never mind those health effects!

Around a quarter of the waste burned in the Netherlands is imported. This has been going on for 8 years. Most of it comes from England and Wales, some 25,000 tonnes of British rubbish every week.
Recently it was reported that new waste imports are limited because 4 of the 6 incinerators of Amsterdam’s AEB are out of order: ... -problems/

Of course burning garbage produces carbon dioxide, besides toxic emissions.
The 3 largest garbage incinerators of the 12 in the Netherlands are in the top 10 of Dutch companies emitting most carbon dioxide: Attero, AVR and HVC emit about 1.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.
About 80% of the imported waste in the Netherlands comes from Great Britain (in Dutch): ... erbranding

In 2017, 2018, the UK exported a total of 611,000 tonnes of plastic waste to other countries in 12 months (down from 683,000 tonnes in 2016, 2017).
In this period, China almost stopped reprocessing plastic from the UK (the amount dropped by 94%).
Malaysia, Turkey, Poland, the Netherlands and Indonesia import most UK plastic:

Waste-to-energy plants are expensive, so they generally charge more to accept trash than landfills.
Transporting the garbage across the globe of course also costs energy (but I doubt if any “scientist” takes that into account in their politically correct calculations on “green energy”).

Waste to energy has become a preferred method of rubbish disposal in the EU. In 2013, there were 420 plants in Europe to provide heat and electricity to more than 20 million people.
The European countries that import most garbage are Germany, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands (even more than Norway).

From October 2012 to April 2013, the UK paid to send 45,000 tonnes of household waste from Bristol and Leeds to Norway. Because it’s called climate friendly, Norway – like the Netherlands - accepts rubbish to keep the incinerators burning.
Incinerators in Norway make about half of their profit from the fee paid to take the waste and the rest from the sale of energy: ... ste-energy

Great Britain is already building more incinerators, but it is also a concern involving the Brexit hysteria.

Sweden is already thinking on new ways of importing garbage from the UK, as now most of their imported waste comes from Norway that isn´t part of the EU either: ... t-solution

According to our wonderful media, burning garbage in the developed world is environmentally friendly, but in the Third World it’s pollutive. Never mind that on average those poor countries produce a lot less garbage than us in the developed countries...

Some 1.1 billion tonnes of waste, more than 40% of the world’s garbage, is burned in open piles. While carbon dioxide is the major gas emitted by trash burning, this reportedly amounts to “only” 5% of global carbon dioxide emissions.
There are however some other emissions that should be important health concerns (besides polluting the environment).

About 29% of global emissions of tiny solid particles and liquid droplets from dust to metals that can penetrate deep into the lungs come from trash fires.
About 10% percent of mercury emissions and 40% percent of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) come from open burning.

This pollution can cause lung, neurological diseases, heart attacks and cancer: ... blem-17973
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Re: Green energy fraud

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I guess that many people won´t even be surprised that we´ve been lied to about so-called clean, green energy.
But many people will probably think that I go too far in this post, claiming nothing less than that “green energy” subsidies causes global warming and deforestation!

While it´s doubtful that carbondioxide causes global warming, nobody claims that it´s highly toxic. Because of “green energy”, the most powerful greenhouse gas known to man has been leaking into the Earth's atmosphere - Sulphur hexafluoride, or SF6.
Sulphur hexafluoride is widely used in the “green energy” industry - wind, solar and gas. It is 23,500 times more warming than carbon dioxide (CO2), and just one kilogram warms the Earth as much as 24 people flying London to New York return.

Emission of Sulphur hexafluoride is increasing by 30-40 tonnes per year.
Total SF6 emissions from the 28 EU member states in 2017 were the equivalent to 6.73 million tonnes of CO2, roughly the emissions from 1.3 million extra cars on the road for a year.

The global installed base of SF6 is expected to grow with another 75% by 2030.
Electrical company Eaton, claims that as much as 15% of SF6 is leaked in manufacturing switchgear.
Another concern is that SF6 is a toxic synthetic gas that can't be destroyed naturally (so another ecological disaster under the name of “clean energy”):

We´ve been told that human overpopulation causes deforestation...
I could argue of course that all of these wind turbines that hardly generate energy take up space where trees could grow. But it´s even worse!
We all know that it´s horrible that Brazil´s Zionist president Bolsonaro threatens to sell the “lungs of the earth” Amazon (I´ve even seen “conspiracy theories” that Bolsonaro had fires started in the Amazon). The European Union is actually calling for cutting and burning trees, subsidised, under the name of “renewable energy”!

The EU is expanding “renewable energy”, with wood about two thirds of Europe's biofuel. The EU cuts and burns almost a gigantic cube of 440 million cubic meters of wood and wood waste every year to generate heat and electricity. Trees aren´t only felled in Europe: the EU's hunger for biofuel is so great that they´re importing wood pellet.
While burning wood is widely praised as “carbon neutral”, in reality burning wood emits more carbon dioxide than coal per unit energy.

You don’t need a PhD to understand that cutting and burning a forest emits carbon dioxide quickly, re-growing forests takes forever (and never when trees continue to be cut down).
Thousands of firewood and wood pellet companies in the EU are hollowing out forests. This subsidised wood burning is destroying forest ecosystems that will never recover in our lifetime — all in the name of climate change mitigation.

Many countries, including the US and EU member states, also subsidise wood heating, which constitutes more than half the wood burned in the EU.
It´s the billions in subsidies that caused the last 10 years of exponential growth in the wood pellet industry. The US-based Enviva, which exports millions of tons of wood pellets to the UK, EU, and Asia, saw its share prices increase substantially: ... ommentary/
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British crown, Pentagon and the environment

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It is expected that by 2030, Queen Elizabeth will earn more than £100 million annually from windfarms alone. According to the Daily Mail, last year the Crown Estate collected £41 million from windfarms.

Between 2001 and 2010, the old Civil List for the British Royals was £7.9 million annually (that’s besides most if not all of their expenses are paid). In 2011, it grew to £13.7 million.
In 2012, when the Civil List was replaced by the Sovereign Grant, initially set at 15% but further increased to 25% of the profits from the Crown Estate, financial support to the Royals immediately more than doubled to £31 million. This has continued to rise, to a staggering £82.8 million last year.

Queen Elizabeth is also one of the top recipients of EU money, receiving £557,707 in 2016 for her Sandringham farmland alone.
Profits from valuable London sites owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, which has net assets of more than £1 billion, go to Prince Charles. Profits for Charles, have grown from £12.9 million in 2012 to more than £21 million in 2018.

Several Royal buildings were bought with public funds, maintenance is supported with taxpayer´s money, but remain Elizabeth´s private property.
In total, the British taxpayer pays for more than 100 Royal buildings.

A conservative estimate for Elizabeth´s wealth in 2001 was £1.15 billion, that´s excluding what´s held in trust by the Crown. Elizabeth´s investment portfolio alone is valued at £500 million and her stamp collection is worth £100 million.
Exact figures are hard to come by, though, because of the state-supported secrecy.

In 1910, Queen Mary had the power to seal wills introduced.
The Queen Mother reportedly had £70 million when she died. In 1942, she was left expensive jewels by an heiress to the McEwan brewing fortune.
The sister of Elizabeth, Princess Margaret’s will has remain inaccessible, it has been estimated that she left an estate of some £7.6 million, having previously disposed of £12 million of assets to her family. Where did she get all of this money?!?

These Royal degenerates are exempt from inheritance tax from a king or queen to their heir. Supposedly Elizabeth voluntarily pays taxes, so why would she have hundreds of millions stashed away in British offshore tax havens?
Because of the all-encompassing secrecy, we simply have to believe that she pays taxes: ... amily.html

What frustrates me in all of these politically correct, environment catastrophe stories, the war machine is somewhat ignored. There are few activities on Earth as environmentally catastrophic as war.
Reductions to the Pentagon’s budget would bring a huge drop in pollution and carbon dioxide emission. The CO2 emissions are enormous, especially when mercenaries, bombs and planes are transported half way over the globe in container ships, trucks and cargo planes.
The Pentagon also spends fuel on lighting, heating and cooling more than 560,000 buildings around the world.
Mass migration is fueled by wars, which in turn causes an increase in CO2 emission, especially with the migrants returning “home” for the holidays every year.

In 2017, the US Air Force purchased $4.9 billion worth of fuel, the navy $2.8 billion, the army $947 million and the Marines $36 million. In 2017, the US military consumed about 269,230 barrels of oil a day, which emitted more than 25,000 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide.
If the US military were a country, its fuel usage alone would make it the 47th largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, greater than entire nations like Sweden, Norway, Finland or Peru and just below Portugal.

The USA was exempted from military emissions in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. This loophole was closed by the Paris Accord, but to no avail, as the Trump administration will withdraw in 2020.

That´s besides bombs are regulary enriched with toxics, see for example Vietnam that was bombed with Agent Orange, or more recently the depleted Uranium filled dirty bombs on Iraq.
In Iraq, children living near US bases have an increased risk of heart disease, spinal deformities, cancer, cleft lip and missing or malformed and paralyzed limbs.

US military bases despoil the landscape, pollute the soil, and contaminate the drinking water.
At the Kadena Base in Okinawa, the US Air Force polluted land and water with toxic chemicals, including arsenic, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), asbestos and dioxin.

If the Pentagon’s budget is cut in half, the US would still have a bigger military budget than China, Russia, Iran and North Korea combined!
The $350 billion savings could then be used to save the environment: ... tertwined/

Since the “war on terror” began in 2001, US wars are increasingly being fought by hired mercenaries instead of “normal” army soldiers.
For example, there are over 150,000 Pentagon-financed private contractors in Afghanistan today (75% of the western military personnel in Afghanistan).

When the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, of the $87 billion earmarked for the first year, $30 billion (34%) was budgeted for private contractors.
Over the 8-year US occupation of Iraq, the largest private recipient of Pentagon contracts was the subsidiary of Cheney’s and Bush’s Halliburton, Kellogg Brown and Root, which grossed $40.6 billion.

The Pentagon now spends over $300 billion annually on private contracts. That’s 8% of all US federal expenditure. Because the Pentagon isn’t properly audited, we can’t be sure how much is properly spent.
In 2011, the Commission on Wartime Contracting estimated that at least $60 billion of the tax money the Pentagon spent in Iraq and Afghanistan on private contractors from 2001 to 2011, should be classified as “fraud” or “waste”, $12 million per day:
( ... us/5691670)

We can rest assured that the tax dollars are well spent by the Pentagon and their mercenaries!
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Re: Green energy fraud

Post by Firestarter »

Between 2001 and 2015, over 300 million hectares of forest was destroyed: nearly the size of India. About a quarter was needed for the production of commodities like beef and palm oil. In south-east Asia alone, some 78% of the deforestation is for commodities like palm oil.

Between 2013 and 2019, companies razing forests to produce palm oil, beef, and rubber were backed with $44 billion from over 300 investment firms, banks, and pension funds. The financers of this deforestation include giant banks like Deutsche Bank, Barclays, HSBC, Santander, J.P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley.

Global Witness investigated the financing of 6 huge agribusinesses: 3 in the Amazon, 2 in the Congo Basin, and 1 in New Guinea.
The 3 largest beef companies in the Brazilian Amazon - JBS S.A., Marfrig Global, and Minerva Foods - account for more than 45% of the region’s meat. Their supply chain is tainted by deforestation.

The second-largest investor in JBS is BNDES, the biggest development bank in the Americas, with held over $2.7 billion of JBS stock (in April 2019). Its third-largest investor is the giant investment fund the American Capital Group with more than $800 million (March 2019). Following is BlackRock with over $218 million of JBS stock. Deutsche Bank held over $11 million in JBS shares (April 2019), on top of that it loaned JBS $56.7 million in 2013.

Goldman Sachs has held over $4.5 million worth of shares in JBS, as well as a small number of shares in the beef producer Marfrig, between 2018- 2019.
Bank of America underwrote bond issuances worth some $498 million for Minerva since 2014, and also provided over $50 million in loans to Marfrig.

Between 2013 and 2018, Santander, the largest bank in the EU, underwrote over $1 billion in financing to Marfrig including more than $300 million in 2018 alone. Its second-largest shareholder is the San Diego-based Brandes Investment Partners, with $94.8 million in stock.
Bank of America is Minerva’s largest US creditor, the bank underwrote nearly half a billion dollars in credit for the company in the period surveyed. It also provided over $50 million in loans to Marfrig.
Morgan Stanley underwrote a series of bond issuances worth about $947 million for Marfrig between 2014 and 2017.
In 2013, the genocidal World Bank – which touts its investments in “sustainable solutions” – gave a ten-year loan to Minerva via the International Finance Corporation worth some $61 million.

Singapore’s Halcyon Agri Corp took control of tens of thousands of hectares rubber plantations in Cameroon, adjoining the Dja Faunal Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
In March 2018, the China Development Bank was Halcyon’s largest investor with over $73 million in shares. In 2015, a consortium of major banks including the Dutch ABN Amro (my former employer), Credit Suisse and Singapore’s DBS Bank, facilitated a three-year, $388 million credit package for Halcyon. Credit Suisse also helped with a bond issuance for Halcyon Agri in 2017.

J.P. Morgan Chase has underwritten a $150 million bond issuance by Olam in September 2016, only 3 months before Olam was accused of destroying 20,000 hectares of rainforest in Gabon for its oil palm plantations since March 2012. In 2017, JP Morgan underwrote another $50 million bond issuance.
Barclays arranged a $2.2 billion revolving loan facility for Olam in 2014.
Olam got a $2.2 billion revolving loan facility from the big banks. HSBC provided $1.1 billion in loans and $583 million in underwriting services to Olam between 2013 and 2019. Standard Chartered provided an estimated $187 million in underwriting services and $1.16 billion in loans.

Indonesia has become the world’s biggest producer of palm oil - and was financed entirely by Western and Asian banks.
HSBC funded companies destroying forests for palm oil in Indonesia. Other big names such as Citigroup, Standard Chartered and the Dutch Rabobank financed a company implicated in human rights violations in the palm oil sector.

Since 2008, the Rimbunan Hijau Group (RHG) that is active in New Guinea has deforested more than 20,000 hectares in the province of East New Britain, with the intention of increasing this to 31,000 hectares of oil palm.
RHG’s financiers include Sarawak’s State Financial Secretary of Malaysia, with over $6 million in shares (March 2018), and the Malaysian Affin Bank, which provided over $33 million in loans.

According to this investigation the biggest 8 financers of rainforest destruction with more than $1.5 billion are:
HSBC ($3.7 billion)
BNDES ($3.0 billion)
Temasek ($3.0 billion)

DBS ($2.0 billion)
JP Morgan Chase ($1.9 billion)
Banco do Brasil ($1.7 billion)
Bradesco ($1.7 billion)
Credit Suisse ($1.6 billion): ... inforests/

The following blog shows that the story on “climate change” has been changed over and over and over again for the last 120 years.

See 2 quotes.
Stephen Schneider, lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 1989:
On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but – which means that we must include all doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climate change.
To do that we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, means getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This “double ethical bind” we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest. I hope that means being both.

Philip Stott, professor of bio-geography at the University of London, 2006;
What we have fundamentally forgotten is simple primary school science. Climate always changes. It is always…warming or cooling, it’s never stable. And if it were stable, it would actually be interesting scientifically because it would be the first time for four and a half billion years. ... cares.html
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Green energy is big business

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Years before anybody had heard of Swedish school girl Greta Thunberg and her mission for climate action, Crown Prince Charles with the Bank of England and City of London finance were already redirecting pension plans and mutual funds towards green projects.
A key player in linking world financial institutions with the Green Agenda is outgoing Bank of England governor Mark Carney. In December 2015, the Bank for International Settlements’ Financial Stability Board (FSB), chaired by Carney, created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), to advise “investors, lenders and insurance about climate related risks”.

In 2016, the TCFD with the City of London Corporation and UK Government initiated the Green Finance Initiative to channel trillions of dollars to “green investments”. The TCFD is chaired by multibillionaire former Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg, it includes people from BlackRock; JP MorganChase; Barclays Bank; HSBC; Swiss Re; China’s ICBC bank; Tata Steel, ENI oil, Dow Chemical; mining giant BHP Billington; David Blood of Al Gore’s Generation Investment LLC (formerly of Goldman Sachs).

Of course they needed a representative kid to promote their agenda…
Greta Thunberg is part of the network tied to the organisation of Al Gore’s partner, David Blood. Greta Thunberg and her 17-year-old US climate friend Jamie Margolin were both listed as “special youth advisor and trustee” of the Swedish We Don’t Have Time NGO, founded in late 2017 by Ingmar Rentzhog.
Rentzhog is a member of both Al Gore’s Climate Reality Organization Leaders and the European Climate Policy Task Force. Rentzhog made his money as the founder of investment company Laika Consulting and his chief operating officer, David Olsson, worked at one of Sweden's biggest property funds Svenska Bostadsfonden, whose board Rentzhog joined in June 2017.

In February 2019, in a blatant publicity stunt, after meeting Greta, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker proposed that between 2021 and 2027, “every fourth euro spent within the EU budget go toward action to mitigate climate change”.
This decision had nothing to do with Greta’s plea; it was made months earlier on 26 September 2018 at the One Planet Summit, along with the World Bank, Bloomberg Foundations, the World Economic Forum and others.

On 17 October 2018, weeks after the previous decision was made, Juncker announced that Breakthrough Energy will have preferential access to funding…
Members of Breakthrough Energy include Virgin Air’s Richard Branson (the good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell and NXIVM); Bill Gates; David Rubenstein (founder of the Bush-linked Carlyle); and George Soros: ... il/5690209

In July 2019, outgoing UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond wrote that the TCFD “has been endorsed by institutions representing $118 trillion of assets globally”.
Following are some of its supporters…

ABN Amro bank; ABP; Accenture; AEGON NV; Allianz Global Investors; American Bar Association; Anglo American; Autoriteit Financiele Markten (Netherlands); AXA Group;

Bank of America; Bank of England – PRA; Barclays; Barrick Gold Corporation; BASF; Belgian Ministery of Finance; BlackRock; BNP Paribas;

Citigroup Inc.; Credit Suisse Group;

Daimler; Danske Bank; De Nederlandsche Bank; Deloitte Global; Deutsche Bank;

Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management;
Fidelity Investments; Financial Conduct Authority (UK);

Glencore; Goldman Sachs; Government of – Canada, Chile, France, Sweden, UK;

Hewlett Packard; HSBC Holdings;
ING Group;
JP Morgan Chase;

Mazda Motor Corporation; Mitsubishi; Morgan Stanley;
National Bank of Belgium; National Bank of Canada;
Pepsico, Inc.; PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC);

Rabobank; RBS; Rio Tinto; Rockefeller Assat Management; Royal DSM; Royal Dutch Shell; Royal Philips;

Societe Generale; Solvay; Swiss Re Ltd.;
Tata Steel; The Crown Estate (UK); Total SA; Toyota Motor Corporation;

UBS Group; Unilever;
Yamaha Corporation:
( ... upporters/)

Maybe it’s a bit too cynical of me to conclude that these “philanthropists” have a motive for creating global warming for real…
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Electric car fraud

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I always thought it is strange that electric cars are considered better for the environment, as I never quite understood why it would be better to generate electricity in a power plant as opposed to burning fuel in the motor of the car. As long as coal- or gas-fired power plants are used to generate electricity, electric cars aren’t better for the environment.
Because of the difference between electric and conventional cars, it is actually difficult to compare them. Of course this makes it easier to manipulate the “scientific” propaganda in favour of the money generating electric cars…

When I searched the internet for the recent German report that shows that electric cars are worse for the environment than diesel cars, for some reason the first search results, try to “debunk” this claim. The study compared the Tesla Model 3 to the Mercedes C220d diesel car.
According to these researchers, it takes enormous amounts of fossil fuels, some 11 to 15 tonnes of CO2, to produce the Tesla Model 3 battery (much higher than a conventional car), with an average lifetime of only 10 years. The battery makes the electric Tesla car emit even more carbon dioxide (per average driven mile) than the diesel Mercedes.

Another study showed that a mid-sized electric passenger car in Germany must drive at least 219,000 km before it is better in terms of CO2 emissions than a comparable diesel car. The first problem is that passenger cars in Europe last only 180,000 km on average.
Even worse is that electric car batteries don’t last long enough to achieve those 180,000 kilometres. Drivers recharge their batteries “too often”, because recharging takes a relatively long time, which is bad for the durability of the battery: ... e-friendly

That’s not even counting that the electric car batteries are made out of relatively rare metals of which there is only a limited supply. The production and disposal of these batteries is also very bad for the environment.

The one million electric cars sold in 2017, will produce 250,000 metric tons of battery pack waste, enough to fill 67 Olympic swimming pools, when they reach the end of their lives in 7 to 10 years. Landfill is not an option for lithium batteries, which are flammable and release toxic chemicals like cobalt, nickel and magnesium into the environment.

In 2017, the electric cars accounted for only 1.3% of annual worldwide sales but they are trying to make electric cars more than half of all new sales by 2040 (which would make the problem of disposal of the batteries 40 times as bad): ... index.html

Or see this video from 2016, 5 minutes.
This is also about the tax subsidy fraud and pollution.
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Re: Green energy fraud

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Shadow chancellor John McDonnell has repeatedly pledged that the UK will ensure that companies are “pulling their weight” to tackle the “existential threat” to the planet.

McDonnell warned:
For those companies not taking adequate steps under Labour they will be delisted from the London Stock Exchange. ... 08801.html

On 14 January, Larry Fink, chief executive officer of BlackRock Inc. (the largest investment fund in the world), admitted that climate change has become a “defining factor” in the long-term prospects of companies worldwide. BlackRock promises to stop investing in firms with “high sustainability-related risk”.

Sir Christopher Hohn, the world's top hedge fund manager in 2019, has donated £200,000 to the controversial Extinction Rebellion (making him its biggest individual donor), which stages mass environmental protests.
The TCI Fund Management owned and run by Hohn added $8.4 billion (£6.4 billion) in 2019 in 2019, more than any other major hedge fund according to LCH Investments (with assets of to $30 billion).
Hohn and his wife Jamie Cooper regularly correspond with Bill and Melinda Gates, and in 2012 British PM David Cameron invited Hohn to speak at a summit on malnutrition at No. 10 Downing Street.

While Hohn sells himself as a conscious “activist” environmentalist, in reality much of his profits have been generated by “dirty” firms.

TCI’s investments include Canada's 2 biggest rail firms, which have been fined in recent years for environmental scandals.
One of Hohn's major holdings is Canadian National Railway Company, in which TCI has a £1.4 billion stake. In 2017, the firm was fined 2.5 million Canadian dollars after pleading guilty to massive spills of diesel.

Meanwhile, US rail company Union Pacific, in which TCI has a stake of more than £500 million, is under investigation over breaking environmental laws after cancers in the Houston area seem to be caused by contamination.

TCI once owned a big stake in Indian state company, Coal India.
TCI still owns a stake in Ferrovial SA that runs airports (including London’s Heathrow).
TCI also owns a stake in chemicals company Univar Solutions.

TCI has also invested in the gigantic US arms firm Raytheon, which agreed to pay thousands of dollars to Florida residents over groundwater contamination.

In 2007, 2008, TCI was also involved in orchestrating one of the most disastrous banking deals in history. After buying 1% of the Dutch ABN Amro bank (my former employer), Cohn called for a sale of the bank. ABN Amro was then sold to a consortium led by the Royal Bank of Scotland in the biggest European banking merger ever.
TCI pocketed $1 billion, but in 2008 the banking consortium collapsed in a major bankruptcy, in the 2008 economic crisis:

In the following video...
David Rockefeller talks on the dangers of overpopulation that can be solved by sustainable development.
He’s followed by Bill Gates talking about getting population growth to 0, using health care, vaccines, reproductive health services.
Then some arguments that there is no overpopulation at all.
And finally, the one child policy in Communist China.
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Solar generated electricity fraud

Post by Firestarter »

Solar panel owners in Victoria (Australia) have complained that they get charged $60 a month for electricity, even though producing about double the energy that they consume.
So first they invest, and then the electricity company makes the profit!

Households pay 29¢ per kilowatt hour, but are paid only 5-7¢ for the electricity they deliver to the energy company: ... u7j7o.html

California is the first state in the USA to require that new homes have solar power starting in 2020.
Because California leads the US in “green” solar generated electricity, energy prices are among the highest in the US. Californians pay about 60% more than the rest of the US.

The mandatory solar panels will cost about $10,000 per new home. According to solar energy propaganda, it takes more than 30 years for an average homeowner to save $19,000 in energy costs.
That’s quite a return on investment!

Unfortunately solar panels are known to sometimes break down in less than 3 years.
In such cases, of course, the costs for the solar panels get even higher, produce less electricity and produce more toxic waste…

Following are official numbers for degrading of solar panels. All of the manufacturers claim that the solar panels remain at 80% of their starting efficiency in 20 years (should I believe their information?).

The production of solar panels leaves a trail of hazardous waste. Households with solar roofs produce up to 60 percent more electronic waste than non-solar households.
In over five years, 17 of 41 solar panel manufacturers in California produced 46.5 million pounds of sludge and contaminated water: ... -opposites

Solar panels leave a trail of chemical pollution. The Asian countries to which production has moved are the most polluting and worst in protecting the health of their employees.
Since 2008, photovoltaics manufacturing has moved from Europe, Japan, and the USA to China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Taiwan; today nearly half the world’s photovoltaics are manufactured in China.

Manufacturers rely on hydrofluoric acid to clean the wafers, remove damage that comes from sawing, and texture the surface to better collect light.
Hydrofluoric acid is highly toxic and causes serious damage to an unprotected person.

A new development is producing thin-film solar cells, which in theory is better for the environment, but in which the heavy metal cadmium is used, which causes cancer.

Making solar cells costs a lot of energy. Hypothetically they pay back the original investment of energy after only 2 years of operation (???), but it takes much longer to return the investment of money (if at all!).

A lot of water is used to produce solar panels.
Utility-scale projects in the 230- to 550-megawatt range use up to 1.5 billion litres of water during construction and another 26 million litres annually during operation.

In 2008, it was reported that the Chinese polysilicon facility High-Technology Co. (owned by Luoyang Zhonggui) in the Henan province had dumped silicon tetrachloride waste on neighbouring fields instead of investing in equipment to reprocess it, making those fields too toxic to grow crops and causing serious health damage to local residents
This factory supplied polysilicon to Suntech Power Holdings, at the time the world’s largest solar-cell manufacturer, and to several other major photovoltaics companies.
It seems highly unlikely that this company was the only one with these practices...

In August 2011, a factory in China’s Zhejiang province owned by Jinko Solar Holding Co., one of the largest photovoltaic companies in the world, spilled hydrofluoric acid into the nearby Mujiaqiao River, killing hundreds of fish.
Local farmers used the contaminated water for cleaning, which killed dozens of pigs.
No information on the human health damage…

Because the carbon footprint of photovoltaic panels made in China is about double that of those manufactured in Europe, it takes twice as long to compensate for the carbon dioxide emissions: ... -you-think
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