Atomic bombs - greatest hoax ever

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Atomic bombs - greatest hoax ever

Post by Firestarter »

I've never started a thread on the atomic bomb hoax, as I think the topic is too difficult.
But now that I found 2 books that give reasonable arguments, some not too difficult to understand, on top of Anders Bjorkman's essay of book length, that nuclear bombs do not exist, I finally started one...

You may have noticed that as part of the evil Putin invaded poor Ukraine narrative they are trying to make us terrified (again) of a nuclear war. As most people don't seem too scared of this, it almost seems that we instinctively know that atomic bombs (and energy) have never been anything but a science fiction story.
This seems the only possible explaination for why they're the only weapon of mass destruction that has never been used on a massive scale.

Anders Bjorkman - engineering perspective
Are we supposed to believe that the damage caused by nuclear bombs is similar to convential bombs?!?

See 2 photos of Hiroshima a few weeks after the alleged atomic bomb exploded.
Bizarrely no bridges were damaged and the concrete/brick office buildings are intact.


Compare this to the pictures of Tokyo after they were carpet bombed with napalm on 10 March 1945 (note the solid concrete buildings still standing).

Here’s a link with some of the interesting information collected by the in France surviving Anders Björkman about the atomic bomb hoax:

Bombing campaign 6 August 1945 - Hiroshima
I thought that the biggest flaw in the theory that nuclear bombs do not exist, is that hundreds of planes would have been needed to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima with firebombs. I couldn't quite think of a good way how they could cover that up.
The following gives a reasonable explanation.

On 6 August 1945, a squadron of 66 bombers were launched to bomb the municipality of Imabari.
The squadron could have fire-bombed Hiroshima instead, as Hiroshima was only 55 kilometers away. How would American pilots know the difference?

Reportedly Imabari had already been wiped out in 2 firebombing raids on 26 April and 8 May 1945, which would make it ever more likely that Imabari wasn't the target of the August 1945 bombing campaign: ... 1470675654

It has been admitted that the Hiroshima atomic bombing showed on TV was fake (from another hydrogen bomb test)...

Nakatani - Death Object
The following book does a good job at describing the official story on nuclear weapons and explaining why the "facts" don't add up.
It's a similiar "technical" look at the atomic hoax as Anders Bjorkman's...

It's got more information on the fire-bombing campaign of of 5/6 August 1945 in the area of Hiroshima. Apparently there were more than 600 B-29's carrying out bombing campaigns in the area.
To divert attention, a major effort by the 20th AF was conducted on the night of 5/6 August 1945 by 602 B-29’s striking a variety of targets including the urban areas of: Saga, Maebaski, Nishinomiya, Imabari, the oil refinery at Ube and various mining targets. The biggest effort by 250 planes was against Nishinomiya, a town close to the Inland Sea and about 140 miles east of Hiroshima. This effort was in lieu of the initial request by the Corps of Engineers to Gen. LeMay for 1000 B-29’s to accompany the atomic bomb to the Empire.
Akio Nakatani - Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax (2017) ...

Michael Palmer - Hiroshima Revisited
The following book is more a description of the health effects not being caused by atomic bombs (but instead by napalm and mustard gas). This looks too much like indirect evidence to me. I find it difficult to speculate on what the health effects on the human body of (real) atomic bombs would be...
The great value of this book is that it really is a different perspective and on its own is also quite convincing. Maybe the most interesting is the comparison of the pictured health effects of the atomic bombs to the known health effects of napalm and mustard gas.

Michael Palmer - Hiroshima Revisited: Evidence that Napalm & Mustard Gas Helped Fake Atomic Bombings (2020): ... isited.pdf
( ... isited.pdf)

The Belfer Center plays a dominant role in the "deep state" network that control the Biden administration. One of Belfer's main objectives is to promote the atomic bomb hoax.
The Belfer Center's founder and first director, Paul Doty, was inspired by the Pugwash Conference, that was launched by none other than British high noble Bertrand Russell and the notorious liar Albert Einstein. In 1941, Doty was already involved in the Manhattan Project science fiction...

On 9 July 1955, the Russell–Einstein Manifesto called for a conference of scientists to assess the dangers of and eliminate "weapons of mass destruction". In reality the "weapons of mass destruction" were only the science fictional nuclear bombs... This led to the Pugwash conferences, the first being held in 1957: ... 269#p76269

Einstein - Relativity nonsense, Zionism
While Albert Einstein technically had nothing to do with the Manhattan project, he discussed with refugee scientists Leó Szilárd, Edward Teller, and Eugene Wigner about staging the atomic bomb hoax, and he warned US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in August 1939 that the Nazis were already developing one.

The handler of the inventor of atomic bombs H.G. Wells, Lord Bertrand Russel, preached "absolute pacifism", but he supported the destruction and genocide of Germany, and in 1943 called for the "Practical Political Pacifism" that under extreme circumstances war might be the lesser of two evils.
Since 1946, Russell was involved in the plot to also give the Soviet Union atomic bombs. After the Soviets staged their first atomic bomb test in August 1949, Russell demanded complete disarmament of the nuclear bombs that are nothing but a hoax: ... stein.html

Three Jewish Nobel Laureates in Physics, 1931; front row (from left) - Albert A. Michelson (showing the "master of the second veil" freemason sign), Albert Einstein and Robert A. Millikan.

Chaim Weizmann was recruited by British Intelligence when he moved to England, where he became director of the Admiralty Laboratories under none other than Arthur Balfour (KG), before becoming the first president of Israel.
Zionist psychopaths arriving in New York, 1921 (from left) - Menachem Ussishkin (with the "master of the second veil" freemason sign), Chaim Weizmann, Vera Weizmann or Margot Einstein (?), Albert Einstein, Elsa Einstein and Ben Zion Messensohn.

For anybody with a little bit of intelligence...
The atomic bombs hoax was sort of founded (not really though) on the “Theory of relativity” of the greatest liar of the 20th century - Albert Einstein...
Read the G. Burniston Brown brown paper from 1967 that completely debunks the “Theory of relativity”: ... .html#bomb

H.G. Wells - Geopolitical plans packaged as science fiction
Maybe I've messed up the order of this post a bit, but I'll end with the inventor of THE bomb...

This psy-op was first cooked up by the same H.G. Wells that also invented the moon landing (he wasn't the first on "the first men in the moon" though), the UN and WW I and WW II.
H.G. Wells - The World Set Free (1914):
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Re: Atomic bombs - greatest hoax ever

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Here's a good video on the fire bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
According to the official story, the Mitsubishi Steelworks where the supposed nuclear bomb was dropped on 9 August had already been destroyed 8 days before (23:15 in the video)!
On August 1, 1945, Nagasaki experienced its fifth conventional air raid. This was conducted on a larger scale than previous air raids. A total of 50 bombers including 24 B-24s and 26 B-25s dropped 112 tons of bombs, mainly on munition factories in the city. Heavy damage was inflicted on Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard, the main target of the air raid, as well as Mitsubishi Steelworks, Nagasaki Medical College and other important facilities.

One of the suspicious things about these magical atomic bombs, is that in 80 years, not one accidental nuclear explosion destroyed an army base or testing facility. There have been some stories on disasters (meltdowns) at nuclear power plants with the release of massive amounts of toxic radiation, but nothing like atomic explosions...
What makes all of this even more suspicious, are these stories (obviously written by hacks that couldn't get a job writing movie scripts) of near disasters with atomic bombs, and lost "broken arrow" bombs.

On 10 March 1956, a US B-47 aircraft somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea was reported missing. The kind of weapons this plane was usually carrying was the Mark 15. The plane and the 2 nuclear cores disappeared without a trace.

On 27 July 1956, a US B-47 bomber crashed into a nuclear weapons storage facility at the Lakenheath Air Base in Suffolk, England. The storage facility contained 3 Mark 6 nuclear bombs, one of whose detonators had been sheared off, "it was a miracle that the bomb hadn't exploded".

On 28 July 1957, a US Air Force C-124 aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean lost power, so the crew jettisoned 2 nuclear bombs into the ocean that were never found.

On 5 February 1958, near Savannah, Georgia, a B-47 bomber carrying a 3,400 kg Mark 15 nuclear bomb collided with an F-86 fighter plane. The B-47 jettisoned the atomic bomb that was never found.

On 24 January 1961, a B-52 broke apart over Goldsboro, North Carolina. Its 2 three- or four-megaton nuclear bombs were released. On one bomb, 3 of its 4 arming mechanisms had activated, so only a single switch (of the 4) had prevented the bomb's detonation. Of the second bomb the uranium and plutonium were left buried in a muddy field, over which a 120 m circular easement was placed.

On 5 December 1965, an A-4E Skyhawk attack aircraft with a 1-megaton thermonuclear weapon fell into the Pacific Ocean from the deck of the USS. The plane, its pilot, and the bomb were never found. The accident took place only 80 miles from Japan's Ryuku island chain.

On 17 January 1966, a US B-52 aircraft with nuclear bombs crashed over the Mediterranean Sea near Palomares, Spain. The conventional explosives in 2 of the bombs had detonated and released plutonium. One of the bombs, was missing for 80 days before it was finally found intact.

On 21 January 1968, a B-52 bomber crashed onto the sea ice in the North Star Bay in the Danish territory of Greenland, carrying 41.1 megaton B28FI thermonuclear bombs. The conventional explosives detonated dispersing nuclear bomb material. "Weak links" in the weapon design prevented a nuclear explosion. The secondary stage of one of the nuclear weapons was never found.

On 6 October 1986, a Soviet "Yankee I"-class nuclear-powered submarine sank to the bottom of the sea 480 miles east of Bermuda, with 2 nuclear reactors and 34 nuclear weapons.

On 7 April 1989, the Soviet nuclear-powered "Komsomolets" submarine sank, with 2 nuclear reactors and 2 nuclear-armed torpedoes: ... ar-weapons
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Re: Atomic bombs - greatest hoax ever

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We all know that the radiation from a nuclear blast is so dangerous, even miles away, that we need to hide under a desk.
See this official US government video for the W54 Davy Crocket system from the early 1960s, where some high official supermen, including Robert F. Kennedy Sr., watch a nuclear explosion within walking distance. Protecting themselves from nuclear fallout with “heavy duty goggles”.

The W54 Davy Crocket mini-nukes were supposedly “actively deployed” from 1961 to 1971, even though they were NOT part of any war plans.
According to Atomic Audit reports, the W54 mini-nukes were “highly inaccurate”. This is about as close you can get to an official confirmation that they were a hoax!
Some 2,100 Davy Crockett warheads were produced, costing the taxpayer about $500 million.

The Davy Crocket W54 was the most “compact nuclear warhead” ever “deployed” by the US, with a range of over 2.5 miles.

The early versions of this “backpack nuke” had an estimated destructive yield of 10 tons of TNT that could destroy a 2-block of flats. The later version of this strategical nuke came with a destructive yield of some 250 tons of TNT: ... nukes.html

This is what Nikola Tesla had to say about the preposterous “Theory of relativity”:
The theory, wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.
In 1933, Albert Einstein fled Nasi Germany because he was a politically active Marxist, holding membership in several communist front groups.

As for Einstein’s political believes…
In 1940, Einstein advocated a world-wide "Federal organization of the nations of the world is not only possible but an absolute necessity if the conditions on our planet are not to become unbearable for men". Einstein predicted a newly formed (Wilson's) League of Nations "in a more powerful form", for which HG Wells’ science fictional atomic bombs would be used.
Wilson's work will be created, in my opinion, in a more powerful form. Then only will the importance of this great innovator be fully recognized. A worldwide organization cannot insure peace effectively unless it has control over the entire military power of its members.
Einstein also called for the destruction of Germany (and Germans) in accordance with the Morgenthau plan and Hitler’s Nero decree:
The Germans can be killed or constrained after the war, but they cannot be re-educated to a democratic way of thinking and acting ... it is hoped that by war's end, they will largely have been killed off. ... alist.html

According to the following, the science fiction writer Albert Einstein was a Rosicrucian Kabbalists:

I've previously posted about the Rosicrucian cult as effectively the founder of "modern" freemasonry and destroyer of science: ... 668#p69668
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Re: Atomic bombs - greatest hoax ever

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Isn’t that surprising, “father of the atomic bomb” Robert Oppenheimer actually studied/worked at the Anglo-Dutch royals connected universities of Cambridge Oxford (England) and Leiden (Netherlands), where he even lectured … in Dutch?!?

See Robert Oppenheimer at Leiden University, July 1927.

After the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer became director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, closely affiliated with Princeton University.
It isn’t clear how close Princeton is to the Dutch royals (Orange-Nassau) these days, but Princeton was founded in honour of the Dutch king of England and Scotland, William III. Its college Nassau Hall was named after William III, and is the former capitol of the US (that’s almost like saying that Orange-Nassau ruled the USA):

As director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Robert Oppenheimer became acquainted with the famous “relativity” science fiction author Albert Einstein, who was a resident scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study.
While they weren’t close friends, they visited each other’s homes and Oppenheimer had a radio antenna installed on Einstein’s home.

See Einstein with Oppenheimer.
Image ... 209476.php

Surprising or not, the Manhattan Project to stage the first atomic bombs was filled with a disproportionate amount of Jews, 6 of the project’s 8 leaders were Jewish, including of course Robert Oppenheimer.

Other prominent Jews in the Manhattan Project included Edward Teller, Leo Szilard, Otto Frisch, Niels Bohr, Felix Bloch, Hans Bethe, John von Neuman, Rudolf Peierls, Franz Eugene Simon, Hans Halban, Joseph Rotblatt, Stanislav Ulam, Richard Feynman, Eugene Wigner, George Placzek, Charlotte Serber, and Jay Wechsler.

There were also many Jews of lower ranks (like technicians and scientists).
Enrico Fermi wasn’t a Jew, but he was married to a Jewish woman: ... n-project/
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Iran centrifuges and Stuxnet virus

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This story is probably as fake as… atomic bombs, but here it goes. Why would our intelligence agencies even report on a secret sabotage mission?!?

The story goes that the CIA and Israel’s Mossad in 2007 used an engineer from the Dutch spy agency AIVD to plant the amazing Stuxnet virus at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility.
Even though the virus supposedly completely disrupted the uranium enrichment centrifuges, this didn’t lead to any catastrophic “nuclear meltdown”…

US presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama reportedly personally approved the operation.
Iran supposedly executed several workers at Natanz after the virus was made public: ... 26018.html

Recently there has been an update in the Dutch press on this amazing tale…

The AIVD spy wasn’t an Iranian, but the Dutch Erik van Sabben, who was working for TTS International in Dubai (of all places). TTS sent him to do some engineering work in Iranian nuclear facilities (he also had an Iranian wife), so he could plant the virus.
On 16 January 2009, Van Sabben died after a motorcycle “accident” near his home in Dubai. Our wonderful media insinuate that he was killed by Iran. Why not by any of the spy agencies he was working for (or the UAE)?

Now the Dutch spy agencies, AIVD and MIVD, complain that they were “used” by the CIA, even though they “knew” that Van Sabben would sabotage the Iranian nuclear program, but they didn’t know that a “highly sophisticated” computer virus would be used?!?
Likewise Dutch politicians complain that they weren’t informed: ... dge-report

In 2006, CIA director Michael Hayden even visited the head of the Dutch MIVD, to set up the Stuxnet operation that supposedly cost $1 to 2 billion (!) to make: (in Dutch)
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Re: Atomic bombs - greatest hoax ever

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I found a long but interesting 3 part essay on the atomic bomb hoax…

We are supposed to believe, that after August 194, not a single atomic bomb has been used in war because… they’re too destructive?!? Apparently firebombing 100,000 Tokyo citizens was totally OK, but “nuking” and “instantly” killing 60-70,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was unacceptable, because of?!?
Some 7,662,000 tons of explosives were dropped on Vietnam, while from 2003 to 2006 655,000 to a million Iraqis were slaughtered. With dioxin and depleted uranium ammo still causing deaths and deformation, but compared to these places, the Bikini Atoll is a paradise.
There wasn’t much long term damage at both the Bikini Atoll and Trinity test site, locations that theoretically should have been uninhabitable for millennia but are now thriving ecosystems and tourist attractions.

Because of the supposed intense radiation from the nuclear bombs, the Manhattan Project engineers were very careful to shield their equipment. But there were hardly safety measures for those “lucky” enough to witness the atomic bomb tests.
See these men standing where a nuclear bomb, with a power of 25,000 tons of TNT, supposedly just exploded. Other than expected, there is NO gigantic crater, while apparently these heroes didn’t need protective gear for the radiation.

The footage of nuclear blasts that were shown to all of us was processed at Lookout Mountain studios, the world’s first completely self-contained movie studio…

There is also some strange Hindu, sun, satanic symbology in the first atomic bombs and testing before. The “Trinity” Test might refer to the trinity Hindu gods, in particular the female Tridevi and/or the male Trimurti.
J. Robert Oppenheimer boasted after the firebombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, “I am become DEATH, the Destroyer of worlds”, another blatant reference to Hinduism, with Shiva, the Destroyer (representing the Sun god).

Before the Trinity Test, the 100-Ton test was performed at Alamogordo, which in reality used 108 tons of TNT. 108 is of course 6 * 18, with ‘18’ the number of the beast - 666.
The number 108 is also important in Hinduism, with Shiva and Krishna attended by 108 servants, Shiva having 108 names, Vishnu 108 temples built in his honour and the malas prayer bracelets of Hinduism with 108 beads.

Precisely 21 days after the Trinity test, Hiroshima was bombed. In occult numerology 21 is the number of success and completion:

Nuclear weapons could hypothetically instantly annihilate everything on Earth, by making a heat wave of over 10,000,000° C, even hotter than the Sun. The physical evidence however contradicts these outlandish claims.
The heat wave is so hot (over 2,700° F) that it would vaporise bone, creating “nuclear shadows”. How come this heat wave was not hot enough to even burn wood (540° F)?!?

The day before the supposed atomic bomb on Hiroshima, its occult planners would have held ceremonies and ritual sacrifices for their solar god. August 5th coincides with the heliacal rising of Sirius, on which the Egyptian calendar is almost entirely based. Freemasons revere this star for its esoteric symbolism.
Both the Statue of Liberty in 1884, and the Twin Towers in 1968 (33 years before their destruction), were dedicated in Masonic ceremonies on August 5th.
On the morning of August 6, 66 bombers were dispatched to bomb the city of Imabari that had already been levelled weeks earlier in 2 firebombing raids. Probably this was the mystery fleet that really firebombed Hiroshima.

The alleged bombing of the “Christian” Japanese city Nagasaki also happened on a relevant occult date, as August 9th was the date of the Roman festival for Sol Indiges, in which Sol (the Roman god of the personified Sun) was celebrated with public sacrifices (so on 9 August 1945, the Nagasaki Christians were this sacrifice…): ... dition-931

Naturally Rockefeller grants were instrumental to the early study of the atomic “science”. Nobel prize winner Dr. Ernest Lawrence, a key figure in the Manhattan Project, said, “that if it hadn’t been for the Rockefeller Foundation, there would have been no atomic bomb”.
The Rockefeller Foundation also funded early scientific studies into the effects of radiation that showed the horrible lethality of even the briefest exposure to radiation; later used in nuclear scaremongering.

From 1940 to 1996, the US spent $5.5 trillion dollars to create/maintain its alleged nuclear arsenal, almost one third of all US military spending since World War II, or 11% of the total US government expenditures during that 56-year time period.
In 2022 alone, the US taxpayer was soaked for $35.4 billion for nuclear weaponry.

The third part of this interesting essay is more about freemasonry in Japan, which is interesting in its own right, but doesn’t have much connection to staging the biggest hoax of the 20th century…
The first Freemason to visit Japan was the Dutchman Isaac Titsingh in 1799. Isaac Titsingh was working for the Dutch East India Company (VOC).
During Titsingh’s time in the Far East, he worked closely with the British East India Company and its Governor-General, fellow freemason Lord Charles Cornwallis.

On 10 October 1882, the Bank of Japan was established, which was the true goal of the Masonic “revolution”, bringing financial slavery.

Freemasons have maintained their stranglehold of Japan to this very day. The allied occupation of Japan began a renaissance of Masonry within the country. This should come as no surprise, with both Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Gen. John Northcutt — the American and British commanders of the occupying forces in Japan — being Masons themselves.
On 1 May 1957, the Grand Lodge of Japan was formally established.

Prince Naruhiko Higashikuni was initiated in 1950.
Jose P. Laurel, the president of the Japanese puppet regime in the Philippines, was a member of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines during the war.
Ichirō Hatoyama, Japanese PM from 1954 to 1956, joined the Tokyo Lodge No. 125 PC in 1951.
According to Japanese historian Ohta Ryu, “every Prime Minister since the surrender of Japan” has been a freemason.

So apparently the late Shinzo Abe, whose daughter was married to the son of Caroline Bouvier Kennedy (former US ambassador to Japan), wasn’t only associated with the Moonies but also a mason: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1132&start=20

Shinzo Abe was also an ally of Donald Trump, see their Masonic handshake.
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Dirty bombs, fluoride and atomic science fiction

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As there never were any nuclear bombs, they must have been producing some other (real) types of top secret weapons of mass destruction (still ongoing in today’s nuclear “power plants”)…

In 1941 a committee headed by Nobel prize winner Arthur H. Compton, suggested that the US should develop poison weapons from radioactive material.
According to Manhattan Project veteran Robert Serber, already in 1942 project scientists discussed the use of fission products from nuclear reactors as military poisons that could be spread by airplane.

J. Robert Oppenheimer in a 23 May 1943 letter wrote that he discussed the radioactive poison weapons project with Gen. Leslie R. Groves, that was appointed by President Roosevelt to oversee the Manhattan Engineer District, and also with Edward Teller.
In the same letter, psycho Oppenheimer advised Enrico Fermi to delay work on this plan until ''we can poison food sufficient to kill half a million men”:
I think that we should not attempt a plan unless we can poison food sufficient to kill a half a million men, since there is no doubt that the actual number affected will, because of non-uniform distribution, be much smaller than this.
In a 17 June 1943 letter, Fermi wrote to Oppenheimer about the radioactive poison scheme:
I have been thinking considerably on the point, and I believe that if anything at all should be done on those lines, some work should be started in the near future. I hope to have an opportunity to discuss the matter with you on my next visit.

In a 30 October 1943 memorandum, Gen. Leslie Groves described how to use radioactive poisons in gas weapons to contaminate air, water, soil, food, environment and the blood of exposed populations, while also addressing the possibility that the evil Nazis were developing similar biochemical weapons.

While according to mainstream history falsifiers these radioactive dirty bombs were never used, they have been used on a massive scale (like all “real” weapons of mass destruction), including in Iraq and former Yugoslavia: ... oct43a.htm


Or maybe the whole “radioactive” angle has always been a cover-up story, for the highly toxic fluoride?!?

Millions of tons of fluoride were used to manufacture uranium and plutonium throughout the Cold War, for which nuclear bombs were used as the cover-up tale.
Animal studies led by Phyllis Mullenix conducted at Forsyth in the early 1990’s indicate that fluoride is a powerful central nervous system (CNS) toxin that might adversely affect human brain functioning, even at low doses.

In the Manhattan Project, the effects of fluoride on the human brain were closely studied:
Clinical evidence suggests that uranium hexafluoride may have a rather marked central nervous system effect…
It seems most likely that the F [fluoride] component rather than the T [uranium] is the causative factor.
The head of the Manhattan Project’s Medical Section, Colonel Stafford Warren, approved animal research on CNS effects in 1944:
( ... stenot414/)

For more on fluoride: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=185


Robert A. Heinlein published the science fiction story "Solution Unsatisfactory" in 1941, about a US effort to build a nuclear weapon to end World War II.
The weapons described include radioactive dust.

It also describes a dystopian future with an unconditional surrender of the rest of the world, including the total disarming of all other countries than the US.
While this would make sense in the case of those magical all-destructive fictional atomic bombs, I don’t see much difference between “conventional” biochemical weapons or radioactive dust to poison an area:

Another short science fiction comic story "Lucky Byrd" was published in 1940, and describes how the "Zorians" would fake an atomic bomb by exploding thousands of pounds of TNT.
The hero of the story, Lt. Lucky Bird, figures out that the test was a fraud and proves that the Zorrians do not have such a devastating weapon to save the US from trying to defend itself from a hoax atomic bomb.
Image ... 1940-.html
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Re: Atomic bombs - greatest hoax ever

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It looks to me like we are bombarded with WW III nuclear bomb scare stories, involving Russia, Iran, Israel and/or USA.

It was a couple of years since the wonderful Nobel Prize committee awarded their peace prize to peace activists promoting the atomic bomb hoax…
So the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Japanese Nihon Hidankyo, a “grassroots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki”.
The organisation supported the 2017 UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, that prohibits “any nuclear weapon activities” and was signed by 94 countries:

In 2017, the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons was awarded the Nobel peace prize.
Setsuko Thurlow is both a leading member of the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Nihon Hidankyo.

Setsuko Thurlow is still living at 92 years of age, even though she was supposedly severely radiated by a nuclear bomb blast in August 1945:

Firestarter wrote: Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:50 pmIsn’t that surprising, “father of the atomic bomb” Robert Oppenheimer actually studied/worked at the Anglo-Dutch royals connected universities of Cambridge Oxford (England) and Leiden (Netherlands), where he even lectured … in Dutch?!?


As director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Robert Oppenheimer became acquainted with the famous “relativity” science fiction author Albert Einstein, who was a resident scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Another connection between Einstein and the Dutch Leiden university is that the greatest liar of the 20th century was in regular contact with Nobel Prize winners from Leiden: Heike Kamerlingh Onnes and Hendrik Lorentz.
Einstein gave Kamerlingh Onnes some silly advise on to do experiments on superconductivity, hoping that this could prove his ridiculous Theory of relativity.

Albert Einstein was especially close to Lorentz, whose “transformation” he perverted into something preposterous (apparently the mere conclusion that the speed of light is absolute wouldn’t prove that speeds are absolute but “relative”).

See Albert Einstein with Hendrik Lorentz in 1921 (in Leiden?).
(in Dutch)

Firestarter wrote:See Queen Elizabeth II’s golden share in British Nuclear Fuels Limited Plc. (BNFL) through which she controls SERCO.

The British crown controlled British Nuclear Fuels plc is involved in “all stages of the nuclear process”.
In 2005, Rothschild made a plan for British Nuclear Fuels for funding “nuclear power” through the private sector.

In 2006, Rothschild was appointed to sell British Nuclear Fuels’ “nuclear clean-up” arm, British Nuclear Group for £1 billion.
Bechtel is banned from contracting until June 2008 because it’s an adviser to the NDA:

Firestarter wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:56 pmThe Belfer Center plays a dominant role in the "deep state" network that control the Biden administration. One of Belfer's main objectives is to promote the atomic bomb hoax.
The Belfer Center's founder and first director, Paul Doty, was inspired by the Pugwash Conference, that was launched by none other than British high noble Bertrand Russell and the notorious liar Albert Einstein. In 1941, Doty was already involved in the Manhattan Project science fiction...
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Tizard and THE bomb

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Everything about the Atomic bombs is ridiculous…

In April 1940, the chemist Henry Tizard, scientific advisor to UK PM Winston Churchill (KG in 1953), formed the MAUD committee to “investigate” an atomic bomb. When the MAUD committee had finished its report (basically elaborating on HG Wells' “The world set free”), Tizard proposed to Churchill to give all this top secret “research” to the US, so they would develop and build these magical atomic bombs, and sell the finished bombs back to the UK.
So are we supposed to believe that the UK would hand over the blueprints for the most powerful weapons of mass destruction that could be developed in 4 years just like that?!? At a time that the US had not even entered WW II on the side of the UK!

So later in 1940, Tizard headed the scientific mission to Washington where he worked closely with UK Ambassador to the US Lord Lothian (the associate of Alfred Milner and UK PM Lloyd George).
Jet propulsion systems and microwave radar technology were transferred to American scientists.
In Ottawa, the Canadian physicist George Laurence was already working on an atomic fission project that was visited by the Tizard Mission.

In October 1939, US president Franklin Roosevelt had already ordered an investigation into “atomic fission” after getting the famous 2 August 1939 letter by Leo Szilard that was signed by Albert Einstein.

In February 1940, the US Navy gave a $6,000 research grant to Leo Szilard and Enrico Fermi to build an experimental atomic reactor.
The Tizard delegation also visited Enrico Fermi at Columbia University and told him of the Frisch–Peierls concept for an atomic bomb that had not been published yet. This ultimately initiated the Manhattan project. At the time the feasibility of an atomic bomb was (considered) ridiculous.

In France, physicist Francis Perrin came up with the strange theory of “critical mass”, the threshold mass above which the fission material would go into a chain reaction with a nuclear blast as a result, to describe the atomic bomb concept of HG Wells’ “The world set free”. Perrin calculated the needed critical mass of Uranium (238) at 40 tons, which was confirmed by Rudolf Peierls in 1939.
Otto Frisch, Neil Bohr’s former colleague, applied the hypothetical “critical mass” theory of Perrin to U-235 (that is much rarer than U-238) to come up with as little as 5 kilograms needed for an atomic bomb.

A team of French physicists in England came up with the idea of bombarding U-238 with neutrons, which would create the unstable U-239, which would emit a beta particle, an electron, and change into a hypothetical element 93. The nucleus of element 93 (later named neptunium) would also be unstable, and would emit another beta particle to become element 94 (later named plutonium).
Element 94 would fission just as well as uranium-235, which means that of this material also only a couple of kilograms would be needed for a magical atomic bomb, and this would be easier to produce than (enough) U-235.

As the concept of these atomic bombs was so simple, a wealthy terrorist could acquire the needed couple of kilograms of needed ”fission” material, and a qualified engineer could make THE bomb in a week.
Because it would be so small in size, it could be dropped into a garbage can close to a target, without having to go through security, and without attracting attention of suspicious activities. It could easily be detonated from a distance safe from the bomb.
None of this information is “secret”, so all countries, and many evil terrorists, would have them!

In June 1941, Tizard’s MAUD committee concluded in its final report that an atomic bomb was feasible, and the British government set up an atomic bomb research and development program, which was named “Tube Alloys”: ... ission.pdf
( ... ission.pdf)

Henry Tizard later played a leading role in the creation and funding of the infamous MKULTRA project, whose main purpose was to terrorise the population into a state of doublethink, by which the herd could not distinguish between truth and fiction:

Henry Tizard later also founded the “Flying Saucer Working Party”, in which he was effectively working for the infamous royal paedophile Lord Louis Mountbatten (KG in 1946), who played a leading role in orchestrating the UFO/ET hoax: ... -237655371
For some reason internet “search” engines block my posts: ... orld/page2

The Order of the Garter rules the world: viewtopic.php?p=5549#p5549
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