Please read these rules before posting

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Please read these rules before posting

Post by editor »

Welcome to The Lawful Path Forums.

The Lawful Path has been online since 1996, but this forum is brand new (2013). We're hoping it will make the site a little more lively and current, and help readers find the answers for which they seek. This is our first attempt at a forum, so we appreciate your patience and understanding. I'm sure we'll make some mistakes, without which one can never accomplish anything of value.

We will try to keep this forum as open and, therefore, as useful, as possible. The degree to which this will succeed is largely up to our guests.

Please remember that while you are here, you are in someone else's private home. Actually, think of it as a private home, within a foreign country, subject only to private law. In other words, your use of this forum is not a right, it is a priviledge; a courtesy extended by the owners who have paid, in both cash and sweat, to provide a place for you to meet and exchange ideas. So long as you remember your manners, you will be welcomed back.

This means it is okay to disagree, so long as you do it politely.

If you post original material here, we will presume you still own it. We will also presume you have given us the right to publish it both here in the forum and, if we choose, within our main site. Of course if you post material here which you do not own, then you also cannot grant publishing rights. If such material is published according to established principles of "fair use," we may allow it to stay, or we may remove it, at our discretion.

Notice is hereby given that we will not have a lot of time to police and maintain this forum. The appearance of anything here is not necessarily evidence that we have condoned, or are even aware of its presence. Please use what you read in these forums with caution. Study, and consult other sources and, in the end, make up your own mind. Nothing you read anywhere on this site, whether in the public or private Forum, should be construed as "legal advice".

In short, please use these forums only if you are willing to be a courteous guest, and at all times accept responsibility for your own actions. By using these forums you agree to hold harmless any and all people associated with The Lawful Path from any injury or damage which you may suffer as a result.

If you can agree to these simple conditions, then please use the forums with our blessing.

--Gregory Allan