. Oooooops,
It is hard to get any work done around here without the Beer-Bang-Smilies, please install them to the forum as soon as possible.... "Build it and they will come!" - contingency standards.
Well we have to have humor!!!!
Also can we get some video players for Thread Posters (youtube, google, and or vimeo) required for webisode content???? The simple [url] is boring and lacks page appeal which should only be used for hyperlinking off-site-web pages, it is a distraction to be sent away just to watch a video clip that which could be pasted directly to the thread content while posting related materials.
Thanking you in advance-kindest regards,
Brick Layer
The "Website Support" section isn't the right place for your post.
I would like to think you are sincere about wanting to participate in our forum, so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and authorizing your post. This is your second attempt-- I disapproved your first one.
You are welcome here, as long as you are not a spammer. You should be aware that this Forum is moderated, and spammers have a shorter life expectancy than mayflies.
I'd like to ask does this forum have facebook or twitter account as a backing in case it has errors?
Just because for example minutes ago it didn't work, and I was wondering what's going on and maybe it has, and it gives answer.