But now that I found 2 books that give reasonable arguments, some not too difficult to understand, on top of Anders Bjorkman's essay of book length, that nuclear bombs do not exist, I finally started one...
You may have noticed that as part of the evil Putin invaded poor Ukraine narrative they are trying to make us terrified (again) of a nuclear war. As most people don't seem too scared of this, it almost seems that we instinctively know that atomic bombs (and energy) have never been anything but a science fiction story.
This seems the only possible explaination for why they're the only weapon of mass destruction that has never been used on a massive scale.
Anders Bjorkman - engineering perspective
Are we supposed to believe that the damage caused by nuclear bombs is similar to convential bombs?!?
See 2 photos of Hiroshima a few weeks after the alleged atomic bomb exploded.
Bizarrely no bridges were damaged and the concrete/brick office buildings are intact.
Compare this to the pictures of Tokyo after they were carpet bombed with napalm on 10 March 1945 (note the solid concrete buildings still standing).
Here’s a link with some of the interesting information collected by the in France surviving Anders Björkman about the atomic bomb hoax: http://heiwaco.tripod.com/bomb.htm
Bombing campaign 6 August 1945 - Hiroshima
I thought that the biggest flaw in the theory that nuclear bombs do not exist, is that hundreds of planes would have been needed to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima with firebombs. I couldn't quite think of a good way how they could cover that up.
The following gives a reasonable explanation.
On 6 August 1945, a squadron of 66 bombers were launched to bomb the municipality of Imabari.
The squadron could have fire-bombed Hiroshima instead, as Hiroshima was only 55 kilometers away. How would American pilots know the difference?
Reportedly Imabari had already been wiped out in 2 firebombing raids on 26 April and 8 May 1945, which would make it ever more likely that Imabari wasn't the target of the August 1945 bombing campaign: http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1470675654
It has been admitted that the Hiroshima atomic bombing showed on TV was fake (from another hydrogen bomb test)...
Nakatani - Death Object
The following book does a good job at describing the official story on nuclear weapons and explaining why the "facts" don't add up.
It's a similiar "technical" look at the atomic hoax as Anders Bjorkman's...
It's got more information on the fire-bombing campaign of of 5/6 August 1945 in the area of Hiroshima. Apparently there were more than 600 B-29's carrying out bombing campaigns in the area.
.To divert attention, a major effort by the 20th AF was conducted on the night of 5/6 August 1945 by 602 B-29’s striking a variety of targets including the urban areas of: Saga, Maebaski, Nishinomiya, Imabari, the oil refinery at Ube and various mining targets. The biggest effort by 250 planes was against Nishinomiya, a town close to the Inland Sea and about 140 miles east of Hiroshima. This effort was in lieu of the initial request by the Corps of Engineers to Gen. LeMay for 1000 B-29’s to accompany the atomic bomb to the Empire.
Akio Nakatani - Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax (2017)
https://archive.org/details/death-objec ... -z-lib.org
Michael Palmer - Hiroshima Revisited
The following book is more a description of the health effects not being caused by atomic bombs (but instead by napalm and mustard gas). This looks too much like indirect evidence to me. I find it difficult to speculate on what the health effects on the human body of (real) atomic bombs would be...
The great value of this book is that it really is a different perspective and on its own is also quite convincing. Maybe the most interesting is the comparison of the pictured health effects of the atomic bombs to the known health effects of napalm and mustard gas.
Michael Palmer - Hiroshima Revisited: Evidence that Napalm & Mustard Gas Helped Fake Atomic Bombings (2020): https://mpalmer.heresy.is/webnotes/HR/d ... isited.pdf
(http://web.archive.org/web/202211040158 ... isited.pdf)
The Belfer Center plays a dominant role in the "deep state" network that control the Biden administration. One of Belfer's main objectives is to promote the atomic bomb hoax.
The Belfer Center's founder and first director, Paul Doty, was inspired by the Pugwash Conference, that was launched by none other than British high noble Bertrand Russell and the notorious liar Albert Einstein. In 1941, Doty was already involved in the Manhattan Project science fiction...
On 9 July 1955, the Russell–Einstein Manifesto called for a conference of scientists to assess the dangers of and eliminate "weapons of mass destruction". In reality the "weapons of mass destruction" were only the science fictional nuclear bombs... This led to the Pugwash conferences, the first being held in 1957: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... 269#p76269
Einstein - Relativity nonsense, Zionism
While Albert Einstein technically had nothing to do with the Manhattan project, he discussed with refugee scientists Leó Szilárd, Edward Teller, and Eugene Wigner about staging the atomic bomb hoax, and he warned US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in August 1939 that the Nazis were already developing one.
The handler of the inventor of atomic bombs H.G. Wells, Lord Bertrand Russel, preached "absolute pacifism", but he supported the destruction and genocide of Germany, and in 1943 called for the "Practical Political Pacifism" that under extreme circumstances war might be the lesser of two evils.
Since 1946, Russell was involved in the plot to also give the Soviet Union atomic bombs. After the Soviets staged their first atomic bomb test in August 1949, Russell demanded complete disarmament of the nuclear bombs that are nothing but a hoax: https://patrickmurfin.blogspot.com/2021 ... stein.html
Three Jewish Nobel Laureates in Physics, 1931; front row (from left) - Albert A. Michelson (showing the "master of the second veil" freemason sign), Albert Einstein and Robert A. Millikan.
Chaim Weizmann was recruited by British Intelligence when he moved to England, where he became director of the Admiralty Laboratories under none other than Arthur Balfour (KG), before becoming the first president of Israel.
Zionist psychopaths arriving in New York, 1921 (from left) - Menachem Ussishkin (with the "master of the second veil" freemason sign), Chaim Weizmann, Vera Weizmann or Margot Einstein (?), Albert Einstein, Elsa Einstein and Ben Zion Messensohn.
For anybody with a little bit of intelligence...
The atomic bombs hoax was sort of founded (not really though) on the “Theory of relativity” of the greatest liar of the 20th century - Albert Einstein...
Read the G. Burniston Brown brown paper from 1967 that completely debunks the “Theory of relativity”: http://www.big-lies.org/modern-physics- ... .html#bomb
H.G. Wells - Geopolitical plans packaged as science fiction
Maybe I've messed up the order of this post a bit, but I'll end with the inventor of THE bomb...
This psy-op was first cooked up by the same H.G. Wells that also invented the moon landing (he wasn't the first on "the first men in the moon" though), the UN and WW I and WW II.
H.G. Wells - The World Set Free (1914): http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1059/1059-h/1059-h.htm