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The Book
of the Hundreds

Fourth Edition

Non-Statutory Abatement Handbook

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God Bless. --Gregory Allan

[Important Note: For those of you who are new to the abatement process, we recommend you do not skip anything in this article, but read everything very carefully. You are solely responsible for knowing and understanding all of what is said herein. We are not responsible for your loss or gain from your use of the Non-Statutory Abatement process. No hierarchy is claimed and you should never look for one.

You have the Law written in Scripture, and you have your relationship to the Holy Spirit, Who will guide you to the Truth. Consult Them first before you contact us.

This work contains the newest abatement, default, and updates. This process must be served by two or three brothers in your assembly.

For those of you who do not have an assembly of two or three brothers to serve the abatement, you must use our older abatement with our older ways of serving the abatement.]


In a nutshell, a non-statutory abatement is strictly the Law of God. It is served upon those who are coming against you; those who the complaint is coming from. It's served on them personally by the Christ's assembly at wherever you happen to be; the Christ's assembly meaning "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). It doesn't have to be a Church or anything like that. And the abatement is presented as a covering for whoever the government is coming against unlawfully. However, if you've committed evil, as defined by God's Law and not by man's law (which would be contrary to God's Law), then the abatement would not apply in your particular case, because we're to submit to those authorities when we have committed evil.

Whatever they believe that you're violating, which does not violate the Law of God, can be abated by serving it upon them. They have ten days to answer, and when they don't answer then the brothers go back and serve a default upon those defendants (they become defendants when you serve the abatement).

The first abatement was done by Almighty God, when he drove out Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, and put Cherubims and a flaming sword, to keep them away from the Tree of Life (Genesis 3:24). And that's basically what an abatement does; it throws their action out. Our Father was the first abator, because Adam and Eve were not following His Word, they decided to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Which means they decided to re-define what good and evil is, they became their own god and said, "Wow! We can be God. We now know what good and evil is. We're going to define it in our own image and likeness because we are now god (Genesis 3:5)."

And that is really what happens when government goes beyond its duty. An abatement suspends their nuisance until they answer to the Law. The duty of a true, lawful, ordained government is to punish evildoers, and praise them that do well (John 18:22-23, Romans 13:3-4, 1 Peter 2:14). That's what you submit yourselves to. That's why the governments and magistrates are in place by the Lord, to punish your evil.

When the government goes beyond that, when they start licensing everyone, you must ask, "Why are they doing that?" Anything contrary to the Law of God is really no law at all. And their law is the Law Merchant. And when the Lord has written it on your heart to repent and no longer partake of that system, and that system wants to continue to try to draw you back to them, to draw the "old man" back, then that's where the abatement comes in. But the abatement will not be successful for anyone if they've not repented. Repentance is the first step, then the abatement comes.

You have to be walking in the Truth, because it is a document of Truth, it declares the Truth. And it can only declare the Truth if you're walking in it. That's a walk of Faith.

For those who ask about the physical origin of the non-statutory abatement, there is no origin in man's law, that's why it's called a "non-statutory abatement." The abatement is a document of faith. It's origin is in Genesis, when God abated Adam and Eve. There are many more examples in scripture of abatement. Seek and ye shall find. As long as it's in the Truth, it's "origin" is irrelevant.


The Non-Statutory Abatement process is a continually developing Work, by the Grace of our Father, by and for all of the Christ's bondmen. We have but one goal. To compel the provisional governments de facto conducting civil affairs at the federal, state, county, and city levels, their agents (tax collectors and banks), and assigns - to keep the Law. If they do this, they will leave God's children alone and let them continue to live in the Peace of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ.

Contrary to the media and the press, we are not anti-government, and we are not 'paper terrorists' or any other kind of terrorists trying to overthrow the civil power; very simply, we seek, not to do our own will, but to do our Father's will as did our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. We know that current provisional governments exist to keep the "low and lawless forms of humanity"1 from doing violence to all, including themselves. Thus, as Lawless as the current provisional governments are, without them there would be total anarchy.

Many people say, "the government is doing this bad thing to me," or "the government is trying to force me to do this act." But this is not true. The government doesn't do anything to you, it's the individual officers that are doing these things to you. That's why we deal with those officers who come against us.

The need for an abatement usually comes about because we were partaking of the things of the world. In order for the abatement to work, we must have repented from those acts and no longer partake of those things. When the world comes against you and tries to pull you back into their system, that is when the abatement will stop that action. But if you are still partaking of their system, the abatement will not work. The abatement brings the Truth to bear upon them, and if you are not living in the Truth, the abatement will not work. This is actually a blessing! Because this aspect of the abatement prevents people from abusing it. You will be tested to see if you are who you say you are. If you're not who you say you are, the abatement will not work. It can't be abused this way.

The real problem has nothing to do with law, but religion, as George Washington said in his Farewell Address: "One's god dictates the kind of law one implements and also controls the application and development of that law over time. Given enough time, all non-Christian systems of law self-destruct in a fit of tyranny."

Thus, we seek to restore the vitality and enforcement of God's Law for all men in all ages. This means, of course, a full restoration of the customs and usages of Christians applying God's Law, all for His Glory, to live their everyday lives.

There are some who despise the Christian agenda. That is their problem, not ours. After years of study in the origins of true common law, we know its roots are Christian.2 For us it is simply God’s Law extended and applied by Christians in England and America, and it will take Christian Men and Women today to provide the Godly system that will once again put the church on the march.

An abatement is a recognized procedure in jurisprudence. It comes out of the English Common Law (before it was merged with commercial law), which was based upon scripture and derived from scripture; it's basically God's Law applied.

The Works herein are, for us, one more step in the process of restoring true Law, as we attempt to take a few more steps on a very long road back from the Dark Age of Humanism which has claimed more victims than Europe's Black Death. The Handbooks, from modest beginnings, have sparked a new interest in local Christian government and have also provided tools to restore Lawful government at the local level, which helps bring knowledge, understanding and hope into the Christian arena.

The Non-Statutory Abatement Handbook is the first in a series of non-carnal Lawful weapons that can be used to retard the advance of Imperial powers, until members of the Christ's assembly everywhere return to His old paths from the whence they began to err.

Our position is: "Law is better than blood - one Law for all."

Who Non-Statutory Abatements are for

Abatements are for those bondservants of Christ who are committed to pressing the Crown Rights of King Jesus and who are willing to take on the responsibilities related thereto. They are for those who are willing to throw off the 'chains that bind them,' known as 'commercial activity,' 'benefits, privileges and opportunities from a secular world,' and all of the attachments created thereby. Repentance in these areas is essential for a successful abatement. They must have the Christian Discernment necessary to hold off the encroachment of 'the powers of the earth.' The ability to do this comes only through Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, and Perseverance under God, and most importantly, Prayer.

Who Non-Statutory Abatements are not for

Abatements are not for those who are looking for a 'quick fix,' 'silver bullet' or 'a magic remedy.' Abatements are not for those who believe that a few words on a piece of paper are going to make all of their troubles go away, and then go on about their 'business' engaging in the activities within the private lex mercatoria of the un-Godly. Abatements are not for those who put their faith in a bank or insurance company for limited liability protection, instead of faith in God's protection. Abatements are not for those who want a vehicle to threaten a judge with a lien, etc., or are looking for some way to get revenge because they believe they've been injured, for "vengeance is Mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." Abatements are not for those who believe, through the teachings of their 501(c)3 Church, that you must obey all authority, even if it be an un-Godly one that rewards evil and punishes good. Abatements are not for those who are afraid that they will be called a 'religious nut' when standing on the highest Law, which is God's Law through Christ. Abatements are not for those who will cower at the appearance of 'an official' telling them that they must submit to their 'power.' Abatements are not for those who fear the imperial powers more than they fear God.

What Non-Statutory Abatements Do

Non-Statutory Abatements respond to the vast majority of imperial powers paperwork -- head on. When prepared and served properly, they've been very successful at stopping imperial arbitrariness, foreclosures, trespasses, suits, etc. (when the status of the abator is what the abatement says it is) -- before they get started.

Abatements have the force and effect of an indictment and/or an at-Law case or suit when used against current international/martial rule courts. When the defendant doesn't answer, and with Default properly written and served, the case becomes Res Judicata, i.e., final judgment has been made.

Abatements properly served with Default nihil dicit, constitute a public record of the defendant's abandonment of their suit.

NiHIL DICIT: He says nothing. It is the failing of the defendant to put in a plea or answer to the plaintiff's declaration by the day assigned; and in this case judgment is given against the defendant of course, as he says nothing why it should not. Vide 15 Vin. Ab. 556; Dane's Ab. Index, h. t. - Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856).

Abatements turn those who file imperial process against you, from plaintiffs, to defendants, who under the rules of engagement during war, must strip themselves of all stratagems, and engage in their true character.

Abatements are low in cost to write and serve, and by ending an opponents case quickly, they lower dramatically the cost of maintaining and defending against imperial powers suits. Abatements follow the Maxim of Law that, "the law looks to the end of all litigation." Contrast this with the current "law" which is: the only law is that which comes out of the judge's mouth. Judges have the Midas touch, i.e., what ever he touches or says becomes law because he touched or said it.

Abatements discussed, herein, have been served all over America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, and have been used successfully against: Federal District Courts, Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, State Tax Entities, County Agencies, Bureaus, Courts, Banks and Loan Companies, and, countless others. Note: If your status is not what the abatement purports it to be, your abatement may be ignored. That is why it is very important to eliminate the ties, such as a driver's license, use of a Social Security Number through employment with a corporation (which receives its right to exist from the State), etc.

Sample abatements listed after the text are based on many years of experience and thousands of actions, served in every state of the union, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, in all types of courts, jurisdictions, and venues.

More importantly, research on the abatement process has not only continued, but intensified, with a marked increase in the number of genuinely committed bondservants of Christ working on perfecting them through God's Word. Every word, clause, phrase, and sentence in the sample abatements has been gone over with a fine-toothed comb, and if there was any doubt about using a specific word, etc., it was researched and replaced.

The capitalization of nouns, appellations, and names, has been checked and re-checked.

Maxims of Law used in sample abatements are carefully selected for maximum utility.3

The point of explaining this is, to caution Readers, that any changes made in abatements herein, adding or removing words and sentences to existing text, etc., is dangerous, and may likely result in a document that is worthless. There are also those non-Christians and 'Judeo-Christians' (Yahveh-ites and Yahshua-ites) who have removed Christ and Scripture from the abatement, and have failed every time. No Law, no foundation. 'Private opinion, belief, or interpretation,' and 'denominational dogma' are not, and never have been, recognized in Law.

Replacing the text of the appellation of Demandant, name of the Defendant, Demandant's location for a Defendant to respond to (if he can), and Defendant's address, dates, title of paper being abated, etc., should be the only changes necessary, in most cases.

We know, that in spite of warnings, thousands have made and will make all sorts of frivolous, unnecessary, and harmful changes in the samples, the vast majority of which will compromise the abatement's effectiveness. We strongly caution the Reader against doing so.

Faith in God Works

The old adage that "faint heart ne'er won fair maid," can be re-worded as "lack of faith can cut your own throat in Law." Once, a man back east served a Non-Statutory Abatement to stop a foreclosure, one of the first such abatements ever done. It successfully stopped the banks foreclosure for six months. Then, the bank began sending nasty letters, making threats, etc. Instead of sticking to the abatement, he got involved in Leroy Schweitzer's Bank Warrant game, shammed his abatement and lost everything, and the man's position was now worse than before. It's sad that he never stopped to ask whether or not the Warrants were the godly thing to do.

Faith in God's Law kept the wolf from the door in this man's case. Bank Warrants did not just re-open the door to foreclosure, it smashed the door, utterly.

What is so shocking is that men and women of otherwise good will have involved themselves in a very dangerous game that is utterly contrary to God's Law, and they still call themselves Christians. "What communion hath light with darkness?" In other words, walking with Mercury, i.e., "commerce," and walking with God at the same time are an impossibility, for "No man can serve two masters." We do not recommend anyone playing with Satan's instruments such as Bank Warrants, Bills of Particulars or Liens, no matter how great the temptation. Doubting God's Fidelity to his Word is equivalent to calling God a liar.

Non-Statutory Abatements:

What They Are, and What They Were Never Meant To Be!

[An amended Article written in July of 1996 for Issue the Seventh of The Christian Jural Society News]

In a recent case up north in Oregon, a 'person' used an abatement and went to jail.

In another case, a 'person' in Louisiana used the abatement after appearing in court and complained bitterly when it failed.

And, one of those 'abatement gurus' who plagiarized and 'improved' our first abatement package, saw to it that 'his people' shammed their abatement when they tried to use his 'new and improved process.'

Do I have your attention yet???

From the moment I released the Non-Statutory Abatement process in January of 1995, there has been a concerted effort by some in the 'patriot movement' to discredit the process for one reason or another, none of which has damaged the process, but instead, has damaged these so-called 'experts in common law' and their unsuspecting victims.

These so-called 'patriots' not only have their own special 'insight' into how the process should be done, but have acquired 'pirated' material of the first abatement package and are selling it at sometimes exorbitant prices and leaving my phone number in it, so that I get all of the questions. In one case, an ex-bar attorney charged a man $7,800, called him a 'sentient human being' (meaning, a conscious animal) in the abatement and the man ended up losing his house over it.

These tactics are nothing new in the law reform movement, which is one reason for the movements' tarnished name. These people are, in some cases, more corrupt than the 'government' they say needs to be reformed. The Scriptural injunction at Matthew 7:3 concerning the mote in another's eye is apropos here.

Examples of the abuse of the process are: removing all references to Christ from the abatement; telling people to use such un-Godly cites as the U.C.C., Title 42, Title 4, etc., which is private commercial statute law, in a Non-Statutory instrument; telling people to file the process into a court instead of serving it on a defendant personally; telling people to send the abatement Certified mail instead of Registered, thereby injecting it into a commercial venue; telling people to call themselves Respondent instead of Demandant; telling people that it's not necessary to serve the default if you don't hear from the Defendant; and finally, promoting the idea that one can use the abatement to threaten judges and I.R.S. agents.

I have the following to say about the above catalogue of abuses:

One. The abatement works when it uses the highest possible Law, which is God's Law. Removing Christ from the abatement reduces it to a form of law that can be easily dispensed with. [Replacing God and Jesus the Christ, with Yahweh and Yahshua, will sham the abatement because of the custom and usage of Christian nations using the former designations, even though they have the same spiritual meaning].

Two. Using statutory cites in a Non-Statutory Abatement process guarantees that the abatement will be ignored.

Three. If you file, instead of serve the process, you lose your court and are asking the un-Godly to decide against you.

Four. If you serve the abatement by Certified instead of Registered Mail, it will not have a chain of recorded custody in the process and you will be ignored, unless the court or agency is just as ignorant as one who uses Certified Mail. Certified Mail is also a commercial war measure instrument begun during Lincoln's War.

Five. Calling yourself a Respondent is an equity term and you are looked at in their law as a fictional persona. The parties will be cast with the wrong standing if this is done and guess who will lose in the conflict.

Six. Serving the Default and making Public Notice of same is absolutely essential.

Seven. Not being located at an 'address' is absolutely essential to have a successful abatement.

Eight. Using any form of process to threaten anyone, constitutes attempted extortion in all forms of law.

This last tactic has resulted in at least one arrest for threatening a judicial officer to date. This is precisely why the woman in Oregon who made the threat of filing a commercial lien on a judge for $10,000,000 if he did not obey her abatement, was ignored and went to jail.

The man in Louisiana, while he was complaining, revealed that all the while he was trying to use abatements, he had two other cases going in the same court and had an attorney as well. One cannot render unto Caesar and unto God at the same time. Remember, there's always a rusty nail in the top of the fence for those who think they can ride both sides of it.

And, in the series of cases that were lost, mentioned above, it seems that the abatement package that was used had been 'improved' by an Ohio Title 42 'guru' and his 'business' partner. Apparently their Title 42 business was not doing as well as they would like and thus, one week after learning about abatements at one of our seminars, they were 'experts' and began doing seminars with the 'new and improved' statutory abatement. There is other such nonsense going on in other areas of the country as well. These problems will work themselves out in the end.

When a Non-Statutory Abatement is commercially improved, it becomes a statutory abatement, which, of course, has no force and effect anywhere, not even in Fantasyland at Disneyland or with Alice in Wonderland.

Those who have Title 42 'businesses' [or pro se 'businesses'] and spend their lives encouraging people to 'hang 'em in court,' have a commercial twist in mind that once was very profitable. Losses in court [and the advent of the Non-Statutory Abatement process], however, have a tendency to depress one's stock in such commercial ventures.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the commercially oriented types will never be successful with an instrument such as a Non-Statutory Abatement, which is Christ-based, simple to understand when accompanied with diligent study and Discernment, and non-commercial.

Those who inject their own 'ideas' of law, based as they are on absolutely no Lawful Authority, actually believe that the court cannot tell the difference. It is so obvious in most cases that even those who are public 'drool' graduates with no prior experience in law can see when the abatement changes its character from a Godly one -- to an un-Godly and Lawless one. Looking at the secular statutory system, it can be likened to a first-year law student attempting to write a Supreme Court decision. Ludicrous!

The point is this: When one varies from certain pre-set guidelines established through long-standing usage and custom, one not only appears ignorant of the Law, but at the same time, shams their abatement.

Therefore, just as the literati of man's law know the difference in style between John Doe and John Jay, so do the courts recognize when a 'sentient common law sovereign citizen human being person' injects its convoluted diatribe into the Abatement, thereby evidencing a conflict of law within itself.

Some will read this article who may feel that I'm expressing a certain type of arrogance in what I've written above. Let them believe what they will, or in other words, let the blind lead the blind or let the dead bury the dead. The truth is, The Christ's assembly were developing and using the Abatements a year before we released it to the country. We did the original research and writ writing -- from the authoritative sources. Others have done the plagiarizing, and mutilation.

This abuse and the deliberate moves to discredit the abatement process by some has come to the point where it is time for us to speak out against all of those who engage in such tactics and then call, write, or fax us, with the problems that result.

Now that I've vented my spleen, so to speak, I'll go through the basic guidelines, once again.

What Abatements Are

One. In Lawful courts, a Non-Statutory Abatement is a dilatory plea that acts to delay a plaintiff's action until certain errors in plaintiffs process are corrected. In this sense, it acts to improve plaintiff's process.

In military/commercial law courts, when the abatement is properly written and served, it comes to the court from a higher Law that the defendants cannot answer because they are bound by the Rules of Pleading in Codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations -- and not Law.

Thus, because all parties to the action must stand at the same level, i.e., have the same standing in the same law, and since the martial law courts have an inferior standing relative to Lawful instruments of any kind -- abatements act as an effective bar against un-Lawful process.

Therefore, they always go to default -- if one serves the Default soon after the Rule Day, i.e., the day on which the abatement goes to Default.

Two. The abatements were developed quietly for more than a year before they were released and we have continually refined the statements of Law therein, to the point where, the early abatement package is comparatively antiquated as far as the substance and quality of its content is concerned.

Three. The single most important factor in the success of the abatements has been the standing of the abater, i.e., the one who serves the abatement.

One must be living in Truth in order to have the standing in Law to bring a Non-Statutory Abatement to bear on a case.

Keeping a street or P.O. box number while trying to issue an abatement is fatal – always. [See general post-office]

Four. The only law superior to the existing martial law powers, that is still readily accessible to bondservants of Christ, is God's Law, found in Christ and the holy scriptures.

Only by genuinely acting in the mode and character of a bondservant of Christ can one consistently bring Non-Statutory Abatements to bear against martial law courts, who have only a form of law.

One who is not a bondservant of Christ, or who professes to be one but believes they live under grace and not under Law, and does not act in the mode and character of a bondservant of Christ, i.e., follows the Law of God, will have the same standing as the courts, who see them as mere human beings, persons, individuals, etc., without Law and who are subject to every whim of the reasonable judge's fancy.

Five. Serving, not filing an abatement is essential, because that which is filed in the court is presumed to be an answer upon which the court may rule, thereby surrendering jurisdiction.

Since the court cannot hear Lawful process, it must rule against a filed abatement because it imports a Law foreign to the court, which the court by Rule, must deny and set aside.

Serving an abatement starts another action, a counter suit, if you will, which a court or martial law defendant has no standing to answer when the abatement is properly written and served by a bondservant of Christ. It remains in a godly venue across the board. Any deviation from these criteria simply shams the abatement.

Six. Any direct contact with a court by any other means such as: making an appearance; filing other process before an abatement; hiring an attorney; serving a court clerk (who will file the abatement into the court); posting bail or, signing an O.R. (release on your Own Recognizance); being arrested and making an admission or confession of information that will confirm the court's jurisdiction; making an appearance in an administrative hearing or answering a summons; where there is a damaged victim; or, if one as a matter of public record is the owner or employee of a corporation; renders the abatement of no effect.

The abatement is thus, the very first response a bondservant of Christ makes against processes of martial law courts, their agents or assigns, administrative agencies, banks, etc.

Do not respond to a letter with another letter. Respond in Law with a Non-Statutory Abatement.

Seven. Abatement is the proper response to a court or agency by any godly Woman under Coverture; i.e., when under the covering of her husband, father, brother in Christ, or the Christ's assembly, in accordance with Scripture.

The first abatement served in this case abates the process improperly brought against a godly Woman under covering. Such an abatement is always issued by the bondman of Christ sitting as the woman's covering, for purposes of Law.

What They Were Never Meant To Be

One. Abatements are not, never have been, and never will be a 'silver bullet', as some commercial promoters have claimed. They are for Christian preservation in cases where the abator is a bondservant of Christ living according to God's Law, for His Glory, to edify His assembly in every part of their being, and have not rendered damage to an innocent victim and are not rendering unto Caesar, i.e., not wasting God's inheritance by engaging in the ways of the Law Merchant by selling insurance, speculating in fictional commodities such as real estate, stocks and bonds, selling to the public-at-large, 'employment' by a Corporation, which gets its right to exist from the State, and other such commercial depravity.

Two. Abatements are not, never have been, and never will be used successfully by those who choose to live contrary to Scripture, by accepting benefits from a government that has deliberately chosen to operate under the humanist religion. Such benefits include receiving 'free delivery' of mail to one's home, office or P.O. Box; taking a license from the State to pursue the calling or exercising the duty [and Christian Liberty] for which he or she was given by Almighty God; receiving tax exemptions from entities never having the standing to tax anyone in the first place; accepting the conveniences and benefits of a government banking system or protection of an insurance company and other such activities that are contrary to Scripture.

Three. Abatements are not, never have been and never will be used successfully for one who has given jurisdiction to the court or agency by 'appearing' for them and accepting counsel and judgment from them. Accepting counsel and judgment from the un-Godly is un-Godly.

In closing, I will say this. The sooner all bondservants of Christ break these commercial contacts and disengage from the lex mercatoria, the sooner We will understand what True government really is. Living by God's Law preserves a people; living by man's laws destroys a people. [End of Article]

The General Guidelines

Non-Statutory Abatements take their name from the fact that the process exists and can be written - not because of any statute passed by some legislature - but by virtue of its customary usage arising out of God's Law. The authority for its use, therefore, does not require any legislature's stamp of approval.

As to the nature of an abatement, Shipman says:

There are certain preliminary objections to the maintenance of the suit, which do not attack the core or merits of the plaintiff's case. These formal defects are waived, unless they are raised by the defendant at the first opportunity. These were known in common law pleading as matters of abatement and suspension, and were raised by the so-called "dilatory pleas," since they tend merely to delay or put off the particular suit, by questioning the method in which it is pursued, rather than by disputing the very cause of the suit or right to relief in proper form. Dilatory pleas are to the jurisdiction of the court, alleging that it has no cognizance of the subject-matter; to the disability of the plaintiff, by reason of which he is incapable to commence or continue the suit, ...4

Thus, the only facts stated in an abatement are the facts of defects in plaintiff's initial process (the very first piece of paperwork sent to you), along with plaintiff's inability to bring a suit.

In Lawful dealings (not under The Laws of War), a Non-Statutory Abatement suspends a suit until a plaintiff can correct errors in his original process. If errors are corrected in a response to the abatement, plaintiff's suit continues. This is why a Non-Statutory Abatement is called a dilatory plea, because it acts to delay proceedings of a plaintiff's suit, but does not prevent the plaintiff from correcting his errors, and continuing his suit.

Note that the abatement only deals with the facts concerning the process itself, not the plaintiff's argument or the core issue or merits of plaintiff's case. Does the plaintiff have standing to bring the suit?; has he misnamed the defendant?; and other facts that have nothing to do with the core issues.

When the defendant (you) in the plaintiff's suit (administrative agency, bank, etc.) responds with a Non-Statutory Abatement, you the defendant, become the Demandant, not another plaintiff, and the plaintiff who filed the original suit becomes the Defendant in a new action, which is the Non-Statutory Abatement.

If, for whatever reason, the Defendant in the Abatement cannot correct the errors in his process or suit, he cannot pursue his original case 'in Law,' and the Abatement is said "to lie" against the Defendant (originally the plaintiff who brought the first action).

'Marks' are statements in the Abatement that list the fatal errors in the original plaintiff's suit or process, which the Abatement Defendant must correct if he wishes to continue his original suit.

Other fatal errors that may be stated in the 'marks' besides misnomer, are; misjoinder of causes of action, misjoinder, and misjoinder of parties.5

But, when proper Non-Statutory Abatements are issued against imperial powers, they have the effect of process at-Law and:

Suspend all proceedings in a suit, from the want of proper parties capable of proceeding therein.6

The 'want of proper parties' means that someone filed a suit who had no standing to file such a suit in the first place. Thus, it is impossible for someone to file a suit in one jurisdiction to try and reach a purported defendant in another jurisdiction.

One in a superior position cannot be sued by one in an inferior position in Law. Thus, parties under emergency powers, The Law of War, International and Municipal Law, have no standing in Law and thus cannot answer Non-Statutory Abatements from bondservants of Christ, who in fact, act in the mode and character of a bondservant of Christ. The courts recognize the existence and power of God's Law, but can do nothing about it because God's Law is the highest jurisdiction there is, and military law is the lowest.

The Rule is; those under The Law of War cannot answer processes at Law.

Plea Out of Bar

A plea in abatement is not a plea in bar, but out of bar. That is, a court cannot hear and judge matters that have not yet come under a court's authority. For cases to come under court authority, all preliminary matters, such as errors in the original process, (marked in the abatement) must have been resolved, or the plaintiff has failed to properly bring his case to you or the court.

In fact, there is no case and nothing for the court to hear. The case exists in the first place, because someone (plaintiff) serves process on someone else. But, a plaintiff cannot put a case in bar, unless his process complies with court rules, the first of which is, plaintiff's process must have no errors in it. Errors constitute defective process and are sufficient cause for a purported defendant to issue an abatement.

Since abatements are pleas out of bar, courts cannot hear argument on a case, unless some act of the respondent brings him in bar and makes him a defendant, i.e., by not answering plaintiff's process, by demurring, or by otherwise conceding jurisdiction to the court to hear the matter.

In contrast to the above, consider a situation where one works, is mustered into, or employed by imperial powers, i.e., "effectively connected in a trade or business with the United States."

First, the law says it is a privilege to work for civil governments.

Second, all privileges granted by civil government are taxable.

Thus, it is likely that a Non-Statutory Abatement will not lie against process issued by imperial governments to seize wages and salaries paid by them, unless the entity who files the process to seize, is utterly incompetent. Then, abatement may be successful, but don't expect it to be.

Differences between a 'persona' 7 created by Imperial governments and the bondservant of Christ, Man or Woman, are important and determine when the abatement will, or will not, lie -- if the Christian Man or Woman is not otherwise working for the government or a State approved corporation..

State granted, imperial privileges, via licenses (a token of the persona) differ from the prerogatives held by a king, i.e., the bondservant of Christ who has the prerogatives (jussus and immunitas) of the King of Kings. The

The Maxim of Law is:

Domus sua cuique est tutissimum Refugium -- Every man's house is his castle.8

If a government entity, however, comes after one on the Membership Roll of a Registered Church (a 501(c)3 not-for-profit State sponsored corporation), or if you have a Trust of any kind that is being attacked, both are statutory and thus, cannot resist seizures, and abatements may not lie. Other examples are: private employment contracts, independent contractors;9 employees of Departments of Motor Vehicles; and, others 'privileged' to be a fiduciary (employee, agent, trustee, actor, representative) of an Imperial power, are subject and the abatement probably won't lie.

Scripture has something to say on these points:

Render therefore, unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's; and unto God the things that are God's.10

This verse applies especially to the resurrected Roman Imperial law that now rules current provisional governments.

It also relates to the money question, in that bank loans, bank checks, bills of credit, etc., are fictitious debt instruments created by imperial governments with no value or substance, while dollars specie (pre-1964 silver coin), have value and substance, and are Scripturally Lawful. If Cæsar permits issuance of these debt instruments, he has jurisdiction (imperium) over their use. But, if bondservants of Christ deal only in dollars in silver, Cæsar is dead - long live Christ Our King.

The Imperial powers do not want to open the money issue and the question of the bankruptcy of the United States and all its agents (the States, banks, etc.) in any court. Remember: Imperial privileges created can also be abolished, destroyed, or taxed, by their Imperial creator.

On Appearance

There is much discussion in the law reform movement on the type of appearance one can make in court without granting jurisdiction. The consensus is, by special appearance only. But, do such appearances accomplish the desired result?

An appearance is any act or proceeding by which a defendant places himself before the court, in order to participate in an action:

Personal jurisdiction or power to render a judgment in personam may be acquired either by personal service of summons or by appearance. If a defendant or his attorney does any act with reference to the defense of the action, he is held to submit himself to the authority of the court and all defects in service of process are thereby cured.11

The modern law does not seek to compel appearance, but if the defendant is properly served and neglects to appear and plead, the court will render judgment against him for default of appearance. Inasmuch as the default constitutes an admission of the cause of action set forth in the declaration, all that the plaintiff has to prove is his damages.12

Special appearances are only for the purpose of determining if a court has jurisdiction or not. But, if a court, or, its principal, has a money interest in a case, the court almost always decides in its own favor. Motions to courts grant jurisdiction to hear the motion, even through a special appearance.

If one appears and answers 'here' when his name is called, he grants jurisdiction to a court over a persona which you, the bondservant of Christ of substance has become 'surety' for. Saying 'here' means the bondservant is present and ready to defend, and becomes the surety for the persona. The bondservant has waived all of his Rights, including his God given Duty [and Standing] to abate the process.

The problem is, the bondservant pays the fine and does the time, not a persona, because the bondservant, as surety, applied for the benefit, privilege, or opportunity that created the persona.

The bondservant has the 'benefit of discussion' in the court concerning a persona, but no prerogative to use his Master's Law, because he waived his Rights when he answered for a persona without first correcting plaintiff's process by abatement. The bondservant appeared and perfected the errors in plaintiff's process by confirming he is the persona, and that the plaintiff has standing to bring the suit. From that point on, only the law of the persona can be used. All of the above also applies to all administrative agencies (I.R.S., etc).

The 'benefit of discussion,' is:

A proceeding, at the instance of a surety, by which the creditor is obliged to exhaust the property of the principal debtor, towards the satisfaction of the debt, before having recourse to the surety; and this right of the surety is termed the 'benefit of discussion.'13

Note: one has a 'benefit' of discussion, not a 'right' of discussion. In another work, there is an excellent article of the related idea of "pledge."14

Never, never, confuse the difference between the flesh and blood Man and the fictional persona. The persona is the principal debtor and the flesh and blood Man or Woman is he or she who stands in as the surety for that persona resulting from an improper answer.

The flesh and blood bondservant of Christ is never the same as the persona. The Man is created by God. The persona is created by man as a means of getting to the bondservant. The bondservant is a Man of substance, while the persona is a 'person' of fiction indicated by one or more numbers, i.e., a driver's license, a 'birth date,' Social Security number, Tax I.D. number, home address number, etc.

They are never the same and neither can use the law of the other, because both are bound by the law of their creators. bondservants have a relationship to God through Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. When a 'human' becomes a bondservant, his godly name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life which is a Christian name known only to God. The Covenant requires the bondservant to abide by God's Law, not the man-made law of the imperial persona.

The law of persona clouds a bondservant's relationship to God and interferes with his duty to obey God. Imperial powers create a persona to give an appearance of Lawful process to justify trespass on the bondservant's liberties, through the imposition of a persona created by novation. Because the bondservant and a persona are under different law, there is a conflict of laws that are mutually exclusive ultimates, i.e., each mutually excludes the other. This is the ultimate conflict of laws.

To illustrate by analogy, God looks at the bondservant through Christ and sees one whose sins are 'white as snow.' An imperial powers agent or judge looks through the Codes at the persona and sees one who is as black as the pit, because the agent or judge is blinded to the existence of the bondservant, for even if he could see him, he could not hear the testimony within his secular administration world.

The 'law' of persona is never Law because it is directly contrary to God's Law and. It is based on the Law of War, and is spawned by the god of war (Mars), while the Law of The One True God is based on Himself and is the Law of Peace and Safety.

Thus, the maxim:

The Law of God and the Law of the Land are all one; and both preserve and favor the common good of the land.15

By way of contrast, the maxims of the law of War are clearly opposed to all true Law:

Silent leges inter armas -- the laws are silent amidst arms.16

Thus, under the laws of War - statutory and constitutional laws are silent. They become directory only. In short, the laws become arbitrary and capricious under the discretion of the judge.

In 1628, a Petition of Right by Sir Edward Coke was issued against Charles I that stopped martial law in England and America. The relevant passage in the Petition is:

And also sundry grievous offenders by colour thereof, claiming an exemption, have escaped the punishments due to them by the laws and statutes of this your realm, by reason that divers of your officers and ministers of justice have unjustly refused, or forborne to proceed against such offenders according to the same laws and statutes, upon pretense that the said offenders were punishable by martial law, and by authority of such commissions as aforesaid, which commissions, and all other of like nature, are wholly and directly contrary to the said laws and statutes of this your realm.17

The bottom line is, one cannot claim a king's prerogatives or sovereignty, without being an heir or son of the King of Kings, Christ Jesus:

“The Spirit Itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ;...”18

Perhaps now we see why imperial powers create the fictitious persona, with fictitious alter egos, i.e., persons, residents, individuals, human beings, natural persons, etc.,19 because they have no power over bondservants whose Law they follow is God's Law. The Roman imperial power extends only to what it creates, the persona, not to the bondservant of Christ.

God's Law and man's law are opposed at every point in Creation. God is no respecter of persons,20 but man is, and his law reflects it, as seen above. Man knows he has no right of dominion over other men, but he nevertheless seeks to gain it, by creating the persona, known only by the nom de guerre.21

The bondservant cannot control what the Imperial powers do with his name. But, he can control the way he responds to a persona's nom de guerre. The spelling makes all the difference between the real, substantive bondservant, and the fictitious vacuum that is a persona, which, so long as it exists, is the means whereby the bondservant's life, liberty and property are raped, plundered, and pillaged, by Lawless and greedy little men.

We now know why names on Court Dockets (from which one's name is read) and names on imperial process, licences, etc., are spelled in all capital letters, and why such names are called a nom de guerre (war name), which is specific evidence of the existence of a fictitious persona 'for their purposes.' Arguing jurisdiction is a fait accompli and utterly irrelevant if you've already answered for the persona.

One may think this is 'fraud,' but all names are spelled this way on all imperial process and on the Docket sheet posted outside the door of courts - where all the world can see it. If one fails to note that his name is not spelled according to the Rules of English, that the true Christian name is not on the process, they have no one to blame but themselves. A name spelled in any way other than in the proper Christian form is an error.

The persona has no power to answer defective imperial process. It has no hands to write a response and no voice, because, as the creation of an imperial power it is an absolute fiction, created ex nihilo, out of nothing. And, there is nothing that can qualify as a contract to tell you when and how the persona is created, it is always assumed.

The Maxim of Law is:

Fictions arise from the law, and not law from fictions.

But, if the 'defendant' fails to 'appear' or answer the process, the courts will issue default judgment against the persona anyway, because the surety - the flesh and blood Man - failed to come to court and answer for the fictional debtor. Thus, if a bondservant wants to stay out of jail, keep his liberty, and property, he must respond to the process and inform the court of the errors that are always there.

With abatements, one responds without 'appearing' and process is not perfected on the persona. The bondservant is severed from the persona by the abatement, which is the only response that answers imperial process and stops default judgment against him, provided he has not traversed his case by writing something stupid in the abatement (like UCC codes).

This may be difficult for some to swallow, but in more than two hundred years of Supreme Court decisions from the Runkle case (1799) to the present, it is stated that the Laws of the nation presuppose Christianity -- upon which they depend. Non-Statutory Abatements are therefore, a specifically Christian remedy. When a non-Christian asks whether they may use Christian premises in an abatement, we must reply with the Maxim of Law:

No man warring for God should be troubled by secular business.

To continue, once an abatement is served, any type of 'personal' appearance (including answering to the persona) nullifies the abatement.

It's nerve-racking when one serves an abatement against imperial powers and one's court date passes without his making an appearance. But, trust in God, the abatement will not be answered properly and will go to Default. Then, one serves default against Defendant and the matter becomes Res Judicata, i.e., final judgment has been made. Imperial process goes to default for the same reasons that the imperial court will grant default judgment if one fails to appear and answer an imperial plaintiff's process. (See, "Response Tactics," below).

The truth is, no man, godly or otherwise, belongs in imperial powers courts. These courts may distinguish, but we must not. As the Scripture says:

One law shall be to him that is home born, and unto the stranger, that sojourneth among you.”

Imperial government's rule is: "The presence of the body cures the error in the name."

The Rules of English

A major problem created by imperial schools, posing as 'public schools,' that directly impacts on one's understanding of Law is, the failure to teach The Rules of English Grammar. For example, what words are capitalized and when. This difference alone has major significance in Law. But, imperial schools are only half the problem.

The American people abuse the English language as if it were a right. In Law, this is deadly, because it can put a defendant or plaintiff in jail without ever knowing why. We strongly recommend to Readers that they acquire and study a handbook on The Rules of English Grammar, and make it part of their life's work to put these Rules into effect - daily. We recommend the older works on Grammar, for obvious reasons.

Nouns name persons, places, or things. General nouns denoting a class of persons, places, or things, are never capitalized. If we mean a specific person, place, or thing, only the first letter is capitalized. Thus, the noun 'state'22 and 'State'23 are different words denoting two entirely different things. The former (state) is general and used at Law, while the latter (State) is specific and denotes a created entity, i.e., a fictional res, i.e., a thing in commerce.

In today's courts, persons, places, things, and entire court processes, are always written in all capital letters, a clear violation of The Rules of English. But, this is done to fully inform defendants and plaintiffs of the type of court that will hear the case. It says, clearly, that a court is sitting to hear matters in controversy - between personæ, or, a res and personæ in commerce, and thereby full disclosure is given to all.

Today's courts cannot deal with real people, places, and things, i.e., substance, because being bound by International law, the lex mercatoria, and The law of War, such courts can only deal with fictional personæ. Thus, all parties agree to be named, and do appear by fictitious names, spelled in all capital letters or with a middle initial, i.e., a nom de guerre (war name).

An example of a war name is, JOHN DAVID SMITH or John D. Smith. Under the Rules of English, the Christian name is spelled John David, and the family name, Smith. Because all corporations, like the persona, are also fictions of law, their names are spelled in all capitals as well. Thus, if I.B.M. is a party to an action, its name is written; INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES, INC. on the court's Docket, and in all court and administrative process.

Initials or abbreviations of a name, are "no name at all,"24 and their use creates another fiction. Government administrative documents commonly make no provision in their forms for one to write out his or her middle name. This is a deliberate form of entrapment. This is the practice on all I.R.S. forms that only allow space for or only request the middle initial. Under the laws of War, they can only ask for the fiction.

The Maxim of Law is:

An alien enemy cannot maintain an action during the war in his own name.25

When preparing the Non-Statutory Abatement, you style any Defendant from an emergency powers court in all capitals, or initials, such as THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, or the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as it appears on the abandoned paper that you are abating.

Spell out all numerals or numbers in abatements, i.e., The Year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, Nineteen hundred and Ninety-eight. Numbers are fictions in numerical form and have no substance.

The 'fictional' numbers that appear on the abandoned paper (i.e. 1/15/98) are not to be spelled out.

Next, is the use of parenthesis, brackets, curly braces, and boxes. All information contained therein is classed as; "extraneous, explanatory, and interpolated matter, with no force and effect in law."26 Therefore, never 'interpolate' any statements in the abatement.

Any name not correctly and fully spelled out is a misnomer, literally, mis-named, and is a solid plea in abatement. In most Non-Statutory Abatements there is some reference to the misnomer. When raising misnomer, however, state only the facts that lead a court to conclude a misnomer has been used. Let the court come to its own conclusion.

If your name is a single letter and not a full name, make sure you do not put a period after the single letter name, because it says that one of your names is abbreviated and is thus a fictitious persona. To save yourself the pains of being mis-interpreted, one might want to adopt a fully spelled name to replace a single letter name.

The above is only a summary of the relationship of English usage and the Law.

The Rule is; Know the English language and use it like a weapon in Law.

What's in a Word?

If one makes a careful study of the way in which imperial power's word their paperwork, letters, and process, one will find a very deceitful use of certain words and phrases, all of which are designed to compel one to make a 'voluntary appearance.' And, since all appearances are voluntary, the words must carry the maximum impact, yet not cross over the line so as to violate the Rules of Imperial Process. Thus, one may see phrases such as "You must appear at ... blah, blah, ... at such a date and time, ... blah, blah."

Has this sentence violated the Imperial Rules of Process? Answer: No.

The reason: In man's law, 'must' means 'may.'27 What's really being said is, "We invite you to appear ...," because your appearance must be voluntary. Such phrases are designed to strike fear into the heart of a purported defendant and provoke a knee-jerk reaction that means the he loses!

Other words and phrases using the same kind of deceit are: "Notice of...," "Notice to Appear," "Notice of Lien/Levy," "Notice to Remove," "Notice of Warrant," "Notice of Trespass," "Order to Show Cause," "Order and Demand," and "IT IS SO ORDERED." From what we have all learned from the above, we now know that the phrase "IT IS SO ORDERED," because written in all caps, is unintelligible in English, and is thus abatable.

Letters from the provisional Government

It is common for all branches of current provisional government to send letters to people they are setting up for fleecing. The purpose of letters is not to inform you, but to inform them as to how much you know, or don't know, about Law.

People normally respond to letters, with more letters. But letters, as such, have no force and effect in Law. Thus, when you respond to a letter, with another letter, this tells whoever sent you the letter that you know nothing about Law and that you can probably be pressured to roll over and pay without any further trouble on the government's part. The letter is, therefore, merely a device used by administrative agencies to collect revenues without the bother of issuing process and going to court.

The problem is, this tactic joins you to an action without knowing it.

The I.R.S. uses this tactic, very effectively. Threatening letters making outrageous demands for taxes you probably don't owe, are typical. Your knee-jerk reaction is, respond with a letter asking all kinds of questions that the I.R.S. could care less about. The point of the outrageous letter and demands is, to provoke a response from you, get you to appear, or make a call to the I.R.S., in which they will apply more heat to force one to roll over. The I.R.S. doesn't care whether you've properly paid "your fair share"; they want more. The object is to compel you to submit to an increase in your voluntary assessments, rather than fight them. The letters are thus, a tactic using fear and intimidation to expose your ignorance of Law.

Remember; most I.R.S. agents are sub-contractors and work on commissions from seized property.

Often, the news media blasts you with stories of how the very wealthy are put in jail by the I.R.S. or have to pay huge fines and penalties for not filing, or filing in error.

But, it doesn't matter who sends you a letter: do not respond with another letter!!! Respond with Lawful process, i.e., a Non-Statutory Abatement. Their letter may have no force and effect in Law, but the abatement will. Usually, they just go away and you will hear no more from them, unless you change your status, i.e., begin again with home mail delivery, working for a company or corporation, resume a bank account, etc.

The Rule is, respond to all letters from any government agency with Lawful process.

Response Tactics of Imperial Powers

Since, under International/Municipal law, "deceit" is legal,28 one must expect that all federal, state, county, city, and local imperial government officers and agents will use it to get what they want, which is, to compel the bondservant of Christ to answer for the persona and "voluntarily comply."

Tactics used by imperial powers to get 'voluntary compliance,' would be a joke if the end result was not so vicious. They will lie, cheat, destroy evidence, and create evidence where it never existed. Thus, there is a wide variety of tactics of response used by all government officers and agents to try to get someone who has served a Non-Statutory Abatement to respond in such a way as to nullify or circumvent the effect of the abatement. They cannot, in Law, set aside the abatement. They must deceive you, the abator, in order to force you to sham the abatement. Then they will re-issue a demand, bench warrant, or whatever, and proceed as if the abatement had never existed in the first place.

In the examples of Response Tactics that follow, we assume that some form of government sends you something. It could be a letter from the I.R.S., a Notice to Appear on a traffic ticket, a demand from the local Fire Department to cut your grass, a building code violation, or almost anything else. And, we assume you have properly responded to such forms of communication by serving an abatement and when the government agent did not respond, you served, after the lapse of ten days (not counting Sundays and Holy Days) a Default Judgment against them.

The ten days is taken from scripture (1 Samuel 25:38, Jeremiah 42:6-9, Daniel 1:12-16, Acts 25:6, Revelation 2:10).

Example One. 29

A Sheriff Deputy shows up at your house with a warrant in his hand. Of course, the warrant will not be a genuine warrant with affidavit attached, court seal, or a judge's signature in real ink.

It is important to note here that you should never open your door to anyone unless you are expecting a friend. Opening the door is an invitation, and you lose all asylum 'of the castle' when you do so:

"The maxim that 'a man's house is his castle' does not protect a man's house as his property or imply that, as such, he has a right to defend it by extreme means. The sense in which the house has a peculiar immunity is that it is sacred for the protection of the man's person. A trespass upon his property is not a justification for killing the trespasser. It is a man's house, barred and inclosing his person, that is his castle. The lot of ground on which it stands has no such sanctity. When a man opens his door and puts himself partly outside of it, he relinquishes the protection which, remaining within and behind closed doors, it would have afforded him.30

When you don't respond to a knock on the door, the door cannot be broken down unless there is some sort of resistance sensed by those knocking. This is why you must stay completely silent:

Breaking doors or windows for entry or exit.

The officer may break open any inner or outer door or window of a house, or any part of a house, or anything therein, to execute a search warrant, if, after notice of his authority and purpose, he is refused admittance or when necessary to liberate himself or a person aiding him in the execution of the warrant.31

There is considerable authority to the effect that use of subterfuge to gain entrance to arrest or search is not improper. Of course, if "breaking" is involved, it is necessary for the officers to announce their authority and purpose in demanding entrance. Where a Federal agent, armed with a valid arrest warrant, gained entrance to the defendant's apartment by stating he was an agent from the County Assessor's Office, the Court held the entrance lawful, stating: "There is no constitutional mandate forbidding the use of a deception in executing a valid arrest warrant. The case of Gouled v. United States, 1921, 255 U.S. 298, 41 S.Ct. 261, 65 L.Ed. 647, relied on by appellant, holds that a search warrant is invalid even though entry is procured by stealth rather than force. The instant case is different in that the search was incident to an arrest under a valid arrest warrant. Criminal activity is such that stealth and strategy are necessary weapons in the arsenal of the police officer."32

In case you or someone in the house opens the door without thinking (because we've been trained to be good little 'citizens'), the Deputy will call you to the door and after a few remarks, will say something like the following. "Hi, I'm here to talk to John Smith." John Smith comes to the door and the Deputy says: "In regard to the abatement you served, the judge will agree to drop the Warrant, if you drop the abatement, and you won't hear from us, again."

There is only one possible response to this - No!

One may frame their words more diplomatically, but the general idea is, refuse.

This is the mildest and least confrontational type of compelling "voluntary appearance." Most officers walk rather softly after they have been served an abatement.

Example Two.

Same scenario, same situation, same Deputy. This time he says, "Uh, the judge wants to put out a warrant on you for not appearing on your court date, but he won't, if you'll come down to the court house to talk about the abatement you served him."

In this approach, you are expected to meet the judge half-way and go along. Don't!

The bench warrant has already been issued on the Docket , and the Deputy may not even know it! Often, however, they know perfectly well the warrant's waiting for you.

Again, the polite refusal will handle the situation.

Example Three.

In another case, the scenario is the same, except, John Smith is not home when the Deputy comes. John's wife answers the door and when she found out what the Deputy wanted, she handed him a "Public Servant's Questionnaire," and he left.

Nothing more was heard on the matter.

Example Four.

In another case, after three abatements and three defaults on the same case involving an Order to Show Cause in Federal District Court, the Sheriff's in a county different from the county where the court sat, sent three Sheriff's cars to the Smith's house.

In broad daylight and in front of the neighbors, the Deputies made a great show of force and when they found out that Mr. Smith was not home, asked the Smith's son where his father was. The son said he didn't know, the Deputies left, and no more was heard.

The point of this example is, the local Sheriff's Office co-operated with the I.R.S. and used a half dozen Sheriff's Deputies to put fear into the Abator and get him to come to court.

Example Five.

In one bizarre case, the local Sheriff put pressure on Mr. Smith's neighbor to talk to Mr. Smith and get him to go down and talk to the judge.

This example points out very clearly, that imperial powers have no real power to compel performance when true Law has been brought squarely before them. The bottom line is, if they had real Law to back them up, they would not need to use fear, threats, intimidation, and trickery.

The fastest way to compromise your abatement is to answer to the nom de guerre, the fiction, unknowingly. When you are asked your name by an 'official,' the name they see on their paperwork is the nom de guerre, not you. If you are asked if you are 'so and so,' don't answer no. By answering no, you become joined in the controversy. Simply say, 'You don't know who I am and I don't know who you are, therefore I have nothing to say to you because you are a stranger and I don't talk to strangers,' and it can be continued by importing God's Law into the situation by saying 'Let's search the Scriptures and find out who is who here' or 'let's see if you have a linage to The Tree of Life' or something to that effect. This is one reason why you should never go anywhere without your Bible. Always try to import God's Law into these types of situations. If you do not do so, you will be looked upon by them as one of theirs.

Another of their tactics is an attempt to compromise an abatement by mail. In this the imperial powers, after the persona has been properly abated and defaulted, send a letter or process to the abator in general delivery, in the name of the abator's persona. Remember, that the abatement has the effect of severing the connection between the bondservant and the persona (the nom de guerre).

But, what happens if a bondservant accepts mail from the imperial power (or answers to the nom de guerre)-- in the name of the former persona?

Answer: the bondservant and the persona are rejoined and the first abated matter that was dead, is now alive and well again. The reason is, the bondservant has, by his own act, contradicted his abatement and default, and has proved, by accepting mail or saying 'yes, that's me' for the persona, that he is not who he claimed to be in the abatement, and that he is volunteering to be a surety once again, for the persona.

When defective mail comes to the general post-office, write on it, "Not deliverable as addressed." Do not write "Refused!!!" This is a dead give-away that the abator is still a 'resident' at the 'address' on the mail.

By the way, the meaning of 'resident' is, the 'the thing identified.'

Response Tactics of the bondservant of Christ

How does a bondservant respond to the tactics of imperial powers in the above examples?

First, avoid idle conversation with those who try to talk you into removing your abatement. This is thin ice and you may be trapped by your own words into the "benefit of discussion." Exercise your 'right of avoidance' at all times.

Second, the officer wants to speak to the persona, who cannot speak, except by the mouth of Ba'al. You must refuse all discussion with an officer, through verbal abatement or other wise.

Third, if any further process -- on the same case and with the same case number -- comes into the presence of the bondservant, whether by personal service of process, or by any other means, there is only one possible response for the bondservant to take, abate again.


Misnomer means, literally, "mis-named." More importantly, any process, bearing any name other than a bondservant's full and properly spelled Christian appellation is an error subject to abatement:

The name of men, at this day, are only sounds for distinction's sake, though perhaps they originally imported something more, as some natural qualities, features, or relation; but now there is no other use of them but to mark out the families or individuals we speak of, and to difference them from all others; since, therefore, they are the only marks and indicia of things which human kind can understand each other by, we must see what certainty the law requires herein, and what the effects and consequences are of the omission of the name, or false specification of the party...33

And from a work compiled in 1670,

Misnomer, (compounded of the French Mes., which in composition always signifies amisse, and nomer, Latin, nominare,) the using [of] one name for another, a mis-terming, or mis-naming.34

A misnomer is any spelling of a name contrary to the Rules of English Grammar and the way in which one customarily writes his name. Thus, a nom de guerre, a name spelled in all capital letters, such as JOHN DAVID SMITH, is incorrect according to the Rules of English and is thus a misnomer.

Where a name appears in upper and lower case according to the Rules of English, and one of the names has been abbreviated or, initialized, it is also a misnomer. Thus,

We are of opinion that the word 'misnomer,' which means a naming amiss, is wide enough to cover the faulty indication of a Christian name by means of the initial: Vide, Bacon's Abridgment, under misnomer,"35 and "initials were no name at all."36


Misnomer is a good plea in abatement, for since names are the only marks and indicia which human kind can understand each other by, if the name be omitted or mistaken, there is a complaint against nobody. And, ...if the defendant has been arrested by a wrong name, the court will set aside the proceedings ... and discharge him if in custody.37

But, though a defendant may, by pleading in abatement, take advantage of a misnomer when there is a mistake in the writ or declaration, as to the name of baptism or surname; yet in such a plea he must set forth his right name, so as to give the plaintiff a better writ.38

Now, even though a misnomer appears on the process, a plaintiff may produce witnesses who will state that the respondent never spells his name the way it is spelled in his abatement.

Therefore, if one spells out his first name, initializes his second name, and spells his last (surname) name, and process is issued in that name (a defendants customary spelling, even though incorrect by the Rules of English), an abatement that pleads misnomer, may not lie.

It is good practice to put a colon (:) between your Christian name, given at baptism, and your family name. The Christian appellation includes only your first and second names. Get in the habit of writing out the full name, or one may use only the Christian name as a rule.

But, if one was given at birth a name with only a single letter in it, do not put a period after the single letter name. If it is done, it will convert the name to a nom de guerre.

The Rule is: Always spell ones Christian appellation according to the Rules of English.

Note: IRS agents, deliberately use misnomers for themselves. They call it an "officially registered pseudonym," i.e., false name, to make it more difficult for one to find the agent's personal property and seize it in a suit at Law.

Question: If what the I.R.S. does is Lawful, why do they need an 'officially registered pseudonym.?' Of course it is obvious they have no real Law.

Kitchen Sinkers

It is a maxim that "less is more." No where is this more applicable than in Law and Process.

Yet, we've all heard of, and probably know, many 'pro per' or 'pro se' types who have never heard of this maxim and would reject it in a heart beat, because they are "The Kitchen Sinkers."

When Kitchen Sinkers write process or a brief, they throw in everything they can think of, including 'the kitchen sink.' And for this reason, such people seldom win any cases, not even against the dog catcher, precisely because of the unrelenting need to throw in the kitchen sink.

These guys can take simple process like a Non-Statutory Abatement, that takes at most nine or ten pages to say what needs to be said, and blow it up into fifteen, twenty, or thirty pages.

They can write paragraphs of one sentence that are five pages long!!! And, in the vast majority of cases, such paragraphs have no substance in Law -- at all. Instead, they are nothing but an exercise in how to vent one's spleen in ten thousand words, without saying anything of real value.

They will sit at a typewriter or computer for hours, banging away in a rage and congratulating themselves on how 'powerful' their writing is. They build up an enormous raging sweat during this marathon of spleen venting and by the time they finish (assuming the process can be completed before the court deadline sixty days down the road) they are a bundle of knotted emotion and profanity. But, if they really do finish the job, they always qualify the end result by saying, "There's some things I'd like to add, but, we don't have time now."

And at the end of it, the Kitchen Sinker sits back with great pride, looks at his stack of papers and says, "There, ah, show'd 'em!"

In truth, courts pay no attention to such trash, especially since at least half the words are devoted to slandering or libeling the judges' bloodline back to his ninth great grand-parents on both sides of the family tree.

The Rule is; Avoid such people like the plague, because they are one.

On the Uniform Commercial Code

There is the tendency in the law reform movement to use the Uniform Commercial Code on everything from signatures on checks, on mail, on applications, and on anything that even appears to be paperwork or process from any government agency, bureau, department, or other imperial res.

Now, if those in the movement are so interested in restoring God's Law and everything else that goes with it, why do they feel the need to use statutes??? And, the Uniform Commercial Codes, whether State or Federal, are commercial statutes, none of which is Law, or bears any resemblance to it.

"Individuals rely for protection of their rights on law, and not upon regulations and proclamations of departments of government, or officers who have been designated to carry 'laws' into effect." Baty v. Sale, 43 Ill. 351

God's Law and statutes do not mix. They are like oil and water. Yet, every time one hears a presentation on the common law, they invariably bring up the so-called 'sure fire silver bullets' of the Uniform Commercial Code. So prevalent is this practice that in one recent newspaper article on the militia, the newspaper reporter said that the courts call these people "The UCC'ers."

Would any right thinking UCC fan use the I.R.S. Code to try and create a Non-Statutory Abatement? I think not. Then, why do they use the UCC, that uses the same "words and phrases" definitions found in Title 26, The Internal Revenue Code??? Could it be that all the Titles and Codes, and, specifically, the Uniform Commercial Code are really just an imperial mine-field???

Now, since people are so enamored of common law and still use UCC statutes, go ahead, use the UCC all you want. But, do not use any UCC citations in Non-Statutory Abatements -- if you expect the abatement to be successful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conflict of Laws

Having spoken on the U.C.C., which is a privately copyrighted statute by The American Law Institute, raises the question of the use of any statutes in a Non-Statutory Abatement. It is not necessary or recommended to use any statute, including codification's of the common law, because their use may, under many circumstances, compromise the abatement. As a result, we do not recommend use of any codifications of the common law, in a Non-Statutory Abatement.

The reason is because, first and foremost, you do not see the term "common law" in scripture. Bondservants of Christ are only to use God's Law. Secondly, the common law is a commerical law today, created by merchants, influenced by Roman Law, and used for commercial purposes. The following definitions are taken from "A Dictionary of Law, by William C. Anderson, 1893."

Custom of merchants: A system of customs, originating among merchants, and allowed for the benefit of trade as part of the common law. Page 303.

Law-merchant; law of merchants: The rules applicable to commercial paper were transplanted into the common law from the law merchant. They had their origin in the customs and course of business of merchants and bankers, and are now recognized by the courts because they are demanded by the wants and conveniences of the mercantile world. Pages 670-671.

Roman Law: The common law of England has been largely influenced by the Roman law, in several respects:…Through the development of commercial law. Page 910.

Recognizing Defective Process

For you to maintain your standing in Law, you must be able to distinguish between Lawful process and defective process. This is especially important if one discovers that their perception of Lawful process may be warped and thus, dysfunctional. A false perception of process, and acting on that perception, can be fatal to maintaining one's Lawful standing -- not the process itself. The key indicia in Lawful process are: One, a seal from a court known and recognized in the state, and not of the State; Two, signed in black ink by a constitutionally elected Judge in the Judicial Department in the state; Three, it must describe with particularity the bondservant, without errors in the name. Do not look to the Federal Constitution for the requirements.

Address vs. Location

At Law, you are your own "secretary of state." You have established Christ's government in your House which communicates with outside imperial and Lawless governments. It is your duty to maintain the integrity of Christ's government and to that end you must understand certain terms which are misleading when first encountered.

There are several key terms concerning transmission of any communication between a Good and Lawful bondservant and imperial governments when the Post Office is involved. These terms apply whether we receive process from governments or send process to governments.

Post Office functions have been converted under the provisional government to a commercial venue managed and serviced by a separate entity now known as the U.S. Postal Service. Key terms below clarify these differences if we note that Post Office Department terms used by the commercial Postal Service are given new names and redefined. The old ones still exist, but the new codes do not mention them.

The important avenue is to use non-commercial venues to avoid accepting any benefit, privilege, or opportunity.

Official terms that define the duties and powers of the Postal Service, assume that the District of Columbia is the 'home' point of origin. The term 'domestic' means; 'about the home,' 'home-grown,' etc., but, in Postal Codes, the home point to determine the meaning of domestic is the District of Columbia, and domestic mail moves between D.C., possessions and territories of the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Marianas Islands, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the parts of states that are ceded, rented, leased, or under management of the 'United States,' as trustees in bankruptcy. Mail moving within and between points outside of the above areas is 'non-domestic mail.'

Zip Codes are fictions that number specific 'military districts' but are not part of the land itself. They are used to scan mail to determine if it is domestic or non-domestic. However, since words and numbers within brackets, etc., re-define enclosed ZIP Codes as "extraneous, explanatory, and interpolated matter,"39 the ZIP code itself, has no force and effect in law when brackets are used.

In Law, the jurisdiction of the 'United States' and its federal power extends no further than the Post Office. But, through the benefit of 'free delivery' to a P.O. Box or address, that jurisdiction is extended. With 'free delivery' being a war measure from 1863, it is considered a commercial benefit and is technically governed by commercia belli.40

Those who use addresses are converted as well, to a commercial persona.

The evidence of this is that the postage only pays for transportation of mail between Post Offices. Any delivery of post beyond the Post Office is a benefit, because its free. P.O. Boxes are a benefit because a postal clerk delivers mail, for free, to the customers 'address.' Fees paid for a P.O. Box are only box maintenance fees, and do not pay the postal clerks wages who delivers mail to the box.

Thus, the only Post Office function not extending a commercial benefit, privilege, or opportunity is the general post-ofice, which existed before the Federal Constitution. It is also a custom and usage of long duration, preceding the legal memory of man.

Serve It, Don't File It !!!

We have stated over and over again, that the current legal system is one of foreign law (Martial, International/Municipal, law of War, etc.) and such courts we style as Imperial Courts. Non-statutory abatements cannot be heard in legislatively created imperial courts.

This has not prevented people from filing abatements in such courts, anyway. Because such courts cannot hear these actions, there is but one result -- rejection!!!

The problem is, when the abatement is rejected, people call or write to complain. After much discussion we learn the abator filed his process in the court. When reminded that Version 1.0 of the work tells him not to do this, Alzheimer's sets in and he doesn't remember this (or it may have been removed from his pirated copy of the abatement package).

One more time: Serve it, Don't File It !!!

There are many reasons, of course, why we do not file an abatement in a court. One, there is no court today that has authority to hear it. Two, the court only hears a case -- after all parties are joined in an action. Three, abatements are served on one who becomes a plaintiff thereby, who is given an opportunity to respond with a better suit, if he can. But, fiduciaries of today's imperial governments cannot respond to Non-Statutory Abatements - only those with Lawful standing can. Four, if process comes from a court, abatements are still served on the persons, i.e., the judge, prosecutor, cop, State Judicial Council, etc. (to serve the secretary of the judge is the same as serving the judge himself). Five, all Non-Statutory Abatements in this Handbook are served on people in their private capacity. Six, the abator exercises his power in God's court when the abatement is served. He cannot file it anywhere, in any court, because no court can hear any matter still under another court's jurisdiction.

Thus, Serve the abatement -- don't file it!!!

God's superior court?

We stated above that the abator exercises his power in God's court. What does this mean?

It means just what it says. When the abator serves process, the contents of the process determine what court the process is served from, which is an at-Law court. This right to exercise God's court is also verified in Chapter 34 of the Magna Charta which says in simple terms: "No man can be deprived of his own court."

What is the name of God's court? The name of God's court is the 'superior court' spelled in all lower case letters, i.e., without a capital 'S' on superior and without a capital 'C' on court.

But, the courts in my State are called 'district' courts; what do I do?

Your court is still styled a 'superior court' because it is superior to all others. God's court has nothing to do with their courts. These are completely separate jurisdictions.

Serving Non-Statutory Abatement Processes

The Non-Statutory Abatement Processes is served by two or three fellow brothers in Christ. For those who are without an assembly in their area, the previous method of issuing the process on your own through Registered Mail, or by the Sheriff, can still be used, but we have found that the newest procedure is a much more effective method. For those who go through registered mail or the sheriff, our older Non-Statutory abatement must be used, not our newest updated version.

The most scripturally based way to serve the abatement is to have at least two brothers in Christ serve this abatement on the Defendants. Jesus sent his apostles out two by two, because God's Law says in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. If you cannot get two brothers to serve the abatement, you can get one brother and you can go along with him as a witness. If you go with him, be sure not to serve the abatement yourself, and be sure not to say a word; you are there simply as a witness. Have your brother serve the abatement and do all the talking.

We recommend serving everyone involved, including the police officer, the judge, and the prosecuting attorney. The judge may be the most difficult to serve, but all judges have a secretary. If you serve the secretary, it is just as good as serving the judge himself.

For those of you who do not have an assembly of two or three brothers to serve the abatement, you must use our older abatement with our older ways of serving the abatement.

Actions Against Women

Actions filed against women by imperial courts are a special case and must be handled according to the doctrine of Coverture, which requires that a man, being the covering for the woman, must issue the abatement process in his name.

When Bouvier speaks of "Coverture," he says that: "The being of the wife is civilly merged with that of her husband," which in the Scripture is phrased as: "becoming one flesh."

But, whether a woman is married, lives with her parents, is single and lives alone, or is married at common law, one man is always her cover as far as Law and Scripture is concerned. In Lawful systems, many civil actions cannot even be brought against a woman without the permission of her covering.

And, for purposes of issuing process on her behalf, such process is issued in his name, and she is designated as et uxor, not alieni juris.

Et uxor means, "and Lawful Wife." "Alieni juris" means, 'under control of another,' which can mean, under control of a Lawless person.

If a woman has no husband, process is issued by the father, or a brother. If a woman's family is no longer alive, and she is single, a bondservant must still stand as her covering.

If a woman is single without any who can act for her, she may, by Letter of Appointment that specifically references coverture for purposes of civil actions, etc., have a bondservant stand on her behalf, or, if a Lawful jural society exists in her county, she may appoint the society as her covering.

A word is needed here on what a true, common law marriage is. At the outset it must be clear that a common law marriage is not mere co-habitation. True common law marriage was the only form of marriage prior to the War of Secession. After the War, when men and women of different races were married (miscegenation), it could only be done under license from the State, because of all the legal and familial problems such marriages created at that time.

At any rate, in common law marriage, a man and woman still have a marriage ceremony in a church, or before a justice of the peace, and the Guest Register (modern term), is a Witness Roll. The pastor issues a Certificate of Matrimony, but there is no license issued by the State.

general post-office

It is essential for the success of your abatement that you go through the general post-office.

Going through the general post-office is more than having your matter posted there. It is a political question which must be resolved, using the proper tools of Law available: negotiation, reprisal and war.41 The reasons for this become apparent when you begin to realize specifically what the general post-office is. It is more than a mailing location; it is more than just a place to pickup your mail. It is a political duty--involving a court in which you, acting Ambassador for Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, represent Him and His Law here on earth. We make no apologies for this attitude. This is the Truth of the matter, regardless of what any attorney tells you. Following this introduction are all the maxims of Law used in the abatements with which you should become very familiar.

The general post-office cannot be denied to any bondservant of Christ operating outside of a commercial venue. The evidence of this is in the fact that the general post-office has never been attached to any legislation through commercial statutes.

On July 1st, 1863, free city delivery service was instituted. Until this date, all postal matter was picked up by the 'patron' at the post office. Before this date, 'customers' did not exist in Postal laws. Those today who receive mail at a P.O. Box or home are referred to as 'customers,' which is, of course, a purely commercial term, and means that anyone receiving free delivery is considered to be in a commercial venue.

On the other hand, 'patron' is defined in the Law as, 'a protector or guardian'. Here is some information regarding "general delivery," (but we want to avoid general delivery, because it was created by the Post Office. The following is only for your edification).

In 1893, Marshall Cushing wrote a book titled 'The Story of Our Post Office.' On page 186, he stated that "the general delivery clerk had to deal with the leading banker, the leading politician, the smart clergyman of the town and the family that will never allow their mail to be delivered by carrier." Thus, in Chicago, 30 years after free delivery was born, these people still knew the implications of free delivery.

They knew that [it] "brings benefit to every citizen of the United States, whether he lives in city or country."42 The key word here is 'benefit'. Receiving a 'benefit' from the government will jeopardize your abatement because it is evidence, on the record, that you have more than one Master.

“When it is said that a valuable consideration for a promise may consist of a benefit to the promisor, 'benefit' means that the promisor has, in return for his promise, acquired some legal right to which he would not otherwise have been entitled "43

In short, free delivery is a benefit, the use of which places you into a commercial venue, and creates a legal right for the Federal government to extend its jurisdiction beyond the Post Office, which it would not otherwise be entitled to do, normally, because certain unalienable rights restrict it.

Remember, one aspect of 'unalienable' is, "not transferable," and:

...things which are not in commerce as, public roads, are, in their nature unalienable.44

But, this does not mean that one cannot exchange them. One can voluntarily opt for something else, i.e., a free benefit from the government - on a post route, thereby changing one's status from unalienable to alienable-in commerce. Through the exchange of commercial benefits, the federal power is extended.

Kelly added, referring to the "benefits of the postal highway" that:

... it is more essential for the protection of the nation than the Army and the Navy; it is the democratic instrument of a democracy.45

Under Lincoln, and continuing, the neo-government desperately needs commercial residents receiving free delivery, to give them the 'lienable human resources' for the debt funding system.

Further evidence of the commercial aspect of free delivery is seen in "The Postal Laws and Regulations of 1932", wherein 'letters', delivered free on 'post routes', are defined as "gas, electric, water, and tax bills or other statements of accounts, orders for merchandise, etc." (which are all commercial terms)

In the same laws, concerning transient patrons, it states, "the use of the general delivery should be discouraged if it is possible to receive mail otherwise, but if a patron insists on receiving his or her mail through the general delivery, the request must be complied with." In the current Postal Manual, transients are still totally unrestricted at general delivery, to wit:

The Post Office Domestic Mail Manual at D930, 1.1, states as follows:

“General delivery is intended for use primarily at: c. Any post office to serve transients and customers not permanently located.” (At 1.2, it states) “Postmasters may restrict the use of general delivery by customers.” (At 1.3, it states) “General delivery customers can be required to present suitable identification before mail is given to them.” (At 1.4, it states) “General delivery mail is held for no more than 30 days, unless a shorter period is requested by the sender. Subject to 1.2, general delivery mail may be held for longer periods if requested by the sender or addressee.”

1.2 and 1.3 only restrict "customers," and make no mention of "transients" from 1.1. Therefore "transients" are not restricted.

How do 'residents' fit into all this? Again, the 1932 laws only restrict 'residents' and 'persons' in general delivery, the restrictions being identical to the restrictions for 'customers' today.

In Latin 'residere' (resident) means 'sitting or sinking firmly' and 'brevis' (transient) is 'transitory, for a short time'.

As Christians, We must always look to Scripture and the Word of God as the final authority. As Scripture repeatedly points out, that, being Christians, We are 'sojourners'.

'Sojourner' is defined in the Latin as 'hospes', meaning "the 'stranger' as guest, and the host who receives him; which is, an "antique custom"46

In this sense, 'transient' and 'sojourner' are synonymous. To this day, the customs and usages of Christians, as sojourners, have remained intact in general delivery.

The problem of Postmasters trying to deny general delivery for more than 30 days, has been an uphill battle for some. One must be prepared when confronting this problem.

First, cancel your P.O. Box and remove the mailbox from your house or driveway.

Second, never agree to resolve problems with anyone but the Postmaster himself. Meetings with a supervisor or Postal legal counsel can be fatal, because they can do and say anything. They are on the commercial side of The Postal Service. The Postmasters words and acts, however, must comply with Law.

Third, always put forth a benevolent attitude, carrying a demeanor of full knowledge of Postal Matters and of general delivery. This will take diligent study.

The 'mails' are a subject of vital importance to us all, because Lincoln's War began under the guise of keeping the 'post roads' open, but thereafter, free delivery and a host of other 'benefits' became the means to convert every American who used them, from patrons to residents, not of their state but of the Federal power, which opened the door to the Income Tax. This is the hidden meaning in Kelly's words that free delivery is, '...more essential...than the Army and Navy.'

Additional 'Non-Statutory Abatement' Information

Where is God? This sounds like such a simple question, but it is very important. You want to be wherever your Father is, so He can protect you. David gives the answer in Psalm 23.

Throughout the passages in this psalm, he makes reference to numerous metaphors, the "valley of death" being one. Commerce can be likened to the "valley of death." We can also equate un-Godly imperial governments as the mountains around the "valley of death." So, the "valley of death" is not the place for you to stay. You merely pass through the "valley of death," continually looking to God. So God, then, is everywhere in general, and nowhere specific. This is the reason you go through the general post-office. You are dwelling in the House of the LORD here, because the general post-office is everywhere in general, and nowhere specific. It is important for you to know and understand this concept because it determines your ability to continually walk with God here on earth, sans any fear of secular man. This is the Liberty our Brothers in Christ who have gone before us knew and enjoyed. We have the same Liberty and Duty enjoined upon us by Almighty God through Christ Jesus to enjoy the same.

Beginning then, at the top of the abatement, appears the Christian Appellation of the Demandant in the action, followed by the words suae potestate esse. Do not substitute these words with "sui juris," or "juris et de jure." The reason is that the bondservant of Christ has no inherent rights47--he is merely vested 48 with Rights by Almighty God through Christ Jesus. When you walk with Christ, you have these Rights; when you don't, you don't--"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phil 4:13. Without Christ, we can do nothing, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing." John 15:5. [Emphasis added.] The words "suae potestate esse" mean "by the power existing in Us," not me. By that, you can surmise Who is the One standing with you in this work. This is the same reality in which David slew Goliath--it was God who slew Goliath, not David.

If you are doing the abatement for your Lawful Wife, then append after "suae potestate esse" the words "et Uxor." If you are doing an abatement for your son, append "pro filius familias," for your daughter, append "pro filia familia," and for a widow and unmarried sibling sister or sister in Christ, append "pro filia Christianus.” It is perfectly good to do an abatement for your mother-in-law if your father-in-law has gone to the LORD. For her, use "pro omnes socrus oderunt nurus." Use no other wording! Do not use "propria persona," "pro se," or "pro per." These are terms used in equity and mean you are acting as an attorney for yourself. In a military court, they want you in "propria persona" (your proper person) so they can arraign, try, convict, sentence, and execute you.49

Next, for each and every abatement you ever do, you are located at the general post-office." Do not ever receive any postal matter at home, not even a "friendly drop off " from your friendly "postman." The postman is a very innocuous military scout in the field deceptively used, and receiving any thing from him is admission that you are a "resident in the field." The minute you do this, you waive any and all standing in Law, and become a "resident" in the mud. Always remember, "Actions speak louder than words." Christ alludes to this as well, when He remarks, "…by their fruits [acts] you will know them."

Next, we have what is called in Law "laying the Venue."

"LAY THE VENUE. In pleading, to set forth the venue of the action,

which is usually done in the caption." Radin, Law Dictionary (1955), p. 185.

The court described in the caption is the "superior court." This is a traditionally vested political Right, recognized in the Magna Charta at article thirty-four. The Venue is God's court in which you are standing. Looking at it Biblically, you are in God's inner court, and you have this standing because of your belief that Christ has entered once that all bondservants of Christ may enter His Father's Sanctuary. See Heb 9:12. This means that the process you issue must be exact, not the secular world's mime of Lawful process. Christ alludes to this when He said, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Mt 7:13-14. This is how God's Law is, and works. So the Venue being properly laid, and you being in general delivery is highly important. We cannot stress this enough!

"Residents," "attorneys," "homeowners," "trustees," "trusts," "taxpayers," "partnerships," "corporations," "directors," or "natural persons" and other like 'fictions' have no access to the inner court of God, because: One, they are not created by God in His image and likeness; and, Two, they deny the only Way by which they could have access, because they exist solely by and through unbelief in God's Word. Therefore they can never issue any Lawful process. None of the before mentioned commercial entities can ever relocate through the general post-office, and this is why you do not want to be in commercial activity. "Commercial activity" removes your standing in God's inner court, because it is written,

"And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief." Heb 3:18-19.

It is this passage of Scripture that tells of God's Providence and Protection over His People. Those who live in unbelief, through privilege, license, benefit, welfare, ad nauseam, cannot enter into the inner sanctum of God's Sanctuary to snatch one of His sheep. By the same reasoning, if you are in God's Court, is it possible for you to be in two places at once? What an absurdity! So, if you file the abatements in the opposing party's court, you are no longer in God's Court and have left on your own as did the prodigal son. Continuing along this same line, abatements are a matter of right.50 The god of the venue will either honor and protect that right or permit certain things to happen for his purposes. So, if you have strayed or alienated your Self from the sole Source of that Christian Right, on what right do you stand?

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?" 2 Cor 6:15.

"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3.

Throughout our writings we have repeatedly said that the god of commerce is Mercurius. There is not a scintilla of evidence that Almighty God ever walked with Mercurius, for;

"the earth is the LORD's and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."--Ps 24:1.

So God is not in need of any gain or profit which Mercurius offers; and, note the temptations of Christ, especially Mt 4:8-11; Lk 4:5-8. These are God's answers to commerce and Mercurius.

Although the abatements sever the bondservant of Christ from the persona engaged in commercial activity, unless the Repentance in the abatements is True, i.e. not continuing in the activity, then the avenue for ignoring the abatement is open and available, and you may be proceeded against at will, in the commercial world, where Christ never was and is not found--"Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." John 14:30 [Emphasis added].

"Definition of Business. Business in its simplest form means the exchange of one service or commodity for another. In its broadest sense the word includes all forms of activity that human beings [God-less entities] carry on for profit in ways that are permitted [licensed] by law." Barker and Commager, Our Nation (1942), p. 491.

"The 'law merchant' is part of the common law of England, and as such is adopted by our Constitution [fiction] as our law also. Indeed, it is the law of the whole mercantile world [not Christendom]. It is to be taken notice of by the judges as such, and to be understood and declared by them in the same way as all other parts of the law are to be interpreted and declared. When it becomes a question what the law merchant is in any particular case in forensic discussion, the question must be answered by the judges, and not by the jury; for this law merchant cannot, no more than any other part of the common law, be proved before a jury by witnesses as a matter of fact, and so be subjected to them to determine what it is. Ferris v. Saxton, 4 N.J.L.(1 Southard) 1, 18." Words and Phrases, Permanent Edition, vol. 24A, p. 99. [Emphasis and insertion added.]

Thus, this proceeding in commerce is not a Trespass in Law against you, because: One, it is presumed that you did not Repent by remaining in the commercial world where you were found, and consented to the commercial proceedings against you; Two, you will have affirmed to the nom de guerre by default; and, Three, there is no damage or injury. The presumption of innocence is now against you, and you have convicted your Self:

"Quod quis ex culpa sua damnum sentit, non intelligitur damnum sentire--He who suffers a damage by his own fault is not held to suffer damage." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p. 2159.

"Volenti non fit injuria--He who consents cannot receive an injury." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p. 2168.

"Scienti et volenti non fit injuria--A wrong is not done to one who knows and assents to it." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p. 2162.

It is impossible to plead the truth of two opposite records which testify against each other. And it is impossible to impeach your own record.

This is really Our fault. We have been derelict in finding the Truth, by relying not on God for our Life, Liberty, and Dominion under Him; but, on militarily created and imposed fictions, which have no standing in God's Righteous Venue.

On the left of the page is the Christian Appellation of the Demandant. And to the right of that is the case number. There are two methods of obtaining a case number: One, going to the Post Office and using a Registered Mail number; and Two, going to the county Sheriff and having him, as your clerk of court, assign you a number. Do not use "certified mail," because any thing which is certified is commercial, not Lawful. The reason for this is that the certificates are not the real item, but are fictions describing the real item. You never assign your own case number!

On the left side of the page, underneath the Christian Appellation is the word "Demandant." Do not alter or change this to "plaintiff" or "complainant." Abatements are not complaints, and these terms are inappropriate for this type of process. If you ask for or demand compensation for perceived damages in the abatement, you have converted the action from abatement to a complaint, without a declaration or a record. No one is guilty without the promulgation of the Law--"Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression." Rom 4:15. This nullifies and shams the process; and, places you at risk which you assume solely on your own.

There are two types of abatements of which you should be aware, depending on the venue: One, at Law; Two, a bill in equity. The abatements in this discourse are of the first kind, not the second. A bill in equity is heard in chancery, or in this country, in a statutorily established court. A court established by statute cannot look beyond the statute by which it is created. And because this is the case, a court sitting in equity does not have the power to abate any thing unless that power is found in statute.51 Depending on the venue, each type has different consequences on the actions that are brought.52 If you file a Non-Statutory Abatement in a statutorily established court, you have wandered out from the inner Sanctuary of God, to the battlefield to go it alone without God's Strength. Further the statutory court cannot look outside its lex fori. Therefore, your abatement, if it is filed, is a nullity in a statutorily created court. Need We say any more about this? It is very important you understand this, and do not file abatements, but serve them. There is no Law in an imperial "court"53--the Law is outside of that "court."

On the right side of the page are the words, "Non-Statutory Abatement." The key words here are "non-statutory." In other words, you are not looking to any statute of man for the right to issue this process. The Right and Power to issue this process is not within you, but lies in God. You are vested with the Right, because when you are made in His image and likeness through Repentance to Christ, you are sealed by His Spirit.

It is the sealing by His Spirit which authorizes you to act in this mode and character54, not any reason or opinion of your own.55 It is solely by God's Grace you have the Right vested in you by Him. In the same vein, then, throughout the abatement, you can never cite any codes, rules, regulation, edicts or proclamations as the source for any thing you do. You can use them, however, for admissions by your opposition. Again, they cannot impeach their own record, and they cannot plead the truth of two opposing records. Either one or the other is true, but not both at the same time. The Scriptural authority for this is found in Christ's exchanges with the Pharisees when they asked for proof of His Authority.

For the reasons already given, never sign the abatements with:

"Without Prejudice--U.C.C. 1-207." - The U.C.C. is copyrighted private law--privilege. Privilege is not recognized in Christian Law, because God is no respecter of persons, and it is not given in common to All bondservants of Christ. It is a privilege for you to use the U.C.C. A Good and Lawful bondservant of Christ does not need the "authority" of a private "statute" to exercise a Right not in commerce common to all Good and Lawful Christians. Always bear in mind, man does not have the power to create something equal to or greater than himself.

"With full reservation of all rights--U.C.C. 1-207." - There are two reasons why you never add this. One is the copyrighted private law reason already given. The other is that the right does not exist at the time the transaction is taking place; and consent of the other party is needed to create the reservation within the venue of commerce. This is the reason a police officer scratches through your hogwash on a ticket, because he has no authority to negotiate the reservation with you within the commercial venue in which you were found.

Below the words "Non-Statutory Abatement" is the date spelled out, not in numerals. Numerals have no Law and have no standing in Law. But English Grammar does. To this end then, whenever any reference is made to a dignified act, the numerals are replaced by the numbers being written in proper English.56 The Year in the Reign of Our Sovereign is such an act of Dignity. Any document which you may receive may not have the Year spelled out, which tells you that the document is secular, mundane, irreligious, earthly and from a venue foreign to the venue of Christ. This is seen from Christ's exchange with the Pharisees in John 8:23. This passage of Scripture is where Christ defines the Venue between Himself and the Pharisees. All Christians, because they are sealed by the Holy Spirit, are in Christ's Venue; and, the abandoned paper is from the Pharisees' venue. There certainly cannot be a larger gap, for God is higher than the heavens, and the Pharisees are already in hell, because "he that believeth not is condemned already." John 3:18.

Latin terms used in the abatements:

Jus communis--common right.

Res communis--common property. Do not substitute res publica for this.

Lex non Scripta--the unwritten Law written by Almighty God on the hearts of all Good and Lawful Christians, and manifested in their traditions, customs and usages common among them.

Jus publicum--public right, which means any thing done against public right is un-Lawful, and therefore criminal in nature.

Older Non-Statutory Abatement and Processes

For those who do not have an assembly of two or three brothers to serve the abatement

[Note: this procedure is not an option for anybody, unless you are absolutely alone, and do not have any other man or woman in Christ who is willing to help you. We were hesitant to put this old procedure on this website, because there will be those who will use this procedure, instead of the newest procedure. Many have felt justified in using this older procedure because of such excuses as:

  • I might lose some time from work,

  • the traveling distance to serve the abatement is too far away,

  • I don't want to inconvenience anybody and ask them to help me,

  • I don't feel comfortable facing the authorites, etc.

However, we must do things according to the word of God, no matter how inconvenient it may be for us. If there is one other servant of Christ that can help you, that's all you need; even if it's a member of your own family. For example, if you are the one accused, both you and your son can serve the abatement; but your son must be the one who does all the talking and you must remain silient; the accused is only there to witness the service of process. If your son is the one accused, you are the one who does all the talking and your son must remain silient.

The drawbacks about sending it registered mail through the old procedure are:

  • Nobody has to sign the postal return signature card if they don't want to.

  • Even if they do sign it, there are no witnesses that he received it (a signature alone is only an idle word; it is not a witness. Whereas scripture says let every word may be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses).

  • If they don't sign the postal return signature card, you will not know when the rule day for the default occurs.

  • if you don't serve the default, the abatement is of no force at all.

  • If they delay signing the postal return signature card, the court date could come and go before you can serve the default.

  • Even if they do all sign the postal return signature cards, the default date will be different for each defendant, whereas if you served them the abatement on all the same day, the default date would be the same for all involved.

And if you do use this older procedure, you must also use the older abatement; do not use the newest abatement if you use this older procedure for serving it.

Serving Non-Statutory Abatement Processes

If it is not possible for at least two brothers to serve the abatement, the next best thing to do is to go through the Sheriff. For service of process by the Sheriff, in the case that you have only one Defendant on your abatement, take to the Sheriff's Office, Civil Division, the signed original abatement and a copy of the original to keep for your own records, and go to the Clerk's window. If, in the case that there is more than one Defendant to be served, take the original and one copy for each additional Defendant, plus a copy of each for your records. Ask the Clerk for the Service of Process Instruction Sheet. This form is used to provide the necessary information to the Deputy who will serve the process. It contains a place for the location (general post-office) of the Demandant (the one serving the abatement) and the Defendant (the person against whom the abatement is being served, personally). The form also has spaces for the locations of all parties and the hours during which the process may be served. It is self-explanatory.

When the Clerk asks for the case number, tell him you don't have one yet. The Clerk will assign a Sheriff's case number to the abatement. Write the Sheriff's case number in the appropriate place on the original and on the copy or copies. Make sure all copies are time and date stamped by the Clerk. The original and copies will be served by the Sheriff and you will keep one copy of each for your records. When this procedure is done, pay the Service of Process Fee.

In a few days, you will receive in the post, correspondence from the Sheriff's Office that contains the Sheriff's proof of service forms which may be at least two pages or more, depending on how many Defendants you have had the abatement served on. Attach the proof of service to your copy or copies of the abatement.

From the actual date the Deputy served the Defendant named in your abatement, go to the next day afterwards, and begin to count forward on your calendar until ten days have elapsed, not counting Sundays and Holy days. This is the Rule Day. Mark on your calendar, the Rule Day. When no response arrives at your general delivery location by that day, serve the Default, Default Judgment, and Praecipe immediately, through the Sheriff or by Registered Mail.

If you have it served by the Sheriff, in the case of a Default and Default Judgment, use the same Sheriff's case number as was written on the original abatement.

Thirdly, you can serve it through registered mail. If you serve it by Registered Mail, have the Postal Clerk date stamp the front of the Default just like the Sheriff did above. Sometimes, the Postal Clerk will refuse to date stamp your process directly on the paper. If this is the case, fill out the Postal Certificate of Mailing Form, which they will stamp, and staple it to the front of the Default before putting it in the envelope.

In the case that you serve the original abatement and copies on additional Defendants by Registered Mail, follow the steps above in the same manner. Your original case number for the abatement will be the Registered Mail number of the main Defendant. The main Defendant in most cases is the person who is bringing the defective process against you. If it comes out of a court, it would be the judge. If it comes from the IRS, it would be the agent, and so on. If there is no name on the paper, in the case of a court, serve the 'Presiding Judge' of the Court (and make him a Defendant), or in the case of the IRS, the supervisor. You can call by phone to find out their names.

It is strongly recommended that in all cases of service, that you have a friend serve a 'complimentary copy' on the Defendants. This creates a second witness to the process.

Commentary on the Content in the Older Non-Statutory Abatement

[NOTE: These are previous updates from even older Non-Statutory Abatements. These updates have been written into this 'Older Non-Statutory Abatement and Processes' package and are included here to help those who are new to Lawful process to learn it and understand it.]

Note: Comments which follow Content, [brackets], and <insertions> are not to appear in the abatements. They are solely for your edification. The full Sample Abatement, Default, and Specialized Abatements with these previous updates begin on Page 236.

The New 'Introduction':

This Non-Statutory Abatement is issued by and under the Ministerial Power and Authority vested solely in and appertaining to the Ministerial Office of Christ, established in Truth and Substance by the Grace of God through Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and which is the Foundation of Law, customs, and usages common among all bondservants of Christ, being co-heirs and appointed co-Executors of His Testament governing His Estate brought into being by His original Act sworn to by Him in His Testament, and in execution of the Judgments declared therein by Him, against <*Defendants>, the <*agency or office, as it appears on their abandoned paper>, acting alien enemies of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour for Whom I am one of several ministers. Said defendants are attempting to plunder in the Nature of a Praemunire, imperium in imperio, using purported process unknown to, and not recognized by, the Law of Our Sovereign, which is outlawed by the general custom in His Kingdom because it disturbs His Peace, which Peace He bestowed upon His church and state, and because rerum ordo confunditur, si unicucuique iurisdictio non servatur, and thus, is in violation of The Law of Nations, The Law of War, and the lex non scripta, which is the jus publicum in His church and state:

[Comment: This paragraph has been completely re-written from the ground up. Here you show that your Ministerial Power and Authority to have their source solely in the Office of Christ. And if you have the pamphlet "In Vinculis--Justification and Excuse by and through Resting in Christ alone" you will readily see that some of the background information in there has been implemented here.

First notice, we declare Who Our Sovereign is, and Whose Law is being violated. When you do this, you show no evil intent or evasion, for God's Law is not an artifice nor is it deceit. This is the same way "law enforcement" officers work--their badge declares their sovereign, and the law they are enforcing. But in their case with artifice and deceit. We also state that the Office you are executing is in Law and has Truth and Substance for it has its Source, Cause and Origin there.

Next, we also state that God's Testimony, in both Testaments is True, so that the battle is not with you but with the Sovereign Whose Law you execute. The opposing party must allege and prove that what God says is a lie, or that you are not one of His several Ministerial Officers.

The works that you do must have corroboration from God for your record to be True:

"Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me." John 10:25;

"If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not. But if I do, though ye believe not Me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in Me, and I in Him." John 10:37-38;


"I can of Mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and My judgment is just; because I [*you] seek not Mine [*your] own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent Me [*you]. If I [*you] bear witness of Myself [*yourself], My [*your] witness is not true. There is another that beareth witness of Me [*you]; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of Me is true. Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth. But I receive not testimony from man [*codes, rules, regulations, and records]: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light. But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given Me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of Me, that the Father hath sent Me. And the Father Himself, which hath sent Me, hath borne witness of Me. Ye have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His shape. And ye have not His word abiding in you: for whom He hath sent, Him ye believe not." John 5:30-39. [Emphasis and *insertions added.]

It is impossible for them to do the former; and in the latter, you must conform to his reality of a fiction and give it the substance he needs by voluntary compliance. To allay your fears of God's swearing, let us look at what Scripture says about this:

"For when God made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He sware by Himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:…" Hebrews 6:13-17.

So that, because we are the seed of Abraham by faith, the opposing party would have to call God's oath to a bar having cognizance over God. Where is such a place? To call God's Testimony and Oath into question is blasphemy.

Further, Christ's church is His Inheritance:

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance." Ps 33:12.

There are other passages of Scripture too numerous to include here which substantiate this further.]

In the 'Discussion' section, the following paragraph has been added:

And whereas, martial rule and martial law, and all its masks, are repugnant to and violations of the Law, Testament and Writ I execute, for martial rule is government by the will of a human military commander; but, in the Law I execute, all Lawful government shall be upon the shoulders of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, which means all Lawful government must have a lineage traceable to the Tree of Life. Any government having no such lineage, is strange, foreign and unknown to Our Law. The Law of Our Sovereign does not permit foreign and strange forms of law to be imposed upon His church and state, or His subjects:

[Comment: In this section we totally rid ourselves of King Charles I and place our footing solely in Scripture. This is founded upon the substance of Isaiah 9:6. God's Lawful government is squarely and solely on the shoulder of His Son, Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, Who is also the Prince of Peace. The man who stakes all he has on and in Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, has found Wisdom, Truth, Understanding and Peace so that:

"Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." Proverbs 3:13-17.

Therefore, it has a lineage traceable to the Tree of Life. A military government has a lineage traceable only to the day martial rule was imposed by the individual imposing it. Again, source, cause and origin. If the origin is from the Tree of Life, it has Truth, Substance and His Peace--it speaks God's Truth through His Son. If its origin is from the commander-in-chief, it is the "truth" and "substance" of its originator, however arbitrary, capricious and fickle they are in Truth.

You know this to be true because of the following passage of Scripture:

"Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For My thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:6-9.

Therefore, the ways of a military government are not the ways of God revealed in Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ:

"Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, are not My ways equal? are not your ways unequal?" Ezekial 18:28. ]

The New 'Salutatory Greeting':

Comes Now, this bondservant of Christ, grateful to Almighty God for My Liberty in Christ, to humbly Extend Greetings and Salutations to you from Our Sovereign Lord, Saviour and Testator Jesus, the Christ, and Myself by Visitation, to exercise His Ministerial Powers in this Matter, in His Name, by His Authority, under Direction of His Warrant, Mandate and Will contained in His Writ, revealed both in His Testament written of Him in Holy Scripture and in Him:

[Comment: Note carefully what has changed in this salutary greeting. You are not exercising any of your own ministerial powers, but are exercising the ministerial powers appertaining to the high and Sacred Office of Christ, by His Direction, Mandate, and Will evidenced by and in His Testament. Everything you do is solely by His Direction and eliminates, for purposes of Law, a charge of "willfulness" (which implies evil intent) against you. Therefore, you must study Scripture to know and understand what ministerial Powers He exercised because if you misuse or abuse His ministerial Powers, you will fail:

"Qui alterius jure utitur, eodem jure uti debet--He who uses the right of another ought to use the same right." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p. 2157.

Because you are a bondservant of Christ means you do everything in His Name and by His Authority, not of your own purported "authority." The words "Warrant," "Writ," "Mandate," and "Direction" are specific and accord with not doing any thing "willfully." You are under yoke, and because you are under yoke, you are directed by the Driver of that yoke--the Testator of the Testament you execute. You have a Law to execute, and that Law is God's Law--the same Law Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ executed.

It is the Lawgiver Who justifies you and none other. When you are justified you are excused from performance to any other form of law. This is very critical, for without this justification you are condemned. It is the Lawgiver Who justifies you--by His Warrant--and not your own works or words on paper. If God, through Our Sovereign Lord, Saviour and Testator Jesus, the Christ, is not your Lawgiver, you can never be justified, for no Law can justify any one. The high and Sacred Office of Christ is in Law, and so are you if you and the act you did or failed to do, are in Christ. If not, then you have no standing in Law. In Law, you are in the Garden of Eden protected by the bar of the flaming sword established by God, an ancient landmark (See Deut 27:17; Prov 23:10 and others); outside the Garden of Eden you are without standing in Law, for you have no relationship to the Supreme Lawgiver who alone can justify you, and are at the bar of the Law awaiting judgment, sentence, and execution.]

The basis of the following changes to the marks are found in Isaiah 9:6:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

It is solely upon this passage from Scripture which allows you to raise the political question because God raised it here. If you do not understand what this passage is saying, then do not implement these changes until you do. The results could be hazardous to you and yours under your roof. Notice here that God never mentioned sects, denominations or other ilk of the fallen natural mind. So, in the same manner, you never mention any sects, their terms of "art," ceremonies or the like, either. God never appointed His Son to start a sect, but appointed His Son to Redeem us from the penalties of His Righteous Law, and no sect has that power. That being the case then, no particular sect has any standing in God's Law. So stay away from them!!! "Is Christ divided?"

The New 'First Mark':

Your abandoned paper does not have upon its face My full Christian Appellation in upper and lower case letters conforming to proper English grammar, thereby evidencing an unproven purported law distinct and separate from, and strange and foreign to, the Law I minister in the Name and by the Authority of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; and, in addition thereto, suae potestate esse; nor does your abandoned paper apply to Me; and,

The New 'Second Mark':

Your abandoned paper alleges violations of an unproven purported law, foreign and strange to the Law governing the Venue in which I am found and occupy solely by the Grace of God; and your abandoned paper has no Oath, Promise, or Law attaching Me to, or bringing Me within, the purported venue from which it originates; and,

[Comment: To raise a political question you must raise the Law of the Venue which separates you from their purported law. When this is done, the court must decide which law it will enforce, its own, or the Law of the Venue where you are, if it has jurisdiction of the subject-matter of your Law. Today's courts have no jurisdiction of God's Law because there is no lineage to them from the Tree of Life. Note the definitions of "CHRISTIANITY" and "CHRISTENDOM" in the Glossary. The wording in this mark is drastically changed from the former wording. What we wish to allege is that the venue they presume may not actually exist in Law.

In order for any foreign venue to be recognized it must have recognition from the Sovereign of the Venue which you occupy and are found. Ministers cannot recognize a foreign venue if the Sovereign in Whose name they are sent has not recognized it. If there is no recognition, then that other "venue" either does not exist, or it is unlawful. All Law having Truth creates:

One, venues; and,

Two, process which can be enforced.

Law must have substance equal to or greater than the Law you minister for it to be recognized by Our Sovereign. However, for a foreign law to be enforced, that law must be proven first. If that foreign law's roots have no foundation in Law, then the process issued is no process at all. This is why "purported" is used--they purport they have Law, then, we offer them the opportunity to prove its validity, in God's court. No reply means they confess they have no Law, which is why the judgment is reworded as well. You will see this later.]

The New 'Third Mark':

Your agency, its fiduciaries, and the nom de guerre <M.Provost>, are created and established by a bankrupt person which is dead in Law and therefore are persona non standi in judicio; and,

[Comment: In this mark we allege their standing in Law is defective. We go back to the maxims of Law which state that a bankrupt person is civilly dead. We can then use this to allege the fact that because the United States went bankrupt in 1863 by the issuance of 10-40 and 5-20 bonds to raise revenue for flagrante bello purposes, and it is still scrambling for surety to fund its debt, it is now a civilly dead corporation lacking standing in Law to bring any process in Law to or against a bondservant of Christ, such as yourself. This is disparity and the maxims are quite clear on this:

"Disparata non debent jungi--Unequal things ought not to be joined." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1859), "Maxim," vol. 2, p. 127.

So here you are following Law, and they are attempting to deceive you into waiving the Law. Which do you prefer--the protection of God's Law? or their flogging? This may sound harsh here, but are you responsible for a purported debt you never contracted for? Remember the debt is based on "legal tender" commercial paper printed and issued both during and after the hostilities of Lincoln's War. The war continues, however.]

The New 'Fourth Mark':

Your abandoned paper has no foundation in Law; for the reasons: One, it is not from an office in Law having lineage from the Tree of Life through the bondservant of Christ establishing it in and by their general laws; and Two, it is from an agency which is of the same nature and constitution of its principal, that of an adjudged bankrupt and dead in Law entity having the same capacity of persona non standi in judicio; and,

[Comment: Here we take a two-pronged approach: One, we state that the office has no lineage to the Tree of Life which would comply with the requirements of Isaiah 9:6. The lineage is established by the Great Roll or the Great Register in the county--not by "voter registration." Voter registration is evidence of foreign law, imposed by the will of the occupying belligerent. Without this lineage, the purported government is a foreign and strange "government" having no Law and no standing in Law.

Second, the agency part applies to all those "government" agents--actually 'camp followers' engaged in making profit from ignorant Christians for their strange god. They have the same nature and constitution as the their bankrupt principal--they are civilly dead in Law. This is the reason for the words persona non standi in judicio--they are a person having 'no standing in the court' from where your process issues. The only way they can get standing in God's court is if they can lay and prove:

One, they have Truth in substance; and,

Two, their law to be equal to or greater than God's Law.

Offices are established in Law, agencies are created by contract. The difference may seem subtle, but they are of substance. Offices, to be Lawful, must have a lineage traceable to the Tree of Life and not to a commercial contract. In other words, if the government is not on Christ's shoulders, on whose shoulders does it rest? Christ is the sole foundation of all Lawful Governments, and without sanctioning Authority from Him through the bondservants of Christ allowing the government to exist in the first place, there can be and is no government having standing in Law.

Unless Christians begin to see this vital connection, they are doomed to repeat the failures of the past. It is this passage in Isaiah which destroys all military governments and their commercial establishments masquerading as governments. For all unlawful military governments and commercial artifices are founded on non-substance: the lie of the serpent; while all Lawful governments are rooted in the substance of Christ.]

The New 'Fifth Mark':

Your abandoned paper lacks jurisdictional facts necessary to place or bring Me within your purported venue, your aforesaid venue being dead in Law and sans recognition in the Law and Testament of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; and,

[Comment: This mark traces its validity back to the general principles concerning and governing all Lawful process. Process must allege facts having substance in the law sought to be enforced against the person named on that process. In the case of bondservants of Christ under the Lordship of King Jesus, it is necessary that the process be laid and proven first, and when laid and proven, that the facts necessary to bring the Good and Lawful Christian into the venue from where the process originates be well pleaded. Sans those basic requirements the process is defective.

But we go further: the person issuing such process must have standing in Law to issue the aforesaid process. Dead persons in Law cannot serve nor issue process having standing in Law. Christ did not die for those who resist His free Redemption, but for those whom He foreknew would accept it. Persons dead in Law cannot be resurrected except by the Power of Christ. "God is a God of the living. Not a god of the dead."

Another area of Law is also introduced here which you must familiarize yourself. This has to do with parity and recognition. Parity has to do with equality, and recognition has to do with being known or seen. For example, if you look straight ahead, can you see your feet? Parity is determined by standing--is their law equal to God's Law, the Law you execute? Is it known or seen by your Sovereign? If the answer to either of these two questions is "no" then there is no process, and whatever is "served" is a Satanic counterfeit of the real thing.]

The New 'Sixth Mark':

Your abandoned paper is unintelligible and unfamiliar to Me, and foreign to the Law and Testament of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, which I minister; based upon the following: It is not written in Proper English, which evidences its foreign origin; being such, it must be laid and proven in the courts of the Venue in which I am found and occupy before it can be Judicially noticed and acted upon; and, it fails to apprise Me of the Nature of any matter alleged, if any matter alleged therein has standing in Law, and cannot be recognized Lawfully in this state, for the reason; it violates Our general customs and usages found in the Will of Our Sovereign Lord; and has no force, effect, or operation outside the venue from which it originates; and,

[Comment: What we have introduced here is the procedure by which foreign process or foreign law must be introduced in order for it to be acted upon in a particular venue.

All foreign law must be laid and proven in a court of the Venue having cognizance over the subject matter of the foreign law before it can be acted upon. This is because proof of a foreign law is a question of fact, not of Law; and, unless the fact can be proven in Law, the foreign law does not exist.

The foreigner who attempts to enforce his own law sans consent of the political departments of a Lawful government is a criminal. Further, no court is required to act upon such foreign law or its process if it be contrary to the Law of its own country. It may and usually will prefer the Law of its own domain over that of a foreigner to maintain peace in its own dominions--asylum.]

The New 'Seventh Mark':

Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show, upon it's face, Authority in Law for your presence in the Venue of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ in Whose Peace I rest from My own labours and self-will, and act solely by and under His Providence and Direction in an appointed Ministerial capacity; and,

[Comment: This mark raises the issue of comity.

"Comity represents modes of state behaviour that do not involve a binding or legal obligation. If such an obligation existed, the rule in question would be one not of comity but of either customary or conventional law."--von Glahn, Law Among Nations (5th ed., 1986), p. 25.

What we mean here is, because Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ has not recognized the purported law and venue of the agent or officer; by what authority are they in His Venue disturbing His Peace among His subjects?

It is never the policy of nations at peace to send ministers into a foreign land to disturb its peace. This is easily seen from the following:

"Persons acting in the territory of another nation, in time of peace, though upon the command of their government, and being then beyond the jurisdiction of the government for which they act, must be treated as proceeding on their own responsibility, and may be prosecuted as criminals in the courts of the nation thus entered, though their own government adopts and approves their crime." The People v. Alexander McLeod (1841) 1 Hill(N.Y.) 377, 25 Wendell(N.Y.) 483, 37 Am. Dec. 328.

In this case, the Venue being assaulted and entered is Christ's church, the Inheritance of Our Father, wherein is the high and Sacred Office of Christ established by Him, so that Our Sovereign Himself is being assaulted.

If states could not protect themselves by their domestic criminal law based on Christianity, then all states would perish. And,

"Diplomacy is not an executive but a judicial function; and the joint diplomacy of two nations can not oust the courts of one of them from trying a person accused of committing a crime." The People v. Alexander McLeod (1841) 1 Hill(N.Y.) 377, 25 Wendell (N.Y.) 483, 37 Am. Dec. 328.

This is the reason you do the Non-Statutory Abatement--to set a record of diplomacy which can later be used to evidence criminal activity of the perpetrators. Thus, the foreign court cannot declare Christian Law to be suspended or otherwise revoked even if it wanted to, and the church must realize this sometime soon to effect its own ecclesiastical decisions.]

At the Eighth Mark, The phrase at "My Dominions" has been replaced with the following:

'…His Dominions and the disturbance of His Peace Inherited through Him by Me according to His Testament, for "…as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name," and "ye shall find rest unto your souls" and which I have been given that aforesaid Ministerial Power appertaining to the high and Sacred Office of Christ to minister the aforesaid Inheritance in His Name and by His Authority, for His Glory and Majesty.'

[Comment: Notice now what has changed in the wording. You have Inherited all things through Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in accordance with His Will and Testament. You are not seeking your own will--"thy [not your] will be done…." You now put forth some of that evidence into the record, quoting John 1:12 and Matt 11:29 (but do not put the citations [John 1:12 and Matt 11:29] into the abatements), so that there will be no question about Whose Dominions and Peace are being invaded and disturbed. It is no crime for them to invade your "private" dominions--it is a crime to invade the Dominions of the King and disturb His Peace.

Please remember that this statement must be the Truth in you and not some mere words which have no effect. God's Word is a powerful two-edged sword which means it cuts both ways: it separates the Truth from lies, and if you want the benefit of His Sword, you must have the Truth and show It by exercising It. What this entails then, is a complete study of Christ's Ministerial Powers so that you will further understand the nature of the Law governing all His Dominions in which you are to minister.

We also want you to notice on Whose Law, Testament or Will you are making this stand: solely on God's Law--no codes, rules or regulations. Why can you do this? There are two fundamental reasons, which must become engraved on your heart:

The first one is found in Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them."

And the second is a consequence of the first--God's Law exceeds and always will exceed the "legal memory" of man, and therefore is, and always will be, standing Law. Man can never escape this consequence either:

"Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?" Romans 9:20.

Theologian Emil Brunner noted the following:

"From the outset man is the property of God; he does not become God's property first of all by his [*own] self-determination. Self-determination ought only to accept that which already is, that which already exists. It is the Creation itself which is fulfilled in this call. In this call indeed man receives his human life; he does not already possess it, so that then his destiny added to it, as something secondary. Creation and destiny are one. When existence and destiny are separated, a rationalistic distortion of truth has already taken place; that deistic view of the independence of human existence is already in operation; man stands, where he thinks like this, already on this side of the Fall, where the call of God appears to be a mere obligation, which leaves man the choice between good and evil. Freedom of the will as freedom of choice in the sense of the liberum arbitrium indifferentiae is just as mistaken an understanding of freedom as determinism is a mistaken view of dependence. Genuine freedom is not that freedom of choice conceived in a rationalistic manner, but willing obedience to the God who calls us to communion with Himself. The 'knowledge of good and evil' as two possibilities which lie before me, between which I have to choose--that is the 'knowledge' of the man who has become sinful [Gen 3:5.] This 'knowledge' disappears in faith [*in Jesus, the Christ, the Tree of Life]; we experience 'faith' when we know that God has regained control over our lives, that reason has been captured [*and subdued] by obedience [2 Cor 10:5.]." Brunner, Man in Revolt (1946), pp. 265-266. [Emphasis & insertions added.]

That having been said, we must refer Dominion and Peace to belonging to Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ and not in and of ourselves--"without Me ye can do nothing." Notice now from the example, that it is not you who is being assaulted, but the high and Sacred Office of Christ, and the Dominions appertaining to that high and Sacred Office--not you. This must occur before a right of correction or action vests in the bondservant of Christ. This is exactly where God drew the line in the Garden of Eden. Adam was banished from the Garden lest he should assault and pollute the Tree of Life and live forever. Therefore, we must stand inside the Garden where God drew the line, for the same reasons, and let Him handle the battle against the "sons of Adam." The "sons of Adam" do not live forever according to Scripture, but have an end--which is revealed in Revelation. ]

The New 'Ninth Mark':

Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show, upon it's face, your Authority or Warrant in Law to assault, violate, or disparage the high and Sacred Office of Christ in any way, which I am Commanded and Warranted by Him in His Holy Writ to hold, occupy and minister for His sake; and,

[Comment: We continue diplomacy with the agent or officer by allowing him or her to plead his Warrant or Authority in Law, if any, as justification for his acts. This warrant, to be Lawful however, must originate in and issue from an office displaying and evidencing its lineage to the Tree of Life. Today's de facto process can never evidence such, because it cannot go beyond the commercial contract of agency. Thus, it is plain that such process, although purportedly lawful in commercial and jungle law, has no Authority or Warrant in Christian Law. ]

The New 'Tenth Mark':

Your abandoned paper does not evidence any Warrant or Authority in Law, has no evidence of standing in the Law I execute and minister pursuant to His Writ and Mandate, and is not Judicial in Nature; and,

[Comment: Notice here that we dare not join with the opposing anti-Christian party in their action, but commence an action anew in God's court, by the ministerial Power appertaining to the high and Sacred Office of Christ. You do not allege any thing, they purport, to having standing in God's court, but raise the question of whether they have standing in Law in His court. You question the validity of the evidence, but you can't question its validity in the courts of the enemy. The only way they can prove the validity of their record is to bring it into the court from which the process you issued originated. Lacking said proof, answer, plea, or other process having standing in Law, a judgment nihil dicit issues. (see Glossary for further explanation)]

The New 'Eleventh Mark':

Your abandoned paper is not sealed with authority having a lineage through the Good and Lawful Christians in this state traceable to the Tree of Life, and is, therefore, a Trespass into the Dominions and a breach of the Peace of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; and,

[Comment: We bring up the question of lineage to the Tree of Life--which has root in Christ. If the government is truly on His shoulder, then the lineage is easily proved. But if not, then it has no standing in Law. The seal of any instrument speaks the law of the venue from which the instrument issues, which separates it from all other Law or Venue. Any time an instrument is sealed, whatever is written on the instrument must comply with the Law of the venue. If it does not then it must comply with some other law. If what is said in the abandoned paper does not accord with the law of the seal, then the paper is void, as against the policy of the Sealor. So that if that seal does not accord with the Law of the Venue which you occupy and are found, then it is void in that Venue. Therefore, the enforcement of such an instrument in the Venue in which you are found is a trespass into the Dominion of the Sovereign Whose Law you minister. ]

The New 'Twelfth Mark':

Your abandoned paper, which appears to tender some purported issue, fails to disclose or establish any legal connection between Myself and your purported office or agency; and,

[Comment: Again, we do not acknowledge their abandoned paper having any standing in Law which you execute, and looking at it, it must allege facts which constitute and establish a legal connection. Legal connection establishes interest in a res (a thing), a persona designata;

"Persona conjuncta aequiparatur interesse proprio--A personal connection (literally a united person, union with a person) is equivalent to one's own interest; nearness of blood is as good a consideration as one's own interest." Black's Law Dictionary (4th ed., 1957 & 1968), p. 1300.

It also creates what is called "legal personality." The last thing you want to confirm is any legal connection or interest in the res they are proceeding against. Why? Because the res (a fiction--it cannot see, smell, taste, feel, or hear), becomes your god, which you, in a depraved human condition, seek to defend. And it is this earthy religion they have jurisdiction over, whether you realize it or not.]

The New 'Thirteenth Mark':

Your abandoned paper, upon its face, lacks sufficient evidence of Warrant and standing, in the Law I minister, until the contrary is laid and proven in the courts of the Venue in which I am found.

[Comment: Again, we do not join issue with the anti-Christian, but maintain our standing in the Law we minister, and declare the Law of the Venue in which we are found. You cannot do this using the purported law of the foreign venue. The law of the court is presumed valid in which actions brought under it are heard. You cannot challenge the validity of the law which governs the foreign venue in that court, because to do so destroys the court, and that cannot happen according to Scripture. Consistency of Christian thought from start to finish is what is required in all Lawful process. That is one of the marks which evidences the Truth. See Glossary. ]

At 'Chapter Two, Secondly', the following paragraphs have been added:

[1st added paragraph]…And whereas, all Estates originate in and are of Inheritance vested by the Testament of Our Sovereign Testator Jesus, the Christ, because by Him all things consist, so that His act establishing the original Estate and state is regarded the highest in Law, for all other estates are derivative from and dependent upon that original Act, quando diversi desiderantur actus ad aliquem statum perficiendum, plus respicit lex actum originalem, for unum quod que est id quod est principalius in ipso, causa et origo est materia negotii, and His Reason for bringing His Estate into being always governs all within and every part derived from His Estate which He created, ratio legis est anima legis, and any act done against His Reason is not Lawful, nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum, the Policy of His Law for which His Estate is created governs all within and derived from it, for He is Perfection, and in Him is no corruption, evil, error, or sin:

[Comment: Note this goes back to Genesis 1:1. This is highly critical, for without the original act of creation, there are no other estates, inheritable, corporeal, incorporeal, or otherwise. There is no creation without Law--God's Word is Law. By extension, there is no Inheritance without Law.

We also see that "cause and origin" are the substance of everything so that God's Law, His Word, is the substance of all things and rules all things created by and under it;

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." John 1:1-3.

All inferior estates are derivative and dependent upon His original Act. Estates are not just land, but also include chattels, powers, vested rights, and duties under the Law or Testament establishing them. There is no higher Testament or Law than God's Testament, written and revealed.

"God is not a man that He should lie: neither the son of man that He should repent: hath He said, and shall he not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?" Numbers 23:19.

Further, God's Policy is found solely in His Wisdom which man is to search out in Christ, "learn of Me" so you can know the Way, the Truth and the Life God has provided for you:

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:…" Mt 7:7. See also Lk 11:9.

"Ye shall seek Me, and shall not find Me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come." Jn 7:34.

"The LORD by [*His] wisdom hath founded the earth; by [*His] understanding hath he established the heavens." Proverbs 3:19.

Who has authority or standing to challenge Him about His Policy? Note also Psalms 104:24.]

[2nd added paragraph]And whereas, in that original Act, there is no Precept, Provision, or Warrant for a person dead in Law, i.e., a legal entity be it a natural person, corporation or any collection of natural persons, to have any Inheritance or any part in the Estate which is formed by, in, or from the original Act of Our Sovereign Testator Jesus, the Christ which, when extended, means that your corporation can have no part, i.e., a lien or shetar in or over, any estate derived from that original Act:

[Comment: The person(s) we are referring to here are those who are "sons of Adam," the ones who rebel against God--'the natural man' (see I Corintians 2:14), covenant-breakers, whoremongers,, and the like. God separated them from the church of His Son when He ordered Adam out of the Garden of Eden. See Gen 3:22-24 noting particularly the reason for the banishment. These shall never have any inheritance in the Estate established by the original Act of Christ.

God's Warrants to bondservants of Christ are given in Scripture: Eph 5:5 and Rev 21:8. Dead in Law (mortmain) are those dead to God, those Godless entities, who are without (outside the Body of) Christ--"…for without Me ye can do nothing" because no one can do an act without Authority of Law and not suffer for it. Note also Pr 21:16:

"The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead."

Proverbs 21:16.]

[3rd added paragraph]And whereas, no bondservant of Christ possesses the Title of any part of the Estate of Christ, because the earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, so that no executor can convey what he or she does not possess, nemo dat qui no habet, and where there is no provision or warrant in the Testament of my Sovereign Testator, of which I am one of several joint heirs and appointed co-executors, to Lawfully grant, convey, transfer, derelict, trade, mortgage, pledge, exchange, surrender or otherwise give up to a person dead in Law all or any part therein, nemo potest nisi quod de jure potest, and pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt nullam vim habere, indubitati juris est:

[Comment: In order for any conveyance or pledge to be Lawful, there must be a Warrant or sanction of Authority in the Law. Without such sanction in the Law or Testament, there is no such conveyance or pledge. It cannot be presumed either--see next. Executors do not have private absolute title in the estate; but do have possession under Warrant of the Testament they execute in the Testator's Name, Who, in Truth, is the one with Title, for He brought it into being.]

[5th added paragraph]And whereas, there is no presumption in Law which presumes that any executor, a Good and Lawful Christian, has authority to encumber or waste the estate of his Testator, so that it is incumbent upon those third persons, i.e. your corporation, who make engagements with the Testator's executor to inquire of his authority to encumber or waste said Inheritance of his Testator, scire debes cum quo contrahis:

[Comment: This comes pretty much from general court cases concerned with the issues of fiduciaries and executors. This is a general principle of Law which the courts at Law and of law use when presented with such issues. This doctrine is followed and explained in a number of sources concerned with an estate's "property"--the Laws concerning inheritance find their source in Numbers 27.]

[6th added paragraph]And whereas, I can make no engagements Lawful which prejudice either my Testator, His Testament, or His Estate of Inheritance therein, which bind either Him or my Self to any obligations with any natural persons dead in Law:

[Comment: This is a general principle of Law from the law of slaves, fiduciaries, and executors. If you are under the yoke, you can make no ratifications which affect either the yoke, the Driver of the yoke, or the direction the Driver drives the yoke. But you must remember that if this statement doesn't apply to you, God will not honor it.]

[7th added paragraph]And whereas all engagements founded on unlawful consideration are void, and your purported consideration is unlawful, which is error in Law, because it is founded in the blood of the six hundred thousand Christian Saints shed during Lincoln's War against the several consociated Christian states in union, because the principle part of everything is the beginning or origin, unumquodque est id quod est principalius in ipso; cause and origin is the substance of the thing, i.e., your purported consideration, causa et origo est materia negotii; and, to know something is to know its cause and reason, scire proprie est rem ratione et per causam cognoscere, so that any contract which is the fruit of the poisoned tree of crime is not valid or of any force or effect in Law, contractus ex turpi causa, vel contra bonos mores nullus est and pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt nullam vim habere, indubitati juris est and crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat:

[Comment: This refers errors in Law to their origin, and the reason is that if you refer errors in Law to their origin, you are refuting them:

"Errores ad sua principia referre, est refellere--To refer errors to their origin is to refute them." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p. 2133.

Therefore, to refer their purported consideration (it is error in Law to give fiction to compel performance of substance--this practice on a large scale began with Lincoln's War) to its real origin, not just when brought into being; but to the point in time when the commercial power established itself to license the lending corporation, for example, you then have solid ground in God's Law to refute them and stand on the Holy Ground of His Warrant. Law without Truth is not Law; but vain imagination or illusion of law. This then refers to the following maxim of Law:

"Ex nihilo nihil fit--From nothing nothing comes." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p. 2133.

So that because the illusion has no truth, neither is it law. And without Law, consideration cannot exist--note Genesis 1:1. Had Elohim, Who is Truth, never spoken the Law, the substance of the creation would never have been brought into being.]

[8th added paragraph]And whereas, he who committeth iniquity, or partakes of the benefit of iniquity, shall not have equity, and because Lincoln's War is founded in crimes against the several Christian states in union then crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat and, nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audien dus est:

[Comment: All crimes committed by individuals are errors in Law and iniquitous because they have no Truth which substantiates or warrants their particular act. If they were not errors in Law, the perpetrators of them could never be prosecuted by and under the Law declaring the acts to be crimes. Therefore, those who commit such errors cannot create Law based on their errors, but must have Truth in them to establish Law. A system of law based on lies, deceit, or crimes must be in error, for its foundation is in error. Therefore its results or consequences must also be in error--the blind leading the blind, both shall fall into the same ditch.]

[9th added paragraph]And whereas, those persons created or established by a purported law, which from its own record is created by acts contrary to the Law of the Estate established by the original Act of Our Sovereign Testator, or partakes of the same, is dead in Law, and unable to sue, be sued, plead, be impleaded, or damaged in any way by the execution of the Testament of Jesus, the Christ, the Way the Truth and the Life, the Law governing the Estate established by His Original Act, being in Law persona non standi in judicio:

[10th added paragraph]And whereas, the train of events may have been long laid, and we bondservants of Christ of the church may be or remain unconscious of the pending catastrophe; but, if the match is applied seasonably to the enforcement of Our Christian Law, and explosion follows, we of the church are no longer powerless to redress, by execution of His Testament, the consummated acts against Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, and His Inheritance, His church, not less aggravated because long tolerated by Him and His church, nullum tempus occurrit ecclesiae and nullum tempus occurrit reipublicae, so that this corporation, when thoroughly looked at through Our Christian Law, is not of the Tree of Life, but has an evil lineage strange, foreign and dangerous to His church and state, that origin being the fruit of the poisoned tree found in the same Lawless acts which brought forth your purported consideration aforesaid and so your corporation lacks any and all standing both in Law and equity for one must come into equity with clean hands to have any right of action for any redress, not bloody hands, nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audien dus est:

[Comment: The first part of this section has to do with a quote from a court case concerned with conspiracy. We do not concern ourselves with conspiracy, but with history and Law, the principle here is that the church can never be without a remedy when the Law of its Blessed Sovereign has been violated repeatedly over a period of time. This can be substantiated by the chain of events from specific times in and during that period of time which then gives the church the ability and ground to right the course of events now ahead of it. See Deut 28 for what awaits it if it fails to act. This is the only way the church may proceed--in the light of God's Law. This goes without saying.

However, at the same time, Christians must know history in light of God's Word and His Law so that they can see what changes have been and may be wrought which affect their Lives and Liberties in Christ. It is when the Office of Christ is assaulted from without that Christians must take a stand, doing it according to the Testament establishing the Office of Christ, and the Duties and Powers appertaining thereto. Therefore Christians must heed the following warning found in the Apocrypha:

"Because of unrighteous dealings, injuries, and riches got by deceit, the kingdom is translated from one people to another." Ecclesiasticus 10:8.

This proves how dangerous commerce is to His church, where the Office of Christ is head. Whenever and wherever the church is assaulted the Office of Christ is assaulted, for the church is the Inheritance of God, offered by the Son Who glorifies Our Father.

Unless Christians have the mind of Christ in this particular, the church can never be effective in changing the world assaulting it, and can never attain the Peace of Christ. Christ already knows He has a duty to protect His church; but do Christians know the Duty they have to Him to see to it that they execute His Testament, in His Name and by His Authority, which gives the Right of Protection and Asylum in Him? No Testament has effect unless it is executed, and execution brings forth the fruits of the Testament. Without execution there is no fruit, for execution is the fruit of the Law.]

[11th added paragraph]And whereas, the train of events also declares that the purported courts in which your corporation seeks remedy or relief of some purported damage or loss are also fruit of the same poisoned tree, said purported court partaking of the same blood aforesaid lacks any capacity or ability to seek the Truth beyond the venue of the poisonous purported laws which brought it into being, and in this capacity, makes your corporation suus judex, in principle, contrary to Law, because nemo debet esse judex in propria causa and nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audien dus est and nemo potest nisi quod de jure potest and pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt nullam vim habere, indubitati juris est:

[Comment: This follows from all the maxims of Law concerned with venue statutes. Courts are bound to the law which brought them into being, and their authority cannot transcend the law that brought them into being, for the statute circumscribes the venue in which that court has jurisdiction over the particular subject matter committed to it. Beyond this, it lacks any authority, and the person who does exercise jurisdiction without authority of a statute or law, is personally liable. We might also add the following maxim to further substantiate this:

"Ubi non est condendi auctoritas, ibi non est parendi necessitas--Where there is no authority to establish, there is no necessity to obey." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p. 2165.

Thus, because crimes were committed to establish this so-called court, and in crime there is no Truth, there can be no necessity to obey one whose office or position originates in or partakes of the fruits of that crime or crimes, for crime is error against the Law protecting Truth, and is therefore against Truth, Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour, Jesus, the Christ.]

[12th added paragraph]And whereas, all fruit of the poisoned tree is to be avoided and destroyed wherever found, and, if necessary, the tree cut down and burned so that the tree does not propagate to levels of infestation and dense overgrowth leading to destruction of the aforesaid Original Estate in Christ by and through waste of the same:

[13th added paragraph]And whereas, the "licensor" of your corporation is a bankrupt entity, partaking of the poisoned fruit of the tree planted during Lincoln's War which has been bankrupt and criminal since the eighteen hundred sixty-third year of the glorious Reign of my Sovereign, and because the agent is not greater than his principal and is of the same nature and constitution of its principal, then the agent, your corporation, is also a bankrupt criminal entity in regard to its existence in Law, because it purports to exist sans Lawful creation, and therefore lacks all ability to bring any action being dead in Law, extra legem positus est civiliter mortuus:

[Comment: This is derived solely from the facts existing in Genesis. The serpent was a bankrupt, unable to create any substance. A number of maxims interact in this part of the abatement:

"Extra legem positus est civiliter mortuus--He who is placed out of the law [*God's Law establishing the Office of Christ] is civilly dead. A bankrupt is, as it were, civilly dead. International Bank v. Sherman, 101 U.S. 406, 25 L.Ed. 866." Black's Law Dictionary (4th ed., 1957 & 1968), p. 697.

The Scriptural reference for this is at Prov 21:16:

"The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding [*the Law of God] shall remain in the congregation of the dead." [Insertion added. Note: This was Adam's error.]

We will refer you also back to Genesis 3:22-24. Another has to do with cause and origin being the material substance of any act bringing a thing or system of law into existence, which was pointed out earlier. If the cause and origin is in Christ, then the act has substance--"by Him all things consist." Outside of Christ there is no substance--only fiction and vain imagination--"in Him there [*is and] was no sin."

Looking to Christ, as the Author and Finisher of our faith, we can see that substance only moves and invokes Law--He died for our sins so that we might resurrect in Him. This is plainly seen from Scripture where after Adam is expelled from the Garden, God begins executing His plan for the salvation of man, in His Son, and not in a birth certificate--"my Father works and I work." This is critical. For salvation to have taken place it required a perfect Sacrifice to redeem sinful rebellious man from the punishments of a perfect Law; One without blemish--Truth--incorruptible and not corrupted with the cares of this life evidenced by fiction. This required that God provide the substance Himself, in His Son, Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ. A perfect Sacrifice for the punishments of a perfect Law--this is Peerage or Parity.]

Executing the Process

The Non-Statutory Abatement takes its name from the fact that it exists - not by virtue of a statute passed by some legislature - but by virtue of its customary use arising from Christian common Law. Thus, the authority of the abatement does not require any legislature's stamp of approval.

When using the abatement process, one must always apply Christian Discernment in all of its facets.

The following is a synopsis of a step by step procedure for the completion of this process:

1. Find the Main Post Office in your town. There will be one Main Post Office in your town that receives general delivery. Do not fill out the General Delivery Service Application, PS Form 1527, Nov. 1987. An excellent way to understand general delivery is to study the introduction to 'The Postmaster Abatement.' It is also suggested that you acquire the 'general delivery Postal Pack' from The Christian Jural Society Press before you confront your post office (see Study Material List).

Note: Never fill out a 'change of address form.' You are not changing addresses when you receive your postal matter in general delivery. You are going from 'an address' to 'a mailing location.' An 'address' is a 'commercial fiction.' If you fill out 'a change of address,' you will again be receiving the 'benefit of transfer' from them which places you back into the commercial venue.

You then remove your mailbox and address numbers from your house and/or cancel your P.O. Box, and avoid talking to the postman. Simply put on your front door a sign which reads, 'no mail received at this location.' For those at an apartment, etc., where you can't remove your mailbox, block the opening off and place a note on it that reads the same as above.

2. Apply an abatement to your particular situation by changing the names, addresses, opposing party, and other pertinent items. The Sample Abatement is the standard abatement which can altered for a specialized abatement. All 'insert directions' in brackets ([ ]) are not to be included in your abatement. The Sample I.R.S. abatement can be applied to a State taxing agency by changing the pertinent titles. The traffic ticket or warrant abatement can be changed in the same manner to apply to a Federal Court 'Order to Show Cause' or any other type of court summons. The basic wording need not be changed from the examples. If you do, do so at your own risk. The sample Default, located immediately after the Sample abatement can be used with all abatements in the same manner.

Always use to be called for in general delivery as your response location, for the reason: general delivery is where your court is located, i.e., everywhere in general and nowhere in specific. The court is where the Christian sojourns, wherever that may be -- and a sojourner is everywhere.

3. After the response location, always put small 's' superior and small 'c' court as the heading, along with your county name first, followed by a small 'c' county, and name of your state fully spelled out. The superior court is your court, which is a court, superior at Law, to all others. Never use 'State of,' because this refers to the internal administration of the commercial de facto government.

4. Always style yourself the 'Demandant' and the opposition 'Defendant.' All other titles besides Demandant' are in 'equity', therefore, use of any other term will sham your abatement, by creating a conflict of law within your own court. Never use line-numbered paper. It is a statutory creation.

5. Married women should always have their husband do the abatement in his name (see example), with the husband's name followed by, et uxor. This is because a married Christian woman has become 'one flesh' with her Christian Husband, and the law does not see or recognize her. For the foregoing reason the Wife's Christian name never appears in the abatement. The entity who you are abating will know who the abatement is from, by the name on the abandoned paper you return with the abatement. Title examples for unmarried women and children are shown in the 'Coverture' section. An unmarried woman can have her father, brother or male Christian friend do the abatement in his name as a covering. If a friend, give him a 'Letter of Appointment,' and attach a copy of it to the abatement. For children under twenty-one years of age, the father has to do the abatement.

6. Always print the Defendant's personal name in upper and lower case and their office exactly as it is on the abandoned paper you are abating, i.e., STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BANK OF NEVADA, Bank of Nevada GRANT COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT, etc.

7. No matter how many pieces of paper you abate, always refer to them as abandoned paper in the singular. Abandoned paper refers to resigning the paperwork to you, due to their lack of ability to produce Lawful process in your venue. Abandonment makes it null and void. Attach all abandoned paper to the back of abatement before service, and always mark across each piece, 'Refused for cause without dishonor and with out recourse to Me.' (in upper and lower case).

8. In the text of the abatement, always capitalize Me, My, Myself, Our, Right, and any other words relating to a Christian under God. Study the capitalization of words from a good book on English Grammar.

9. Always spell out numbers you use for yourself, such as dates, page numbers etc. The page numbers are to be spelled out and made part of the others, as 'Page one of six', 'Page three of five' etc, thereby creating a complete document. Italicize all foreign entities, words, 'laws,' and other designations.

10. Never, never, ever use or cite any codes such as the Uniform Commercial Code, Penal Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Civil Code, I.R.S. Code, ad nauseum, all of which are private commercial law and may have force and effect only if you're playing in their sand box. The use of codes turns a Non-Statutory Abatement into a statutory abatement, which makes you appear "non compos mentis" to the opposing party and will sham your court because you are importing foreign law, which has no standing in your court. The only Law is found in Scripture and established customs and usages common to all Christians. Christ Jesus and His Law is the foundation of your state -- not the "State of" which is the commercial venue of all the codes.

11. The abatement has no force and effect in Law, without the Ordering Clause. Therefore, never fail to include this. Give the Defendant ten days to respond after the abatement has been served and always include the opportunity for the Defendant to ask for more time to respond. The ten days does not include Sundays and other Holy days. For example, if it is served on Monday and there are no Holy days other than Sunday, the Rule Day would be Friday of the following week.

12. Post a Notice of Default in three places in your county and run the Public Notice in your newspaper (see Public Notice section), to announce the date of Default, as soon as you have had the abatement hand-delivered to the Defendant or when you have received the return receipt from the post office or Sheriff, in cases where hand-delivery by a friend or Elisor is impossible. The three places in your county, can be the court house, Post Office, Library or any other public place. Look for a locked glass case in any public buildings for this purpose. Post the notice in three places in your county for a period of eight weeks, one having to be at the county seat. If you can afford it, place a Public notice in a newspaper in your county one day a week for three weeks, cut out the first printing and attach a copy of it to the Default before hand-delivery and mailing, etc.

13. Always include a Verification by Asseveration on the last page of your abatement and have two Christian friends witness your sign manual on it. The same is to be done on the Default.

14. The two most common ways to have your abatement served, is by the Sheriff and by the Post Office. If the service is done by Registered Mail, have the clerk hand date stamp the first page before you put it in the envelope. Always take an extra copy when doing this, and have the copy date stamped also. From this copy, make additional copies to be sent Registered Mail to other defendants and to have a Christian friend hand serve the Defendant or Defendants. Hand-delivery is done, so you have two witnesses as evidence they were served, plus the Default occurs sooner and also insures that the Defendant receives a copy before the hearing or court date. Write in the original Registered Mail or Sheriff's number from the first mailing or Sheriff's service on all other copies of the abatements and continue to use that first number on the Default.

Note: Do not use a different case number, other than the one from the abatement, on the default. If you do, your default will be of no effect.

Note: Never use Certified Mail; it is for Commercial purposes only. Always use Registered Mail.

15. The number you receive from the Sheriff is written in the place you provide for it, as Sheriff's case number__________; and the Registered Mail number, when using the Post Office for service, is to be written as Case number__________.

16. If you receive any reply in general delivery between the time the abatement is served and the 10 day default time, you must open it and reply, if it's addressed correctly. If it's incorrect, you have a traditionally vested right to return foreign mail in general delivery. Simply write on it, "No such person, return to sender." If the letter is addressed correctly on the outside, but is misnomered, etc., on the inside, simply continue to abate it in the same manner as your first one. You must use your Christian Discernment when confronting these situations. If you receive any mail from the abated entity after the default has occurred, you can refuse all mail from them thereafter. During and after the abatement and default process, avoid any contact with the abated entity, such as requests by them to call them because they have 'a question,' a knock on the door or a confrontation on the street, etc.

It is suggested that before one uses the abatement process, take the time to study the meaning of words unfamiliar to you, for in this way, you will become more comfortable doing the process (see Glossary). If we are to become self-governing bondservants of Christ under God, We need to begin acquiring the knowledge, understanding and wisdom so necessary to accomplish that purpose. The amount of 'minimum contact' you have with the current de facto government will be a determining factor on the success or failure of your abatement, as these contacts give that government a way to encroach upon your life, liberty and property. An abatement will not be successful in cases where you have given up jurisdiction by entering a court, posting bail or a signature on any jail forms whatsoever, appeared at an administrative hearing, entered into signed agreements with the entity, heavy engagement in commercial activity (Corporate or governmental employment), answered to the nom de guerre after service of process, committed an injury where there is a damaged victim, etc. When in contact with these entities and agencies, the less said and done is the less they will use against you to plunder your substance. The sooner we begin to break these contacts and disengage from the lex mercatoria, the sooner we will understand what government under God really means. We were never meant to be ruled by men, but ruled by The Father and His Word. Human beings are concerned with the present and past (the dead), while God and His people look to the present and future (the living). Living by God's Law preserves the Christian state; while living by human law destroys it.

English translations for Maxims, and definitions of words used in the abatements, are in the 'Maxims of Law' and 'Glossary' sections immediately following the abatement section.

Check List for the Non-Statutory Abatement Process

The following is a step-by-step listing that one should follow for completing the process.

["Second Revision" Note. If you have no Lawful assembly and no Brothers in your area to serve the process for you, you can use the following procedure.]

1. Locate in general delivery.

2. Remove from your dwelling-house all address numbers and the mail box, and/or cancel P. O. Box.

3. Install a "Breaking the Close' Notice on each side of the front gates and each door post of your dwelling-house. A Sample Notice with a five page explanation article is published in Issue the Twenty-eighth of The Christian Jural Society News.

4. Prepare your Non-Statutory Abatement, following steps #1-#16 on pages 232-234.

5. In the county where you are located, find the three places where you will be posting the 'Notice of Default' (examples on Page 249), and designate those locations in the appropriate place following the 'Ordering Clause.' If you plan to run the Notice in the newspaper, locate one that will run it for you and designate it in the same manner.

6. Before service is made, sign and seal the Abatement and Asseveration, and have two friends do the same.

7. Write across all pages of abandoned paper in upper and lower case letters, "Refused for Cause without Dishonor and without Recourse to Me.' Place all abandoned papers in back of the Asseveration.

8. After signing and sealing is completed, make one copy of the original Abatement and abandoned paper(s).

9. To complete the service, take with you to the Sheriff or Post Office, both copies of the Abatement and attachments, all pertenent information concerning the Defendant to be served, and a 9"x12" Manila envelope.

10a. Service by Mail. Pay the Postal Clerk for Registered Mail, write the Registered Mail number on both Abatements and have the Clerk date stamp both Abatements in the upper righthand corner of the front page. Then place the original Abatement with the original abandoned paper(s), into envelope. Keep the copy for making additional followup copies.

10b. Service by Sheriff. Request a 'Service Form,' fill it out, and pay the Deputy for service. Write the Sheriff's Case number on the front of both Abatements and keep the copy, as above. Note: Some Sheriff's want to keep a copy for themselves. Therefore, when service by Sheriff is chosen, take a second copy with you.

11. Make additional copies of first copy and mail them Registered to, or have Sheriff serve, additional Defendants.

12. Place the Default Notice at the three places which were designated in the Abatement. Run the Default Notice in the designated newspaper, once a week, for three weeks.

13. Have a friend, or friends, personally serve each Defendant with a copy of the Abatement.

14. Default, Default Judgment, and Praecipe. Complete in the same manner as #4 - #13 above.

[Sample (Older) Abatement]

[Depending on your font and line spacing, your page numbering may be in slightly different locations]


Respond to:

John Alan: Robbins, suae potestate esse,

to be called for in general delivery,

Buena Park Post Office.

Buena Park, California.

superior court, Orange county, California

John Alan: Robbins, suae potestate esse ( Case No._<Sheriff's case number OR registered mail number>_

Demandant )

( Part One.

Against ) Non-Statutory Abatement


M. Provost )

James Gump ( Dated: The thirtieth day of the first month,

DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY ) in the Year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus,

INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ( the Christ, Nineteen hundred ninety-eight.

Defendants )

Non-Statutory Abatement

By John Alan: Robbins, suae potestate esse:

In the matter of: Abandoned AUTOMATED LETTER marked with 1/15/98 and the unlawful and invalid persona designata, JOHN A. ROBBINS, nom de guerre:

Be it Known and Remembered by All to Whom These Presents Come, and May Concern:


This Non-Statutory Abatement is issued by and under the Ministerial Power and Authority vested solely in and appertaining to the Ministerial Office of Christ, established in Truth and Substance by the Grace of God through Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and which is the Foundation of Law, customs, and usages common among all bondservants of Christ, being co-heirs and appointed co-Executors of His Testament governing His Estate brought into being by His original Act sworn to by Him in His Testament, and in execution of the Judgments declared therein by Him, against M. Provost, James Gump, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, and INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, acting alien enemies of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour for Whom I am one of several ministers. Said Defendants are attempting to plunder in the Nature of a Praemunire, imperium in imperio, using purported process unknown to, and not recognized by, the Law of Our Sovereign, which is outlawed by the general custom in His Kingdom because it disturbs His Peace, which Peace He bestowed upon His church and state, and because rerum ordo confunditur, si unicucuique iurisdictio non servatur, and thus, is in violation of The Law of Nations, The Law of War, and the lex non scripta, which is the jus publicum in His church and state:

* Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, et talis Certitudo Certitudinem confundit *

Part One of this matter shall be known as Non-Statutory Abatement and contains the following documents titled:

One. Non-Statutory Abatement; and, Two. Verification by Asseveration.

Page one of nine

One. Non-Statutory Abatement


Whereas, the provisional Congress, in the Preamble of Congressional Report No. 93-549, issued on the nineteenth day of the eleventh month in the Year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ nineteen hundred seventy-three, states "A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule... And, in the United States, actions taken by the Government in time of great crisis have- from, at least, the Civil War- in important ways, shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency":

And whereas, according to The Supreme Court, said Congress has made little or no distinction between a "state of national emergency," and "a state of war":

And whereas, according to the Law of Nations, "the most immediate effect of a state of war is that it activates the law of War itself.":

And whereas, according to the Law of War, "martial law is obtained during a state of war and in truth and reality, is no law at all":

And whereas, open armed conflict is not necessary for the existence of a state of war, or war itself, for the forty-third provisional Congress in House Report No. 262, issued on the twenty-sixth day of the third month in the Year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ eighteen hundred seventy-four, admitted and declared that war exists non flagrante bello, a doctrine enunciated by the Supreme Court, and that this is the basis of the unlawful usurpations of record by said Congress called the National Banking Act, Reconstruction Acts, Civil Rights Acts, Voting Rights Acts, ad nauseam, and the post flagrante bello "amendments," each and all evidence that war, a state of war, and the qualified martial rule imposed by them, continues openly and notoriously to this day to destroy the consociated Christian states:

And whereas, war is simply the exercise of force between bodies politic against each other for the purpose of coercion, the bodies politic this day are: One, bondservants of Christ on one side; and, Two, the low and Lawless persons of proclamations, edicts, codes, rules and regulations, i.e., all commercial persons impressed with a belligerent or military character, on the other:

And whereas, martial rule and martial law, and all its masks, are repugnant to and violations of the Law, Testament and Writ I execute, for martial rule is government by the will of a human military commander; but, in the Law I execute, all Lawful government shall be upon the shoulders of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, therefore all Lawful government must have a lineage traceable to the Tree of Life. Any government having no such lineage, is strange, foreign and unknown to Our Law. The Law of Our Sovereign does not permit foreign and strange forms of law to be imposed upon His church and state, or His subjects:

Now therefore, any proceeding to the contrary violates the established customs and usages, breaches the peace and safety of the Christian people in their Dominions, is an invasion against the Christian people and their Law and is a trespass on this bondservant of Christ:

* Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, et talis Certitudo Certitudinem confundit *

Chapter one:

Return of abandoned paper and expurgation of record; and Averments

Your abandoned paper is invalid for Cause without Dishonor and without Recourse to Me, and is herewith returned and the purported record expurgated because it is irregular and unauthorized, based upon the following, to wit:

Comes Now, this bondservant of Christ, grateful to Almighty God for My Liberty in Christ, to humbly Extend Greetings and Salutations to you from Our Sovereign Lord, Saviour and Testator Jesus, the Christ, and Myself by Visitation, to exercise His Ministerial Powers in this Matter, in His Name, by His Authority, under Direction of His Warrant, Mandate and Will contained in His Writ, revealed both in His Testament written of Him in Holy Scripture and in Him:

Page two of nine

Your abandoned paper and purported record contain the following Marks of Fraud:


Mark: Your abandoned paper does not have upon its face My full Christian Appellation in upper and lower case letters conforming to proper English grammar, thereby evidencing an unproven purported law distinct and separate from, and strange and foreign to, the Law I minister in the Name and by the Authority of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; and, in addition thereto, suae potestate esse; nor does your abandoned paper apply to Me; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper alleges violations of an unproven purported law, foreign and strange to the Law governing the Venue in which I am found and occupy solely by the Grace of God; and your abandoned paper has no Oath, Promise, or Law attaching Me to, or bringing Me within, the purported venue from which it originates; and,


Mark: Your agency, its fiduciaries, and the nom de guerre M. Provost, are created and established by a bankrupt person which is dead in Law and therefore are persona non standi in judicio; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper has no foundation in Law; for the reasons: One, it is not from an office in Law having lineage from the Tree of Life through the bondservant of Christ people establishing it in and by their general laws; and Two, it is from an agency which is of the same nature and constitution of its principal, that of an adjudged bankrupt and dead in Law entity having the same capacity of persona non standi in judicio; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper lacks jurisdictional facts necessary to place or bring Me within your purported venue, your aforesaid purported venue being dead in Law and sans recognition in the Law and Testament of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper is unintelligible and unfamiliar to Me, and foreign to the Law and Testament of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, which I minister; based upon the following: It is not written in Proper English, which evidences its foreign origin; being such, it must be laid and proven in the courts of the Venue in which I am found and occupy before it can be Judicially noticed and acted upon; and, it fails to apprise Me of the Nature of any matter alleged, if any matter alleged therein has standing in Law, and cannot be recognized Lawfully in this state, for the reason; it violates Our general customs and usages found in the Will of Our Sovereign Lord; and has no force, effect, or operation outside the venue from which it originates; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show, upon it's face, Authority in Law for your presence in the Venue of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ in Whose Peace I rest from My own labours and self-will, and act solely by and under His Providence and Direction in an appointed Ministerial capacity; and,

page three of nine


Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show, upon it's face, the necessity, if any, for your invasion of His Dominions and the disturbance of His Peace Inherited through Him by Me according to His Testament, for "…as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name," and "ye shall find rest unto your souls" and which I have been given that aforesaid Ministerial Power appertaining to the high and Sacred Office of Christ to minister the aforesaid Inheritance in His Name and by His Authority, for His Glory and Majesty; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show, upon it's face, your Authority or Warrant in Law to assault, violate, or disparage the high and Sacred Office of Christ in any way, which I am Commanded and Warranted by Him in His Holy Writ to hold, occupy and minister for His sake; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper does not evidence any Warrant or Authority in Law, has no evidence of standing in the Law I execute and minister pursuant to His Writ and Mandate, and is not Judicial in Nature; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper is not sealed with authority having a lineage through the Good and Lawful Christians in this state traceable to the Tree of Life, and is, therefore, a Trespass into the Dominions and a breach of the Peace of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper, which appears to tender some purported issue, fails to disclose or establish any legal connection between Myself and your purported office or agency; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper, upon its face, lacks sufficient evidence of Warrant and standing in the Law I minister, until the contrary is laid and proven in the courts of the Venue in which I am found.

* Ex Dolo malo non oritur Actio *

Chapter two:


Whereas, according to the general custom and Laws in this state, The Law of Nations and The Law of War, said alien enemy belligerents cannot invade His Dominions with defective and nugatory paper: And whereas, said alien enemy agency is attempting to destroy the foundations of free Civil Government enjoyed by a Free and Lawful People through their Obedience to the Laws of God, the jus ex non scripto, which is the general custom, and basis of the Covenant and general Laws in this state:

And whereas, said alien enemy agency is attempting to bring or impose an Imperial system of law which destroys Our general custom, Covenant, and general Laws in this state, which are the only governing Law in this state:

And whereas, your abandoned paper and purported records containing threats of plunder, disturbs His Peace and endangers His Inheritance in His church and state:

And whereas, His Peace and Inheritance is a recognized general custom in this state:

Now therefore, your abandoned paper and purported record containing threats of plunder is attempting to usurp His Authority , patria potestas, are a disturbance of His Peace, a public nuisance, and a Trespass upon Him.

* Ex nudo Pacto non oritur Actio *

Page four of nine


Whereas, all Estates originate in and are of Inheritance vested by the Testament of Our Sovereign Testator Jesus, the Christ, because by Him all things consist, so that His act establishing the original Estate and state is regarded the highest in Law, for all other estates are derivative from and dependent upon that original Act, quando diversi desiderantur actus ad aliquem statum perficiendum, plus respect lex acetum originalem, for unum quod que est id quod est principalius in ipso, causa et origo est materia negotii, and His Reason for bringing His Estate into being always governs all within and every part derived from His Estate which He created, ratio legis est anima legis, and any act done against His Reason is not Lawful, nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum, the Policy of His Law for which His Estate is created governs all within and derived from it, for He is Perfection, and in Him is no corruption, evil, error, or sin:

And whereas, in that original Act, there is no Precept, Provision, or Warrant for a person dead in Law, i.e., a legal entity be it a natural person, corporation or any other collection of natural persons, to have any Inheritance or any part in the Estate which is formed by, in, or from the original Act of Our Sovereign Testator Jesus, the Christ which, when extended, evidences that your corporation can have no part, i.e., a lien or shetar in or over any estate derived from that original Act:

And whereas, no bondservant of Christ possesses the Title of any part of the Estate of Christ, because the earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, therefore no executor can convey what he or she does not possess, nemo dat qui no habet, and there is no provision or Warrant in the Testament of Our Sovereign Testator, of which I am one of several joint heirs and appointed co-Executors, to Lawfully grant, convey, transfer, derelict, trade, mortgage, pledge, exchange, surrender or otherwise give up to a person dead in Law all or any part therein, nemo potest nisi quod de jure potest, and pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt nullam vim habere, indubitati juris est:

And whereas, there is no presumption in Law which presumes that any Executor, a Good and Lawful Christian, has authority to encumber or waste the estate of his Testator, so that it is incumbent upon those third persons, i.e. your corporation, who make engagements with the Testator's executor to inquire of his authority to encumber or waste said Inheritance of his Testator, scire debes cum quo contrahis:

And whereas, I can make no engagements Lawful which prejudice either Our Testator, His Testament, or His Estate of Inheritance therein, which bind either Him or my Self to any obligations with any natural persons dead in Law:

And whereas all engagements founded on unlawful consideration are void, and your purported consideration is unlawful, which is error in Law, because it is founded in the blood of the six hundred thousand Christian Saints shed during Lincoln's War against the several consociated Christian states in union, because the principle part of everything is the beginning or origin, unumquodque est id quod est principalius in ipso; cause and origin is the substance of the thing, i.e., your purported consideration, causa et origo est materia negotii; and, to know something is to know its cause and reason, scire proprie est rem ratione et per causam cognoscere, so that any contract which is the fruit of the poisoned tree of crime is not valid or of any force or effect in Law, contractus ex turpi causa, vel contra bonos mores nullus est and pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt nullam vim habere, indubitati juris est and crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat:

And whereas, he who committeth iniquity, or partakes of the benefit of iniquity, shall not have equity, and because Lincoln's War is founded in crimes against the several Christian states in union then crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat and, nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audien dus est:

And whereas, those persons created or established by a purported law, which from its own record is created by acts contrary to the Law of the Estate established by the original Act of Our Sovereign Testator, or partakes of the same, is dead in Law, and unable to sue, be sued, plead, be impleaded, or damaged in any way by the execution of the Testament of Jesus, the Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, His Law governing the Estate established by His Original Act, being in Law persona non standi in judicio:

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And whereas, the train of events may have been long laid, and the bondservants of Christ of the church may be or remain unconscious of the pending catastrophe; but, if the match is applied seasonably to the enforcement of Our Christian Law, and explosion follows, we of the church are no longer powerless to redress, by execution of His Testament, the consummated acts against Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, and His Inheritance, His church, not less aggravated because long tolerated by Him and His church, nullum tempus occurrit ecclesiae and nullum tempus occurrit reipublicae, therefore your corporation, when thoroughly looked at through Our Christian Law, is not of the Tree of Life, but has an evil lineage strange, foreign and dangerous to His church and state, that origin being the fruit of the poisoned tree found in the same Lawless acts which brought forth your purported consideration aforesaid and so your corporation lacks any and all standing both in Law and equity, for one must come into equity with clean hands - not bloody hands - to have any right of action for any redress, nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audien dus est:

And whereas, the train of events also declares that the purported courts in which your corporation seeks remedy or relief of some purported damage or loss are also fruit of the same poisoned tree, said purported court partaking of the same blood aforesaid lacks any capacity or ability to seek the Truth beyond the venue of the poisonous purported laws which brought it into being, and in this capacity, makes your corporation suus judex, in principle, contrary to Law, because nemo debet esse judex in propria causa and nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audien dus est and nemo potest nisi quod de jure potest and pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque vel contra bonos mores fiunt nullam vim habere, indubitati juris est:

And whereas, all fruit of the poisoned tree is to be avoided and destroyed wherever found, and, if necessary, the tree cut down and burned so that the tree does not propagate to levels of infestation and dense overgrowth leading to destruction of the aforesaid Original Estate in Christ by and through waste of the same:

And whereas, the "licensor" of your corporation is a bankrupt entity, partaking of the poisoned fruit of the tree planted during Lincoln's War which has been bankrupt and criminal since the eighteen hundred sixty-third year of the glorious Reign of Our Sovereign, and because the agent is not greater than his principal and is of the same nature and constitution of its principal, then the agent, your corporation, is also a bankrupt criminal entity in regard to its existence in Law, because it purports to exist sans Lawful creation, and therefore being dead in Law, lacks all ability to bring any action, extra legem positus est civiliter mortuus:

And whereas, all usurpations by any or all appointees or other fiduciaries of bondservants of Christ are criminal in nature because they constitute theft of the prerogative and power of the lex non scripta constituting the jus publicum vested in all bondservants of Christ by God through Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and all acts which spring from such acts of usurpation are void, crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat:

And whereas, acts or things tolerated because of war, martial rule, impositions, deceit, or national emergency do not become part of the customs and usages of bondservants of Christ, because: One, they are derogatory to the Christian common Law and are not to be drawn into precedent, quae lege communi derogant non sunt trahenda in exemplum; Two, they are variable, arbitrary and capricious, and thus of no account or standing in Law, consuetudo debet esse certa, nam incerta pro nullius habetur; Three, things done during war flagrante bello generally do not follow legal form, because silent leges inter armis, and legal form is essential form, forma legalis forma essentialis, because when legal form is not followed, a nullity of the act is inferred, forma non observata, infertur adnullatio actus; and, Four, they are imposed on account of perceived "necessity" based on arbitrary autonomous reason, which does not exceed the legal memory of man, is of a specific time and place, and is not good beyond the limits of the necessity, necessitas est lex temporis et loci and bonum necessarium extra terminos necessitatis non est bonum, and never terminates the Law of Peace, but only suspends the Law of Peace, the Law of Peace always remaining in esse, through repentance, for an asylum for bondservants of Christ, because things incorporeal are never acquired by war, incorporalia bello non adquiruntur: And whereas, said "Congress," in volume twelve of the Statutes-at-Large at page six hundred sixty-five, admits the military necessity of funding war flagrante, and in the same act admits and declares the bankruptcy of the United States, and that all paper currency issued by or under the said act, is evidence of that bankruptcy, and are a violation of the Revealed Law, also called Christian Law, in this state:

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And whereas, The National Banking Act, found in volume thirteen of the Statutes-at-Large page ninety-nine, "legislated" in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ eighteen hundred sixty-four, by usurpation, establishes an anti-Christian "national" paper currency founded on bankruptcy through the issuance of ten-forty and five-twenty bonds, without regard to any reserves or backing in Lawful money of the united States of America, thereby removing it from its Christian foundation in the states, to rest upon a foundation of debt and war strapped on the backs of those exercising "civil rights." All of this created by ascending above the powers granted to the government of the union of consociated States, thereby endangering their general customs and usages in their respective states, and this state in particular:

And whereas, The National Banking Act, found in volume thirteen of the Statutes-at-Large page ninety-nine, "legislated" in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ eighteen hundred sixty-four, by usurpation, establishes an anti-Christian "national" paper currency founded on debt backed by the conscripted labor of those persons "emancipated" by the usurpations of Abraham Lincoln on the twenty-second day of the ninth month in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, eighteen hundred sixty-two, and the first day of the first month in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, eighteen hundred sixty-three; and continued through said "Congress'" usurpations of record, the National Banking Acts located aforesaid, and as amended; its Civil Rights Act found in volume fourteen of the Statutes-at-Large at page twenty-seven; and the post flagrante bello purported amendments, thereby creating a perpetual funding system, promoting perpetual war non flagrante bello and military rule in the states through a system of national banks and conscripted labor, based in Roman law, which violates the Law of Peace in this state. It is and was a system condemned in the Judgment of Peace rendered by Almighty God, and concurred in by the bondservant of Christ Men in the War for Christian Liberty commenced on the Fourth day of the seventh month in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, seventeen hundred seventy-six: And whereas, it concerns the state or common wealth that things adjudged be not rescinded, interest reipublicae res judicatas non rescindi:

And whereas, all codes, rules, and regulations are evidence of instructions of the principal to his agent in the field:

And whereas, according to Christian Law, a debtor is not presumed to make a gift, debitor non praesumitur donare, so that a bankrupt, or his agents, cannot give Law or competently and Lawfully make engagements, for the agent is not greater than his principal, and agency does not exist without a principal:

And whereas, no contract is considered as valid between alien enemies, at least so far as to give them a remedy in the courts of either government, and they have, in Law, no ability to sustain a persona standi in judicio:

And whereas, said alien enemy agents are imposing a form of money inimical to public welfare according to the customs and usages of the Christian people in this state:

And whereas, said alien enemy agents and their agencies are engaged in the Lawless practice of deceit, which constitutes outlawry in this state, dolus et fraus nemini patrocinentur (patrocinari debent):

And whereas, the Law ordinarily leaves deceivers in predicament resulting from their own machinations:

And whereas, according to the Revealed Law in Scripture, which is the general Law in this state, only substance invokes and moves Law, les fictions naissent de la loi, et non la loi des fictions:

And whereas, actions against nobody are odious in Law:

And whereas, contracts commercia belli are contracts contra bonos mores because they are foreign and destructive to this bondservant of Christ in particular, and to this state in general, interest reipublicae quod homines conserventur: And whereas, a contract in violation of the general Law in this state is void, res turpis nullum mandatum est:

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And whereas, the lex mercatoria, or mercantile law, is the comprehensive body of privately administered rules and customs enforced as law, being like or similar to Law, but are foreign to this state in Christendom;

Now therefore, your abandoned paper and purported records, and their purpose are contra bonos mores:

*Quod ab Initio non valet in Tractu Temporis non convalescit *.


Whereas, your abandoned paper contains the extraneous symbols, such as 1/15/98 and PERIOD ENDING 12-31-95, which symbology appears to denote time, but is unfamiliar to Me; for the reason, I Measure time in years of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in accordance with the customs and usages in this state:

And whereas, provisions of the Christian people's customs, usages and moral Law forbids Me use of said unrecognized way of measuring time:

And whereas, your abandoned paper and purported records contain scandalous and libelous matter all to My harm, in particular, and to this state of Christendom in general:

* Lex non cogit ad Impossibilia *.

Now, therefore:

I am invalidating your abandoned paper and expurgating your purported record, and shall, henceforth, exercise My Right of Avoidance; for the reason: they are irregular, unauthorized, misnomered, defective upon their face and invalid, and are, herewith, abated for being a public nuisance. There appear to be no factors which would warrant adjustment of the Abatement, due to a conflict of Law.

Chapter three:

Ordering Clause;

"Every direction of a court or judge, made or entered in writing, and not included in a judgment,

is denominated an order." .

Said Defendants shall abate the matter of AUTOMATED LETTER marked 1/15/98 and imposing suretyship upon Me, through unlawful attachment to Me, of a persona designata, JOHN A. ROBBINS, nom de guerre, within ten days of the ordering of this Non-Statutory Abatement, or show cause why the Abatement should not lie. Any and all written response must include a detailed factual statement and supporting documentation, having standing in Law. If more time than ten days is needed to respond, it may be granted on written request by this court. Because all are without excuse, failure to obey this court order or failure to respond in the time prescribed, herein, will result in Default and Default Judgment, Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem Causa.

* Omnia praesumuntur contra Spoliatorem *

All remittance of this instant matter should be marked with the superior court case number, and mailed to the following location:

John Alan: Robbins, suae potestate esse,

to be called for in general delivery,

Buena Park Post Office.

Buena Park, California.

Page eight of nine

This bondservant of Christ, will henceforth exercise My Right of Avoidance and, solely by the Grace of God, maintain The Law of Peace, Our Dominions, Our Immunities, and Our general customs and usages under Him, and stand upon the grounds set out above:

* Summa Ratio est quae pro Religione facit *

For the next eight weeks, to diffuse and impute Knowledge to bondservant of Christ Men in this state concerning this instant matter, a Public Notice of this Non-Statutory Abatement and Default Rule day is posted, in the Public Record, at____________________, _________________, and _________________in Orange county, California, for all bondservant of Christ Men in this state to Witness, Record, and have Knowledge: Causae ecclesiae publicis causis aequiparantur; and, quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus debet supportari;

Attachment: Abandoned paper of:


Two. Verification by Asseveration

In Witness, Knowing the punishment for bearing false witness before Almighty God and Men, I solemnly aver, that I have read the foregoing Non-Statutory Abatement and know the contents thereof; that the same is true of My Own Knowledge, except to the matters which are therein stated on My information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true.

Sealed, under Authority, and by Direction, of Christ Jesus, by His Direct act of My own hand on this thirtieth day of the first month in the year of Our Lord Jesus, the Christ nineteen hundred ninety-eight.

Solely by the Grace of God do I have the Honor of being a bondservant of Christ. L.S.

, suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

On this thirtieth day of the first Month, in the year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, nineteen hundred ninety-eight, We, the undersigned, bondservant of Christ Men in this state, having ascertained that Our Brother, John Alan, has read and Knows the contents of this Non-Statutory Abatement, witnessed his execution and sealing of the same, and do hereby testify to the foregoing, by voluntarily setting Our Hand and Sealing this Abatement.

Solely by the Grace of God do I have the Honor of being a bondservant of Christ. L.S.

, suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Solely by the Grace of God do I have the Honor of being a bondservant of Christ. L.S.

, suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Page nine of nine

Commentary on the changes to the 'Default and Default Judgment'

[NOTE: These are still updates from even older Non-Statutory Abatements and Processes, written here and included in this 'Older Non-Stautory Abatement and Processes, package for your edification.]

At 'Two. Order for Entry of Default and Default Judgement', the following paragraph has been changed:

It is ordered that the clerk of this court shall be, and is hereby, directed to enter the default of the aforesaid Defendants, and judgment nihil dicit, on the judgment roll, in favor of Demandant and against Defendants for the relief demanded in the plaint, and as follows;…

[Comment: In this ordering clause, we added the words nihil dicit. The reason is that in order to use your judgments against those perpetrators of disturbance of the Peace of the King, you must have evidence of their confession. Judgment nihil dicit accomplishes just that, for it is a confession of the Defendant to all things well pleaded in the Abatement.]

[Sample (Older) Default and Default Judgment]

[To be served soon after the Default day]

Respond to:

John Alan: Robbins, suae potestate esse,

to be called for in general delivery,

Buena Park Post Office.

Buena Park, California.

superior court, Orange county, California

John Alan: Robbins, suae potestate esse ( Case No.___________________________

Demandant )

( Non-Statutory Abatement.

against, ) Part Two.


M. Provost ) Notice of Default; Default

James Gump ( Judgment; and Praecipe.

DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY ) Dated: The fourteenth day of the second month,

INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ( in the Year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus,

Defendants ) the Christ, Nineteen hundred ninety-eight.

Non-Statutory Abatement

By John Alan: Robbins, suae potestate esse:

In the matter of: Abandoned AUTOMATED LETTER marked with 1/15/98 and the unlawful and invalid persona designata, JOHN A. ROBBINS, nom de guerre:.

Be it Known and Remembered by All to Whom these Presents come and may Concern:


This Non-Statutory Abatement is issued by and under the Ministerial Power and Authority vested solely in and appertaining to the Ministerial Office of Christ, established in Truth and Substance by the Grace of God in and through Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and which is the Foundation of Law, customs, and usages common among all bondservants of Christ, being co-heirs and appointed co-Executors of His Testament governing His Estate brought into being by His original Act sworn to by Him in His Testament, and in execution of the Judgments declared therein by Him, against M. Provost, James Gump, the DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, and the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, acting alien enemies of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour for Whom I am one of His several appointed Ministerial Officers. Said defendants are attempting to plunder His Lawful and Rightful Inheritance in His church and state, using purported process unknown to, and not recognized by, the Law of Our Sovereign, in the Nature of a Praemunire, imperium in imperio, which is outlawed by the general custom in His Kingdom because it disturbs His Peace, and His Peace He bestowed upon His church and state, and because rerum ordo confunditur, si unicucuique iurisdictio non servatur, and thus, is in violation of The Law of Nations, The Law of War, and the lex non scripta, which is the jus publicum in His church and state:

Part Two of this matter contains the following, titled: One. Notice of Default; Two. Default Judgment; Three. Praecipe and; Four. Verification by Asseveration.

One. Default:

To: The INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, and all above named Defendants, jointly and severally,

Take notice that Demand of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus, in His Name, by His Direction, Mandate, Will, and Testament, and under Warrant of the same, was herein Lawfully made upon you to answer or otherwise plead to the

Page one of three

plaint on file herein, a copy of which has heretofore been served upon you, and of which you have knowledge of the matter or matters therein contained; and,

Take further notice that your failure to answer, plead or otherwise perfect the Record in Law in response to the foregoing notice and plaint served upon you, within the time stated, the Demandant will forthwith cause your default be entered and move for judgment against you personally and officially for the relief demanded on the plaint.

Two. Order for Entry of Default and Default Judgment:

The Non-Statutory Abatement in this action having been personally served upon M. Provost and James Gump, and the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, the aforesaid Defendants, on the second day of the second month, in the Year of Our Lord Jesus, the Christ, nineteen hundred ninety-eight, a true copy of Proof of Service is annexed hereto, incorporated fully herein, and marked "Exhibit A," for your edification, and the Record showing no answer, demurrer, motion, or other pleading to the plaint having in any manner been made by said Defendants; and, it appearing from the Record, without evidence standing in Law to the contrary, the Defendants aforesaid have abandoned prosecution of their alleged claim, right, title or interest in, over, or to the Demandant, a Ministerial Officer by appointment of Christ Jesus, by Him in His Testament and Will, or any property in chattels or land Inherited solely by the Grace of God through Christ Jesus; and, it appearing from the Record, without evidence standing in Law to the contrary, the Defendants have admitted to all matters of substance and Law well pleaded in the plaint of the Demandant commenced by and under Direction of Christ Jesus; and, it appearing from the Record, without evidence standing in Law to the contrary, that the Defendants aforesaid have acted in a Lawless manner in and by showing and displaying contempt for this Honourable Court, its Sacred Law, and its Blessed Judge -- a manner inconsistent with the Mark of the Holy Spirit sealing and Witnessing the conduct of a Good and Lawful Christian having, possessing, and executing Truth established in Law; and,

Now, therefore, on motion of the Demandant, in accordance with the Law of this Honourable Court, and by Direction of its Blessed Judge:

It is ordered that the clerk of this court shall be, and is hereby, directed to enter the default of the aforesaid Defendants, and default judgment nihil dicit in favor of Demandant and against Defendants for the relief demanded in the plaint, and as follows:

That the AUTOMATED LETTER marked 1/15/98 and all records containing the persona designata, JOHN A. ROBBINS, nom de guerre, and all information they contain, be expurgated from all systems for the Lawful reasons given in the plaint; and,

That a true and correct copy of this judgment be sent to all said Defendants.

Let judgment prayed for enter accordingly.

Three. Praecipe:

The clerk of said court will please enter the default of the Defendants aforesaid; and default judgment nihil dicit against the aforesaid Defendants in the above entitled cause for the following Lawful reasons established by Record in Law through conduct of the Defendants: One, Defendants failure to respond in Law on the rule day of the thirteenth day of the second month, in the year of Our Sovereign Christ Jesus, nineteen hundred ninety-eight; Two, the abandonment of prosecution by the Defendants to lay, evidence, and prove in Law before this Honourable Court their alleged right or claim against the Demandant, for the Law is the same in regard to matters not shown as to those which do not exist; Three, the admission by the Defendants to all matters of substance in Law well pleaded by the Demandant, for we can do nothing against the Truth

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but for the Truth; and Four, the Record of the willful and Lawless contempt by the Defendants of this Honourable Court, its Sacred Law, and its Blessed Judge.

Sealed, under Authority, and by Direction of Christ Jesus, by His Direct act of My own hand on the fourteenth day of the second month in the year of Our Lord Jesus, the Christ nineteen hundred ninety-eight.

Solely by the Grace of God do I have the Honor of being a bondservant of Christ. L.S.

, suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

A public notice of this Default, Default Judgment and Praecipe is posted at ____________________, _____________________, and ____________________ in Orange county, California for all the world to Witness, for the next eight weeks, and in the public notice section of the ______________ Newspaper for the next three weeks.

Four. Verification by Asseveration

On this fourteenth day of the second month, in the year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, nineteen hundred ninety-eight, We, the undersigned, bondservant of Christ Men in this state, having ascertained that Our Brother, John Alan, has read and Knows the contents of the foregoing Default, Default Judgment and Praecipe, witnessed his execution and sealing of the same, and do hereby testify to the foregoing, by voluntarily setting Our Hand and Sealing hereafter.

Solely by the Grace of God do I have the Honor of being a bondservant of Christ. L.S.

, suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Solely by the Grace of God do I have the Honor of being a bondservant of Christ. L.S.

, suae potestate esse

Sign Manual

Page three of three

The (Older) Public Notices with Commentary


Public Notice:

Notice of Default:

[To be posted soon after the Abatement is served]

Be it Known and Remembered by All Who see these Presents and to Whom these Presents shall Come:

This public notice posted for purposes of Edification and imputing Knowledge to Christ's church at <city name> , and to all the World, Declareth and Witnesseth that, in <county name> county, <state name>, superior court case number <number> Lawful process in compliance with the Will, Mandate, and Direction of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in His Name, and by and under the Authority of His Warrant and Precepts in His Holy Writ, was properly, Lawfully, and duly served on the <numbered day> day of the <numbered month> month in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, <nineteen hundred - numbered year>, upon Defendants, <named Defendant> and <named Defendant>, and the same will Default on the <numbered day> day of the <numbered month> month in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, <nineteen hundred - numbered year>, and Default Judgment in favor of Demandant, one of His several appointed Ministerial Officers in Law <named Demandant>, suae potestate esse, will be entered accordingly on that rule day.

Notitia dicitur a noscendo.

Ignorantia juris non excusat.

Causae ecclesiae publicis causis aequiparantur.

Quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus debet supportari.

Interest reipublicae quod homines conserventur.

Nihil in lege intolerabilius est, eandam rem diverso jure censeri.

Interest reipublicae ut pax in regno conservetur,

et quaecunque paci adversentur provide declinentur.

Impunitas continuum affectum tribuit delinquendi.

Notice by posting is due course of Law.

Removing or attempting to remove this posting are deemed in Law actions of Trespass to obstruct due course of Christ's Law in His Testament, constituting a disturbance of His Peace and the Peace of His church at <city name> by Trespassing upon the Inheritance common among bondservants of Christ in and through Him, and a Trespass upon Him and His Record established in Law thereby perverting and impugning His Record of Truth established in Law.

Public Notice:

Notice of Default and Entry of Default Judgment:

[To be posted after the Default and Default Judgement is served, in 3 public places including the county seat, and for 8 weeks]

Be it Known and Remembered by All Who see these Presents and to Whom these Presents shall Come:

This public notice posted for purposes of Edification and imputing Knowledge to Christ's church, and to all the World, Declareth and Witnesseth that:

Notice of Default Judgment and judgment nihil dicit is hereby given, and the same was entered, in favor of the Demandant, on the <numbered day> day of <numbered month> month, in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, <nineteen hundred - numbered year>, in the matter of <county name> county, <state name>, superior court case number <number>, notice of same having been properly, Lawfully and duly served upon each of the Defendants. The aforesaid Defendants having never answered or rebutted any matter well pleaded in the plaint, in the alternative, confessed and admitted to all matters well pleaded therein. Therefore, this matter is herewith abated and all proceedings pending and in litigation are at an end. Notitia dicitur a noscendo; and, ignorantia juris non excusat; and, casus omissus et oblivioni datus dispositioni communis iuris relinquitur; and, omnia praesumuntur legitime facta donec probetur in contrarium; and, res iudicata pro veritate accipitur; and, interest reipublicae res iudicatas non rescindi; and, nihil in lege intolerabilius est, eandam rem diverso jure censeri; and, interest reipublicae ut pax in regno conservetur, et quaecunque paci adversentur provide declinentur; and, impunitas continuum affectum tribuit delinquendi. Any further action or course of action pursued by Defendants in this matter, will establish evidence of Trespass on Case.

Removing or attempting to remove this posting are deemed in Law actions of Trespass to obstruct due course of Christ's Law in His Testament, constituting a disturbance of His Peace and the Peace of His church at <city name> ­by Trespassing upon the Inheritance common among bondservants of Christ in and through Him, and a Trespass upon Him and His Record established in Law, thereby perverting and impugning His Record of Truth established in Law.


[Comments: The requirements for running the public notices has not changed. That remains the same. Notice here, you are setting not your own record, but confirming the High and Sacred Record of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ. He told us these things would come to pass. And so they have, and we bear witness to the words He spoke by our acts in accordance with His Testament.

For further understanding on these changes, see the Glossary. Say nothing of judgment nihil dicit in the abatement itself. It is not appropriate there, and it is presumed they know the Law. You have been warned.

We must reiterate here that it is of uppermost importance for the success of your abatement that you, after sending the process Registered mail, have a bondservant of Christ friend serve a copy of the abatement personally on all defendants, whether they be a judge, lawyer, IRS agent, policeman, etc. If the defendant is a judge, always be sure he or she is served personally before the appearance date of the paper which you are abating. Be sure the judge gets the abatement in hand.

Please remember that even if you do get some "response" it may or may not have standing in Law. In that case, go to Scripture, for that is the unchanging final Authority:

"Bind up the testimony, seal [*with the Seal of the Holy Spirit appertaining to the Office of Christ] the law among My [*Christ's] disciples. And I will wait upon the LORD, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. And when they [*their attorney or statutory guru] shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light [*Way, Truth or Life] in them." Isaiah 8:16-20. [*Insertions added].

This is the standard of all Law and Truth--there is none other. They evidence they are dead in Law if they do not speak the Testimony and Law appertaining to the Office of Christ. By what standard does the depraved "natural mind" judge? See John 8:15.

Also check the status of the person who responded and in what capacity they responded. If they have not the proper standing before God they have nothing to do with you, His appointed Ministerial Officer. This is the critical end of things. Therefore, there was no response in Law. You must know Law to exercise it fully. We cannot be your brains for you, and we certainly cannot be your 'guiding light.' Only Our Glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, can do that.]

[Abatement of Traffic Ticket, Arrest Warrant or court papers]

[Instructions and examples of minimal changes to Sample Abatement.]

[In all court abatements, the District or Prosecuting Attorney should be included as a defendant. In addition, if you do not know who the exact judge is that will be hearing the case, designate the Presiding Judge of the Court as a defendant. Be sure to have the judge personally served with abatement and default].

Jay John: Hayes, suae potestate esse (

Demandant )


Against , )


P. Farkas, California Highway )

Patrol Officer I.D. #24945; and (


Wayne Durham, PRESIDING JUDGE, SAN ( [ Example]




Defendants (

In the matter of: NOTICE TO APPEAR FR234, marked 3 DAY OF MARCH, 1998 AT 9:00 M.

Chapter one:

Return of abandoned paper and expurgation of records; and Averments

Please find attached the following abandoned paper: NOTICE TO APPEAR FR234 marked 3 DAY OF MARCH 1998 AT 9:00 M.

[Immediately following the remittance location directive in Chapter three, add:]

Wherefore: Until this Conflict of Law is resolved, you are to do the following, to wit:


Obtain process, issued under Lawful seal, from a Court appertaining to a <California [insert your state]> Judicial Department; and,


That said process be based on sworn Oath or Affirmation from a competent Witness or Damaged Victim; and


That said process bear My full Christian Appellation in upper and lower case letters, and in addition, thereto, suae potestate esse, and must be handled and personally served upon Me by the <[insert your county] Los Angeles> county Sheriff. There is no need for Me to communicate until process is Lawfully served.

This bondservant of Christ, will henceforth exercise My Right of Avoidance and Christian Liberty on the Common Ways; and, solely by the Grace of God, maintain The Law of Peace, Our Dominions, Our Immunities, and Our general customs and usages under Him, and stand upon the grounds set out above:

* Summa Ratio est quae pro Religione facit *

[Foreclosure Abatement, or other bank related matters]

[Instructions and examples of minimal changes to Sample Abatement.]

[Changes and additions for a Foreclosure abatement are basically the same as the court abatements above, except for the additions at the end of Chapter two, Secondly]:

Against, )


Irving Gold )



Judge Marvin G. Abrams; and ( [ Example]


Defendants (

In the matter of: SUMMONS; case No.97-2977CV; FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE, 20 DAY OF APRIL, 1997.

Chapter two

[Following the last 'Whereas' under 'Secondly:' add the following]:

Whereas, ARKANSAS STATE BANK, by issuing or drawing any instruments on or against said bankruptcy perpetuates the state of war non flagrante bello in this state, thereby making ARKANSAS STATE BANK a weapon of war of, and one merged with, the executive department of the bankrupt, in toto et pars continetur:

And whereas, it is impossible for ARKANSAS STATE BANK to sustain any damage or loss from any such engagements because the Law presumes that a bankrupt debtor is not able to make any gift or loan any thing of substance, whatsoever:

And whereas, no Lawful Money of the united States of America was or is loaned by ARKANSAS STATE BANK, only created debt drawn from the fountain of the bankruptcy of the "United States":

And whereas, ARKANSAS STATE BANK creates debt bookkeeping entries drawn from the fountain of the bankruptcy of the "United States" without any Lawful dollars in silver exchanged, as evidenced by the token which describes nothing because nomen non sufficit si res non sit de iure aut de facto:

And whereas, ARKANSAS STATE BANK, in its transactions, does not utilize or state Lawful Money recognized in this state, and which conforms to the Mint and Coinage Act enacted in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour seventeen hundred ninety-two:

And whereas, ARKANSAS STATE BANK having never "loaned" any substance recognized in or by the general Law in this state to Demandant, does not have, and therefore, cannot Lawfully claim Title to any substance in the Lawful Dominion of the Demandant:

And whereas, all actions of assumpsit are now "enforced" ex contractu and not ex delicto:

And whereas, all actions ex contractu are actions in personam, the persona designata, against RANDALL J. MOORE, a nom de guerre, from the anti-Christian process of novation, which describes nobody, nomen non sufficitsi res non sit de jure aut de facto, and quod contra legem fit, pro infecto habetur, and quando aliquid prohibetur ex directo, prohibetur et per obliquum, and quando aliquid prohibetur, prohibetur omne per quod devenitur ad liud:

Now therefore, your abandoned paper and it's purpose is contra bonos mores:

* Quod ab Initio non valet in Tractu Temporis non convalescit *

[Coverture Abatement, for wives, children, unmarried Christian sisters and widows.]

[A wife, a child under 21 years, an unmarried Christian sister, or widow should never do an abatement on their own. Under Christian common Law, an abatement is always to be done through and under the coverture of 'the man of the house,' thereby under the Coverture of God. Changes and additions to the Sample Abatement for the various situations of coverture are as follows]:

[addition after suae potestate esse, for wife]:

Respond to:

James Edwin: Bancroft, suae potestate esse, et uxor,

to be called for in general delivery,

Rockmart Post Office.

Rockmart, Georgia.

[addition after suae potestate esse, for male child]:

Respond to: James Edwin: Bancroft, suae potestate esse, pro filius familias

[addition after suae potestate esse, for female child]:

Respond to: James Edwin: Bancroft, suae potestate esse, pro filia familias

[addition after suae potestate esse, for unmarried Christian sister or widow]:

Respond to: James Edwin: Bancroft, suae potestate esse, pro filia Christianus

superior court, Polk county, Georgia

James Edwin: Bancroft, (

suae potestate esse, et uxor )

Demandant (


against, (


R. Conroy, (



Defendants )

By James Edwin: Bancroft, suae potestate esse, et uxor:

In the matter of: Abandoned AUTOMATED LETTER marked with 12/3/97 and the unlawful and invalid persona designata, ROBERTA BANCROFT, ROBERTA T. BANCROFT and Roberta T. Bancroft, noms de guerre:

[Replace the Introduction with the following:]

This Non-Statutory Abatement is issued by and under the Ministerial Power and Authority vested solely in and appertaining to the Ministerial Office of Christ, established in Truth and Substance solely by the Grace of God through Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and which is the Foundation of Law, customs, and usages common among all bondservants of Christ, being co-heirs and appointed co-Executors of His Testament governing His Estate brought into being by His original Act sworn to by Him in His Testament, and in execution of the Judgments declared therein by Him, against R. Conroy and the DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, acting alien enemies of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour for Whom I am one of several ministers. Said defendants are imposing a suretyship through novation, by attaching an illegally presumed personae designata, noms de guerre, created by them as ROBERTA BANCROFT, ROBERTA T. BANCROFT and Roberta T. Bancroft, upon.....

[for wife] The Lawful Wife in His House

[for child] The Seed in His House

[for sister or widow] The Sister in His House

...of This bondservant of Christ and Ministerial Officer, James Edwin: Bancroft, suae potestate esse. Said defendants are attempting to plunder Christ's Inheritance, in the Nature of a Praemunire, imperium in imperio, using purported process unknown to, and not recognized by, the Law of Our Sovereign, which is outlawed by the general custom in His Kingdom because it disturbs His Peace, which Peace He bestowed upon His church and state, and because rerum ordo confunditur, si unicucuique iurisdictio non servatur, and thus, is in violation of The Law of Nations, The Law of War, and the lex non scripta, which is the jus publicum in His church and state:

* Nimia Subtilitas in Jure reprobatur, et talis Certitudo Certitudinem confundit *

[At Chapter two: Firstly:, add the following:] Whereas, your invasion of....

[for wife] My Lawful Wife

[for child] My Seed

[for sister or widow] My Sister

...violates the general Laws in this state of Coverture, by which She has Immunity from such Lawless acts against her:

And whereas, said alien enemy agency imposes servitude upon Me by destroying the general custom of Coverture in this state; through acts of novation, attachment of persona designata, and marking of nom de guerre, to a member of My Family; and thereby attempts to steal by stratagem of war, His Authority, patria potestas, in His House and His Dominions:

And whereas, said alien enemy agency is attempting to extort a performance of suretyship from Me, which is servitude sans authority or Warrant in Law, contrary to the Law of God, the general custom, and morals in this state:

[Notice of Federal Tax Lien or Levy Abatement]

[Instructions and examples of minimal changes to Sample Abatement]

[Changes and additions concerning liens and levies are very minor, as follows]:

In the matter of: Invalid NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN 95-2438:

Please find attached the following abandoned NOTICE:

NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN 95-2438. .Your abandoned NOTICE......

Chapter three: [following Ordering Clause]

Said Defendant is hereby ordered to abate the matter of NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN 93-1001, issue a release to the County of Los Angeles Recorder, for the removal of said NOTICE within ten (10) days of the ordering of this Non-Statutory Abatement, or show cause why the Abatement should not lie. Any and all written response must include a detailed factual statement and supporting documentation having standing in Law If more time than ten (10) days is needed to respond, it may be granted on written request of the Defendant. Because all are without excuse, failure to obey this court order or failure to respond in the time prescribed, herein, will result in a Default and Default Judgment, Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem Causa, and may subject Defendant to Civil liabilities or Criminal punishment pursuant to The Law of Nations, The Law of War, and the lex non scripta in this state:

* Omnia praesumuntur contra Spoliatorem *

Public Notice:

Notice of Default:

Be it Known and Remembered by All Who see these Presents and to Whom these Presents shall Come:

This public notice is posted for purposes of Edification and imputing Knowledge to Christ's church at <city name> , and to all the World, Declareth and Witnesseth that, in<county name>, county, <state name>, superior court case number <number>Lawful process in compliance with the Will, Mandate, and Direction of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in His Name, and by and under the Authority of His Warrant and Precepts in His Holy Writ, was properly, Lawfully, and duly served on the <numbered day> day of the <numbered month> month in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, nineteen hundred <numbered year>, upon Defendants, <named Defendant> and <named Defendant>, and the same will Default on the <numbered day> day of the <numbered month> month in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, <nineteen hundred -numbered year>, and Default Judgment in favor of Demandant, one of His several appointed Ministerial Officers in Law <named Demandant>, suae potestate esse, will be entered accordingly on that rule day.

Notitia dicitur a noscendo.

Ignorantia juris non excusat.

Causae ecclesiae publicis causis aequiparantur.

Quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus debet supportari.

Interest reipublicae quod homines conserventur.

Nihil in lege intolerabilius est, eandam rem diverso jure censeri.

Interest reipublicae ut pax in regno conservetur,

et quaecunque paci adversentur provide declinentur.

Impunitas continuum affectum tribuit delinquendi.

Notice by posting is due course of Law.

Removing or attempting to remove this posting are deemed in Law actions of Trespass to obstruct due course of Christ's Law in His Testament, constituting a disturbance of His Peace and the Peace of His church at <city name> by Trespassing upon the Inheritance common among bondservants of Christ in and through Him, and a Trespass upon Him and His Record established in Law thereby perverting and impugning His Record of Truth established in Law.

Public Notice:

Notice of Default and Entry of Default Judgment:

Be it Known and Remembered by All Who see these Presents and to Whom these Presents shall Come:

This public notice posted for purposes of Edification and imputing Knowledge to Christ's church, and to all the World, Declareth and Witnesseth that:

Notice of Default Judgment and judgment nihil dicit is hereby given, and the same was entered, in favor of the Demandant, on the <numbered day> day of <numbered month> month, in the Year of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, <nineteen hundred - numbered year>, in the matter of <county name> county, <state name>, superior court case number <number>, notice of same having been properly, Lawfully and duly served upon each of the Defendants. The aforesaid Defendants having never answered or rebutted any matter well pleaded in the plaint, in the alternative, confessed and admitted to all matters well pleaded therein. Therefore, this matter is herewith abated and all proceedings pending and in litigation are at an end. Notitia dicitur a noscendo; and, ignorantia juris non excusat; and, casus omissus et oblivioni datus dispositioni communis iuris relinquitur; and, omnia praesumuntur legitime facta donec probetur in contrarium; and, res iudicata pro veritate accipitur; and, interest reipublicae res iudicatas non rescindi; and, nihil in lege intolerabilius est, eandam rem diverso jure censeri; and, interest reipublicae ut pax in regno conservetur, et quaecunque paci adversentur provide declinentur; and, impunitas continuum affectum tribuit delinquendi. Any further action or course of action pursued by Defendants in this matter, will establish evidence of Trespass on Case.

Removing or attempting to remove this posting are deemed in Law actions of Trespass to obstruct due course of Christ's Law in His Testament, constituting a disturbance of His Peace and the Peace of His church at <city name> by Trespassing upon the Inheritance common among bondservants of Christ in and through Him, and a Trespass upon Him and His Record established in Law, thereby perverting and impugning His Record of Truth established in Law.

Newest Non-statutory Abatement Updates

[As of what is commonly known as the tenth day of the eleventh month in the Year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, two thousand nine]

With the completion date of the Fifth Edition of the Book of the Hundreds being uncertain and somewhat distant at this time, we have been led to present the newest update of the abatement process for those in need of it at this time.

In the continuing effort to strengthen the abatement process in its current form, which has been one of our duties here in the past six years or so, we present the following Non-statutory Abatement and Default.

What is presented hereafter is the diligent labors, in the Christ, by many Brothers and Sisters of His Body too numerous to detail here. Without their vast and continuing fellowship, exhortation, and knowledge concerning His Word and the power thereof as it relates to the abatement process, the following update would not be presented here.

It must also be said that, through their trials and tribulations related to the process of setting the record in our Fathers court for His judgment and pleasure, they have evidenced for all to see, as we all should, one way in which the running of the race to "be diligent to present thyself approved to God, a workman not ashamed, straightly cutting the word of truth" can be achieved.

To most of those that are familiar with the previous forms of it, this newest update may appear to be a "radical" change from the earlier editions. We do not consider it radical, but one further step on the long road back to the old paths where all of the Christ's called-out ones must return, all for His purposes and for His glory; and not their own.

Various Changes from the Older Abatements

One. The first notable change is the placement of the seals and signatures. They have been moved to the top in accordance with the ancient writs which were always signed and sealed before the Law and Facts were presented. In this way, His court's process also remains separate and distinct from the modern commercial modes which are signed after the fact. His court is always "superior court at (city or area), i.e. "at Denver," "at Appalachia," "at Iowa."

Two. The process is issued through the area assembly for the purpose of "covering" the accused Brother or Sister.

Three. It is made clear to all receiving the Abatement process that it is being issued in our Master's court, thereby avoiding any accusations of issuing "false" process. Though no one to our knowledge has ever been prosecuted for doing so, as it relates to the abatement process, their have been many statutes passed at the State level as a deterrent.

Four. All reference to "the church" has been eliminated, and replaced with the true descriptions of the Branches on His Vine, i.e., His ekklesia, the Christ's Lawful assembly at __________, His Lawful assembly at __________,etc. These have the same meaning, and are used throughout the process so that their is no misunderstanding about who the process is issued by. This also eliminates any presumption of legal personality.

Five. The process is no longer served through the mails, but is now served by two Brother's as messengers from the area assembly. They are to also return on the Rule Day to receive an answer from the Defendants. At that same time, if there is no answer, they can serve the Default. This mode has been found to be very effective, and also eliminates any presumption of evil as to the use of the commercial "U.S. Postal Service" for serving Lawful process.

Six. The prosecuting attorney, or District Attorney, has been added to the Defendant list in all cases. This has now been found to be of utmost importance, for he or she is as much a party to the action as all of the other Defendants. We have even had confirmation in one case from the judge, stating that, "if the District Attorney had been made a Defendant and served with the process, the warrant would never have been re-issued."

Seven. All periods (.) have been eliminated and replaced with colons (:), semi-colons (;), and commas (,) to avoid any break in the continuous spirit of thought, as is found in the original Greek texts of Scripture.

Eight. "Nom de guerre" as it relates to the Accused has been replaced with "legal fiction," which, technically, describes a name in all capital letters. A name in all caps is also a persona designata; therefore that term has also been retained to describe the legal fiction.

Nine. "It has been written from the beginning" now precedes Scripture verses in place of "it is written" in order to make it clear to all that God's Word is from the beginning and for everlasting, and that anything the natural man invents has no standing, even according to his own maxim of law, "first in time is first in right."

Ten. There is no longer a "dating" of the process. All current calendars used by the natural man are in error, therefore it serves no purpose to use them, and in truth, these pagan years are not "in the year of our Lord." Additionally, using his dating system, to some extent, allows a presumption of recognition of him and his ways, and approval of his error.

Eleven. We no longer use general delivery, but we go through the general post-office.

For those that have been led to seek others of like mind in their local area, or within a larger area, please let us know here [(818) 347-7080] and we will try to put you in contact with others that are seeking the same thing.

Additionally, for those that are led to use this process, and have any questions on its use, please call or write for fellowship any time at (818) 347-7080.

[NOTE: It is important to note one more significant change: The term 'Good and Lawful Christian' has been replaced with the term 'bondservant'. Let's examine why:

Good and Lawful Christians are 'bondmen' of Christ--servants to the One Who bought us--we are "bought with a price" by Him (1 Corinthians 6:20). Bondmen of Christ are slaves, or bondservants of Him, and are therefore are bound by the same Law, His Law. Being the bondservants of Christ, we have no power to contract with those who are strangers to our Covenant with God. It is written in Matthew 10:24, "The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord." Like every other system of slavery, the law-making power is in the hands of the master.

Entering into contracts with Caesar's world is the downfall of most, for you cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13). Therefore, a Good and Lawful Christian, one who follows God's Law and walks in His ways, is forbidden to make contracts with worldly fictions (governments, agencies, persons, corporations, etc.). For if he does, he abandons his first master (Jesus, the Christ) and loves the other (provisional government) becoming a slave to it, under it's jurisdiction and in it's venue. All contracts are on Caesar's terms, and all contracts are forbidden, because all promises are to be with God only (Deuteronomy 6:13, Matthew 23:22).

We already know that the provisional government cannot gain jurisdiction, or lordship, over a man without his consent, expess or implied (usually through contract).

"Each principle is entitled to the agent's undivided loyalty, for the law recognizes 'that no man can serve two masters.'" Mechem on Agency, 3d. ed., sec. 298.

Going to the law of slaves, you cannot make a contract with anybody if you're a servant of someone else, i.e., servants/bondslaves of Jesus the Christ.

"A slave and all his earnings belong to his master or owner, and he could not, therefore, make contracts which were obligatory upon himself or the person contracted with." Bedford, Trustee v. Williams, Adm'r, (1867), 5 Coldw.(Tenn.) 202.

"SLAVE. A person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no freedom of action, but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another. Webster; Anderson v. Salant, 38 R.I. 463, 96 A. 425, 428, L.R.A.1916D, 651.

"One who is under the power of a master, and who belongs to him; so that the master may sell and dispose of his person, of his industry, and of his labor, without his being able to do any thing, but what must belong to his master. Civ.Code La. 1838, art. 35." Black's Law Dictionary 4th ed., 1957 & 1968), p. 1559.

"1401. DOULOS. From 1210; a slave (literal or figurative, involuntary or voluntary; frequently, therefore in a qualified sense of subjection or subserviency):--bond(-man), servant." Strong's Greek Dictionary.

"1401. BONDMAN, BONDMAID. Doulos. From deo, 'to bind,' 'a slave,' originally the lowest term in the scale of servitude, came also to mean 'one who gives himself up to the will of another,' e.g., 1 Cor. 7:23; Rom. 6:17, 20, and became the most common and general word for 'servant,' as in Matt. 8:9, without any idea of bondage. In calling himself, however, a 'bondslave of Jesus Christ,' e.g., Rom. 1:1, the apostle Paul intimates (1) that he had been formerly a 'bondslave' of Satan, and (2) that, having been bought by Christ, he was now a willing slave, bound to his new Master. See SERVANT. The feminine, doule, signifies 'a handmaid,' Luke 1:38, 48; Acts 2:18." W. E. Vine, Vine's Expository Dict. of New Testament Words.

"Quicquid acquiritur servo acquiritur domino--Whatever is acquired by the servant is acquired for the master." Black's Law Dictionary (4th ed. 1957 & 1968), p. 1415.

Also, if you are a slave, or a bondservant of Jesus the Christ, you don't fit that description of being the person described in the natural man's statutes. A servant belongs to his master, and our Master is the king of Kings, "For ye are bought with a price" (1 Corinthians 6:20).

And maxims of law state:

"A slave is not a person" and "A slave, and everything a slave has, belongs to his master."

{3} "Omnis persona est homo, sed non vicissim--Every person is a man, but not every man a person [*no legal personality, note, mark, or symbol]." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p. 2152. [*Bondmen or slaves have no legal personality outside or separate from their Master].

With Christians being in Christ, we are bondservants of and co-heirs with Him, and are to worship Our Father in spirit and truth, and are to do His perfect will only, just as Our Blessed Saviour did.

Now, let's understand where the term 'Christian' comes from:

"This name (christian) occurs but three times in the New Testament, and is never used by Christians of themselves, only as spoken by or coming from those without the church. The general names by which the early Christians called themselves were 'brethren,' 'disciples,' 'believers,'and 'saints.' The presumption is that the name 'christian' was originated by the heathen." Thomas W. Doane, Bible Myths (1882), p. 567, n. 3. [*Note that although Doane is a pagan, he recognizes the difference in venue, jurisdiction and language].

See all of Brother Paul's, James, and John's epistles and note the words "bondservant," "bondman" --never did they call themselves a "christian."

"Cristianoj, Christian (a word formal not after the Greek but after the Roman manner, denoting attachment to or adherents to Christ. Only occurs as used by others of them, not by Christians of themselves. Tacitus (A.D. 96) says (Annals 15, 44), 'The vulgar call them Christians. The author or origin of this denomination, Christus, had, in the reign of Tiberius been executed by the procurator, Pontius Pilate,')." E. W. Bullinger, A Critical Lexicon and Concordance of the English and Greek New Testament (1908), p. 152.

As we can see, the term 'bondservant' more accurately describes the Good and Lawful Christian's relationship to Christ and, therefore, his standing in Law. And, although the term 'Christian' may have become a common description, through customs and usage, for all things of and pertaining to Christ, its use as a moniker for 'brethren', 'believers', 'saints', and 'bondservants of Christ' in Lawful process may not carry the same force and effect due to its "dead" origins.]

Letter of Appointment

[This Letter of Appointment is to be carried by the Brothers who are appointed as messengers to serve process for your area Lawful assembly. This Appointment is for serving the Default. The wording can be changed when serving the Abatement.]

From the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles to all whom this matter does concern, Greetings in the Hallowed Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and ourselves;

Locus sigilii ecclesia:

___________________________________, a bondservant of Jesus, the Christ

___________________________________ , a bondservant of Jesus, the Christ

In Lawful assembly in and through His Name:

On this Blessed day in the Everlasting Glorious Reign of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, solely by the Grace of God in Christ Jesus, His ekklesia in Lawful assembly at Los Angeles gathered together in His Blessed and Hallowed Name, by His Authority, and under Lawful Warrant in, of and through Him, calls, appoints, directs, and did call, appoint, and direct our Brothers in possession of this appointment, having shown and evidenced to us by the word of their Testimony, and the Witness of God our Father, to be of one Mind, Body, and Spirit with us in the Christ, to:

One; call upon, as messengers, those who at least ten days before have been served a Non-statutory Abatement by messengers of this Lawful assembly, and to accept an answer to said abatement and return the same to us and each of us; and,

Two; serve upon Defendant a Default Judgment from this Lawful assembly if an answer to said abatement is not made, or additional time to answer is not requested; and,

Three; exercise due diligence, sound Wisdom and Judgment with which God our Father in the Christ has blessed them, in carrying out the duties appertaining to this appointment. Amen; Amen.

[Newest Sample Abatement]

[This abatement is served by two or three brothers in Christ]

By the Authority and Power delegated to us solely by the Grace of God, in and through our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in accordance with His Commandments, Precepts, Judgments, Statutes, Ordinances, and Testimonies in and of His Holy Writ, solely by and under the Leading of His Warrant in Law and by His Will, do we in and of His Body issue this Non-statutory Abatement in His court:

Locus sigilii ecclesia:

[place signature (black or blue ink) and right thumb print (red ink) here] , a bondman of Jesus, the Christ

[place signature (black or blue ink) and right thumb print (red ink) here] , a bondman of Jesus, the Christ

Sealed under Authority of the Christ, by His Direction of our own hands on this Glorious day of His Eternal Reign.

Comes Now, His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles, grateful to Almighty God for our Liberty in the Christ, to humbly Extend Greetings and Salutations to you from our Lord, Saviour and Testator Jesus, the Christ, and ourselves by Visitation, to exercise His Ministerial Powers in this Matter, in His Name, by His Authority, under Direction of His Warrant, Mandate and Will contained in His Holy Writ, revealed from the beginning both in His Testament written of Him in Holy Scripture and in Him everlasting:

superior court
at Los Angeles
the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles

the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles,


J. Robertson, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Officer, I.D. #14858; and,




Part One:
Non-Statutory Abatement

Non-statutory Abatement

By the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles:

In the accusation of our Sister: Abandoned paper marked with the numerals BC255231 and the dead in Law legal fiction and persona designata EDNA JANE ALBERTSON:

Be it Known and Remembered by All to Whom These Presents Come, and May Concern:

Declaration of Authority

By Authority of all Power in Heaven and earth being given from the beginning unto our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, Who died and rose again that He might be Lord both of the dead and living; and, all things having been delivered of God our Father to Him; all Power over all flesh having been given unto Him; all Judgment having been committed unto Him by God our Father, for it has been written from the beginning, The Kingdom is the Lord's, and He is the Governor among the nations; and, all government is upon His shoulder and of the increase of His Government there is no end; and it has also been written from the beginning, His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and all powers shall serve and obey Him; and,

Page One of Seven

By and through His sanctification, having sent His ekklesia into the world to bear Witness of Him to the world, and delegating to all who sojourn in Him power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all power of the enemy, our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ by and through His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles proclaims:

This Non-statutory Abatement is issued by and under the Ministerial Power and Authority vested solely in and appertaining to the Ministerial Office of the Christ, established from everlasting and forever in Truth by the Grace of God through the Christ, Who is the Foundation of Law, in and among all those sojourning bondmen and servants in and of Him, being co-Heirs and appointed co-Executors of His Testament governing His Estate brought into being by His original Act sworn to by Him in His Testament in and from the beginning, and in Lawful execution of His Judgments, against J. Robertson, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Officer I.D. #14858; and Harvey Steinberg, LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY; and James Cane, PRESIDING JUDGE, SAN FERNANDO MUNICIPAL COURT; and THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF CALIFORNIA, having proclaimed by their acts that they are enemies of, and alien to, our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ for Whom we minister and serve. Said Defendants are attempting to plunder His Body in the nature of a Praemunire, imperium in imperio, using unproven strange and alien purported process not recognized by, but outside, the Law of our Master:

The aforesaid unproven strange and alien purported process is outlawed in His Kingdom because it disturbs His Peace that He bestowed upon His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles, and it conflicts with His Law He put into our inward parts: for it has been written from the beginning, This is My covenant which I will make with the house of Israel; after those days, saith the Lord, I will surely put My Laws into their mind, and write them on their hearts; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people; and,

It has been written from the beginning, All shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them; for I will be merciful to their iniquities, and their sins I will remember no more; and,

It has been written from the beginning, In that day a man shall trust in Him that made him, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel. And they shall not at all trust in their altars, nor in the works of their hands, which their fingers made, i.e., the legal fictions EDNA JANE ALBERTSON, THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, for it has been written from the beginning, The workman made them, therefore they are not God; and,

Conflicts with the Law of the Land are not acceptable, for it has been written from the beginning, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth; and the Christ is before all things, and by Him all things consist;

Wherefore, it has been written from the beginning, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation;

Therefore, the Law He put on our inward parts, known by all to be the lex non scripta, is the jus publicum and lex et consuetudo regni in His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles, for it has been written from the beginning, That which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them, so that they are without excuse; and,

It has been written from the beginning, For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them; and, I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me:

Non-statutory Abatement


Chapter one:

Return of abandoned paper and expurgation of record; and Averments

Your abandoned paper is invalid for Cause, and is herewith returned and the purported record is to be expurgated because it is irregular and unauthorized, based upon the following, to wit:

Your abandoned paper and purported record contain the following Marks of Deceit:

Page Two of Seven


Mark: Your abandoned paper is a corruption of Law having no thing in and is distinct and separate from, and strange and alien to, the Law we minister in the Name and by the Authority of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; nor does your abandoned paper have corroboration of Witness by the Spirit of our Father in His Creation and in our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and cannot apply to our Sister, whom God our Father in the Christ knew before she was formed in the womb, was sanctified to Him before she came forth from the womb, whose spirit is quickened in His Image and Likeness, and who has fulfilled the Perfect Law by loving the Brethren in Him; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper alleges violations of an unproven purported law, alien and strange to the Law governing the Venue in which our Sister is found, and which our Sister occupies solely by the Grace of God in the Christ; and your abandoned paper has no Oath, Vow, Promise, or Law attaching our Sister to, or bringing her within, your alien and unproven purported venue from which it originates; and,


Mark: Your purported agency, its fiduciaries, and the nom de guerre J. Robertson, are created and established by an entity dead in Law because it has, and they have, no breath of Life breathed into it by the Spirit of God and therefore have no lineage or right to the Tree of Life and are persona non standi in judicio, for, all those who trust in such spiritually dead entities are like those dead things; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper has no foundation in Law; for Cause: One, it is not from an office in Law having lineage from the Tree of Life establishing it in and by the Law in and of Him and His ekklesia at Los Angeles, because God our Father in the Christ knows it not, and therefore we know it not; and Two, it is from a purported agency which is of the same nature and constitution of its principal, that of an entity dead in Law having not the breath of Life from the Spirit of God in the Christ, and therefore is of the same capacity of persona non standi in judicio; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper lacks jurisdictional facts, if in Truth and deed the spiritually dead can obtain jurisdiction, attaching to our Sister, who abides, lives, moves, and has her being in the Christ, and not in the darkness of your unproven purported venue, your aforesaid unproven purported venue being dead in Law and sans recognition in the Law and Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper is unintelligible and unfamiliar to us and our Sister, and is alien to the Law and Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, for Whom we minister and serve, based upon the following: It is not written in the language ordained and established by our Father in His Kingdom, which evidences its strange and alien origin; being such, the purported law governing it must be laid and proven in His court in which our Sister is found, before it can be noticed and acted upon in and by His Lawful assembly; and, it fails to apprise us and our Sister of the nature of any matter alleged, if any matter alleged therein has standing in Law; for He has not said He knows it, nor that He knows the legal fictions J. Robertson, EDNA JANE ALBERTSON, THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA or THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, nor that your purported process is Lawful, nor that it originates in and is of Him; therefore it violates the Law in the Will of Our Lord; and has no force, effect, or operation outside the venue of darkness from which it originates; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show, upon its face, Authority in Law for your presence in the Venue of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in Whose Peace our Sister rests from her own labours and self-will, doing all things solely by and under His Leading and Direction in an anointed Ministerial capacity,--all doctrine, dogma, ethics, expediency, morality, moralisms, morals, necessity, orthodoxy, opinion, philosophy, sciolism, sophism, or other traditions originating in the vain imaginations of men in legislative deliberation or dispensation not with standing in Law in and of the Christ and His Lawful assembly; and,

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Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show, upon its face, any Lawful Warrant or Lawful Cause, --all belief, reason, conjecture, supposition, presumption, speculation, opinion, probability, hearsay or other vain imaginations of men not with standing in Law, --for your invasion of His Dominions and the disturbance of His Peace Inherited through Him by our Sister according to His Testament, for it has been written from the beginning, "…as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name," which we have been delegated that aforesaid Ministerial Power appertaining to the High and Sacred Office of the Christ to minister the aforesaid Inheritance in His Name and by His Authority, for His Glory and Majesty; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper fails to affirmatively show, upon its face, your Authority or Warrant in Law to assault, violate, or disparage the High and Sacred Office of the Christ which we have been Commanded and Warranted from the beginning by Him in His Holy Writ to hold, occupy and minister for His sake; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper does not evidence any Warrant or Authority in Law, has no evidence of standing in the Law we execute and minister pursuant to His Writ, Command, under Lawful Warrant of the same; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper is not sealed with Authority evidencing lineage through His Body traceable to the Tree of Life, and is, therefore, a Trespass into the Dominions and a breach of the Peace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in a vain attempt to circumvent His righteous Judgment upon the world and its darkness; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper, which appears to tender some purported issue, fails to disclose or establish any Lawful connection between our Sister and your purported office or agency; and,


Mark: Your abandoned paper, upon its face, lacks sufficient evidence of Warrant and standing in the Law we minister, because it does not speak according to His Law and Testimony; and, it has no Light originating in and coming from Him; and, there is no Law commanding the Living to join themselves to the dead, or, the children of Light to be unequally yoked with unbelievers who are dead to Him and stumble in darkness;

Chapter Two:


Whereas, the Law in and of Him and His Lawful assembly is one and the same, for it has been written from the beginning, The glory which Thou gavest Me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are one: I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may be made complete in one; and,

Whereas, by the Law in and of Him governing His Estate, said enemies alien to Him and His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles cannot Lawfully invade His Dominions with defective and nugatory paper designed for the aggrandizement and lusts of said aliens and their father; and,

Whereas, said alien enemy agents through their alien agencies are tempting our Sister to move from the protection in and of Him through His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles, contrary to the mandate given to all men, for it has been written from the beginning, Thou shalt not pervert the sentence of the poor in his judgment; and to subvert a man in his cause, the Lord approveth not; and an unjust witness kindles falsehoods and brings on quarrels between the brethren; and,

Whereas, His Peace and Inheritance is the Law in His Lawful assembly, for it has been written from the beginning, For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His Government and Peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this;

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Now therefore, your abandoned paper and purported record is attempting to usurp His Authority, are a disturbance of His Peace, and are a Trespass upon Him and His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles;


Whereas, all Estates originate in and are of Inheritance vested by the Testament of our Testator Jesus, the Christ, because it has been written from the beginning, By Him all things consist; therefore, His Act establishing the original Estate and state is the highest in Law, for all other inferior estates are derivative from and dependent upon His original Act, for it has been written from the beginning, In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth; and His Cause for bringing His Estate into being always governs all within and every part derived from His Estate which He created, and any act done against His Cause is not Lawful, for His Law by which His Estate is created governs all within and is derived from it, for it has been written from the beginning, He is Perfection, and in Him is no corruption, evil, error, or sin; and,

Whereas, in His original Act, there is no Precept, Provision, or Warrant for a person dead to Him, to have any Inheritance or any part in the Estate which is formed by, in, or from His original Act, for it has been written from the beginning, Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie; and,

Whereas, it has been written from the beginning, The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and all that dwell in it; wherefore no executor can convey that which he or she does not possess, because there is no provision or Warrant in the Testament of our Testator the Christ of which we are several joint-Heirs and appointed co-Executors, for it has been written from the beginning, Our God is a jealous God and He will not give His Glory to strangers; and,

Whereas, we can ratify no engagements that prejudice either our Testator, His Testament, or His Estate of Inheritance therein, which bind either Him or us to any obligations with any natural persons dead to Him, for said natural persons have not the right to the Tree of Life, not knowing the Law of God in the Christ, because it has been written from the beginning, The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned; and,

Whereas, all engagements outside Him are void, and your purported consideration is un-Lawful, because any purported contract which is of the fruit of the poisoned tree of morality has no standing, force or effect in, of, or from our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, for Whom we minister and remain in at all times and places; and,

Whereas, contracts commercia belli are condemned by His righteous Judgment from the foundation of the world, for it has been written from the beginning, Get thee behind Me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve; and,

Whereas, those persons created or established by a purported law made with man's hands, and which from its own record is created by acts contrary to the Law of the Estate established by the original Act of our Testator; and partakes of the same, are dead to Him, for it has been written from the beginning, The dead know nothing, and there is no longer any reward to them; for their memory is forgotten; and,

Whereas, actions by nobody are odious in Law; and,

Whereas, the Law revealed in the Christ is witnessed both by and in His Creation and His Word, and is the general Law in His Lawful assembly and state: only that Law can be invoked and moved, legal fictions and other lies having no standing in His court, for it has been written from the beginning, Many wait on the favour of rulers; but justice comes to a man from the Lord; and,

Whereas, the lex mercatoria, or mercantile law, moral law, natural law, and international law, are only like or similar to Law, for it has been written from the beginning, He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress; Therefore those creations made with man's hands and privately administered as law, are alien to the Christ's Lawful assembly and state;

Now therefore, your abandoned paper and purported record, and their purpose, are righteously Judged by our Master to be dead to Him and His ekklesia at Los Angeles, and to be of no force because of His condemnation of them:

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Whereas, your abandoned paper contains the alien and strange symbols or images, such as Nov 16 1999, 12/10/99, 12/13/99, which symbology appears to denote time, but is unfamiliar to us for Cause: we Measure time in years of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in accordance with His Glorious Reign; for it has been written from the beginning, The fourth beast shall think to change times and Law; and it has also been written from the beginning, At that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that is written in the Book; and He has declared, It is finished; and,

Whereas, it is has been written from the beginning, No man can serve two masters; and by Him we are forbidden to partake of the things of the world, for it has been written from the beginning, Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world; and,

Whereas, your abandoned paper and purported records contain scandalous and libelous matter all to the harm His Lawful assembly in general, and to our Sister in particular, who is one of and with us in the Christ, for it has been written from the beginning, Whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with them; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with them,

Now, therefore:

The Law of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ righteously Judges, and has righteously Judged your abandoned paper and purported record to have nothing in Him, His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles, and our Sister; and, to be without Him, without Life, without Law, and without Truth; and, we shall, henceforth, by the Grace of God in fulness of faith in and to the Christ our Lord and Saviour, Lawfully avoid you, your unproven, strange, alien purported process; for Lawful Cause: they are irregular, unauthorized, misnomered, defective in Law upon their face, and are, herewith, abated for being destructive of His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles and His Inheritance herein; and to be one of several works of darkness:

There appear to be no factors which would warrant adjustment of the Abatement, due to a conflict of Law, for it has been written from the beginning, God divided the light from the darkness and the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not: Therefore, Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand, and thereafter lay and prove in His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles that you bear the Seal and Testimony of the Most High in the Christ;

Chapter three:

Ordering Clause;

"Every direction of a court or judge, made or entered in writing, and not included in a judgment, is denominated an order."

His Lawful assembly, in the Name and by Authority of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, so orders the said Defendants to abate the matter of their abandoned paper and purported record marked with the numerals BC220231, which proposes to impose suretyship upon our Sister, through the attempt of an unlawful attachment to her, of a dead in Law legal fiction and persona designata EDNA JANE ALBERTSON, within ten days of the ordering of this Non-statutory Abatement, or show Cause in the Law in and of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ why this Abatement should not lie--belief, reason, necessity, presumption, speculation, opinion, morals, morality, moralism, philosophy, sophism, or sciolism not with standing. Any and all written response must include a detailed factual statement and supporting documentation, having standing in His Law. If more time than ten days is needed to respond, it may be granted on written request to this Lawful assembly's messengers on the Rule Day.

Because it has been written from the beginning that, All are without excuse, failure to obey this Lawful order of and from this His Lawful assembly or failure to respond in the time prescribed, herein, will result in Default and Default Judgment.

All remittance of this instant Cause should be given over to His messengers in His Lawful assembly, sent with Letter of Appointment in hand by Him through us, on the Rule day of this Non-statutory Abatement.

For the next eight weeks concerning this instant Lawful Cause, to edify in particular all our Brothers and fellow-bondmen sojourning in and with our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and for public viewing in general, a Public Notice of this Non-statutory Abatement and Default Rule day is posted, in the Public Record, in the general post-office at Diamond Bar, Pomona, and Walnut, in California, and in other places for all our Brothers and fellow-bondmen in His Body to Witness, Record, and have Knowledge:

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Attachment: abandoned paper of: THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES;

Our Sister who sojourns among us solely by the Grace of God in fulness of faith and love to the Christ shall continue to do so, unless and until such Lawful Cause is laid before and proven in Law to the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles that she did in deed do evil in the eyes our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, for it has been written from the beginning, Prove all things; and she shall maintain The Law of Peace in Him, and shall stand upon the grounds set out above, for it has been written from the beginning, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid; Amen, Amen.

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Notice of Default

[This Notice is posted after the Abatement is served, in three public places, one being the county seat within the county in which the abatement is served. Post it for thirty days.]

Be it Known and Remembered by All Who see these Presents and to Whom these Presents shall Come:

This posted for purposes of Edification and imputing Knowledge to the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles in particular and to all throughout His Kingdom in general, Declareth and Witnesseth that:

Lawful process in compliance with the Will, Mandate, and Direction of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in His Hallowed Name, and by and under the Authority of His Warrant and Precepts in His Holy Writ, by His Grace, was properly, Lawfully, and duly served by messengers of His Lawful assembly, upon Defendants, J. Robertson, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Officer I.D. #14858; and Harvey Steinberg, LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY; and James Cane, PRESIDING JUDGE, SAN FERNANDO MUNICIPAL COURT; and THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF CALIFORNIA, and the same will Default on the tenth day hence in this His Everlasting Glorious Reign, and Default Judgment in favor of Demandant, will be entered accordingly on that Rule Day.

Removing or attempting to remove this posting is deemed in Law actions of Trespass to obstruct Him, constituting a disturbance of His Peace and the Peace of all who sojourns with Him, by Trespassing upon the Inheritance common among the Brethren in and through Him, and a Trespass upon Him and His Holy Record established in Law thereby perverting and impugning His Record of Truth established in Law.

[Sample Default and Default Judgment]

[This default is served after the Notice of Default is posted]

By the Authority and Power delegated to us solely by the Grace of God, in and through our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in accordance with His Commandments, Precepts, Judgments, Statutes, Ordinances, and Testimonies in and of His Holy Writ, solely by and under the Leading of His Warrant in Law and by His Will, do we in and of His Body issue this Default Judgment in His court:

Locus sigilii ecclesia:

[place signature (black or blue ink) and right thumb print (red ink) here] , a bondman of Jesus, the Christ

[place signature (black or blue ink) and right thumb print (red ink) here] , a bondman of Jesus, the Christ

Sealed under Authority of the Christ, by His Direction of our own hands on this Glorious day of His Eternal Reign, which is ten days or more since the serving of the Non-statutory Abatement on the Defendants in this Blessed Action:

Comes Now, His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles, grateful to Almighty God for our Liberty in the Christ, to humbly Extend Greetings and Salutations to you from our Lord, Saviour and Testator Jesus, the Christ, and ourselves by Visitation, to exercise His Ministerial Powers in this Matter, in His Name, by His Authority, under Direction of His Warrant, Mandate and Will contained in His Holy Writ, revealed from the beginning both in His Testament written of Him in Holy Scripture and in Him everlasting:

superior court
at Los Angeles
the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles

the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles,

J. Robertson, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Officer, I.D. #14858; and,




Part Two:
Non-statutory Abatement:
Notice of Default, Default Judgment,
and Praecipe

Part Two of this Matter contains the following, titled:

One, Notice of Default; Two, Default Judgment; and, Three, Praecipe:

To: SAN FERNANDO MUNICIPAL COURT, THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, and all above named Defendants, jointly and severally:

By the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles:

In the accusation of our Sister: Abandoned paper marked with the numerals BC255231 and the dead in Law legal fiction and persona designata EDNA JANE ALBERTSON:

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Be it Known and Remembered by All to Whom These Presents Come, and May Concern:

This Notice of Default, Default Judgment, and Praecipe is issued by and under the Ministerial Power and Authority vested solely in and appertaining to the Ministerial Office of the Christ, established from everlasting and forever in Truth by the Grace of God through the Christ, Who is the Foundation of Law, in and among all those sojourning bond-servants in and of Him, being co-Heirs and appointed co-Executors of His Testament governing His Estate brought into being by His original Act sworn to by Him in His Testament in and from the beginning, and in Lawful execution of His Judgments against J. Robertson, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Officer I.D. #14858; and Harvey Steinberg, LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY; and James Cane, PRESIDING JUDGE, SAN FERNANDO MUNICIPAL COURT; and THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF CALIFORNIA, that have proclaimed by their acts that they are enemies of, and alien to, our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ for Whom we minister and serve. Said Defendants are attempting to plunder His Body in the nature of a Praemunire, imperium in imperio, using unproven strange and alien purported process not recognized by, and outside, the Law of our Master;

One. Notice of Default

Take notice the Demand of our Testator, in His Name, by His Direction, Mandate, Will, and Testament, and under Warrant of the same, through His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles was heretofore Lawfully made upon you and each of you to answer or otherwise make supplication in this Lawful assembly to the plaint herein, a copy of which has been served upon you, and each of you, and of which you, and each of you, have knowledge and personal knowledge of the matter or matters therein contained; and,

Take further notice that your failure to answer, make supplication in His Lawful assembly, or otherwise perfect the Record in Law in response to the foregoing notice and plaint served upon you, within the time stated, the Demandant will forthwith cause your Default to be entered and moved for Judgment against you personally and officially for the relief demanded on the plaint;

Two. Order for Entry of Default and Default Judgment:

The Non-statutory Abatement in this Lawful Cause having been personally served upon Defendants J. Robertson, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Officer I.D. #14858; and James Cane, PRESIDING JUDGE, SAN FERNANDO MUNICIPAL COURT; and Harvey Steinberg, LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY; and THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF CALIFORNIA by messengers sent by the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles on the third day of the first month, in the two thousandth Year of the Glorious Reign of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and the Record showing no answer or other supplication to the plaint having in any manner been made on or before the Rule Day to His Lawful assembly at Los Angeles by said Defendants; and,

It appearing from the Record, without evidence standing in Law to the contrary, the aforesaid Defendants have, in Truth, abandoned prosecution of their accusations against our Sister, a Ministerial Officer by the anointing of the Christ, by Him in His Testament and Will, thereby bearing witness that their accusations are false, and of themselves that they have no Light in them, for it has been written from the beginning, To the Law and to the Testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them; because our Father is not in all their thoughts, therefore they walk in darkness bearing no True witness against our Sister; for, the Christ has declared, I am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life; and,

It appearing from the Record, without evidence standing in Law to the contrary, the Defendants have admitted all matters of Law well pleaded in the plaint of the Demandant commenced by and under Direction of the Christ, thereby bearing witness of themselves that they are not our Brothers in Christ and that they are not of His Lawful assembly, for it has been written from the beginning, Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brothers way; and it has also been written from the beginning, He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him; and,

It appearing from the Record, that the lineage of the purported process bears witness that the Defendants are outside His Body; and, it appearing from the Record, without evidence standing in Law to the contrary, that the Defendants aforesaid bearwitness of themselves that they have acted in an evil and Lawless manner in and by showing and displaying contempt for this Honourable court, its Sacred Law, and its Blessed Judge, a manner inconsistent with the Mark of the Holy Spirit sealing and bearing True Witness of a serving sojourner in the Christ having, possessing, and executing Truth established in

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Law, thereby condemning themselves; for it has been written from the beginning, For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the Name of the only Begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than Light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the Light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God;

Now, therefore, on motion of the Demandant, in accordance with the Law of this Honourable court, and by Direction of its Blessed Judge:

It is ordered that the clerk of this Lawful assembly shall be, and is hereby, directed to enter the Default of the aforesaid Defendants, and Default Judgment nihil dicit, or in the absence of any reply, in favor of Demandant and against Defendants for the relief demanded in the plaint, and as follows:

That all records and purported process containing the dead in Law legal fiction and persona designata WILFRED F. BENZING, and all information they contain, be expurgated from all systems for the Lawful Cause given in the plaint; and,

That a true and correct copy of this Judgment to be posted for the next three weeks in all places where this Body gathers itself together from time to time under direction of the Christ; and,

That all who have been edified and have knowledge of this Lawful Cause mark that man and have nothing more to do with him that he might be ashamed and let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord and His Lawful assembly, for it has been written from the beginning, Mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the teaching which ye have learned; and avoid them; and,

That a true and correct copy of this Judgment be sent to all said Defendants, and the same be sent to our Brothers abroad for their edification and knowledge of this Lawful Cause;

Let the Judgment prayed for be entered accordingly:

Three: Praecipe:

The clerk of said court will please enter the Default of the Defendants aforesaid; and Default Judgment nihil dicit against the aforesaid Defendants in the above entitled cause for the following Lawful Causes established by Record in Law through conduct of the Defendants:


Two, the abandonment of prosecution by the Defendants and their failure to lay, evidence, and prove in Law before this Honorable court the Truth of their accusations against our Brother; for the Law is the same in regard to matters not shown as to those which do not exist; and,

Three, the admission by the Defendants to all matters of substance in Law well pleaded by the Demandant; for it has been written from the beginning, We can do nothing against the Truth but for the Truth; and,

Four, the failure of the Defendants to evidence, lay, and prove before the Christ's Lawful assembly at Kettle Moraine the lineage of their purported process to the Tree of Life; for the Law is the same in regard to matters not shown as to those which do not exist; and,

Five, the Record of the willful and Lawless contempt by the Defendants towards this Honourable court, its Sacred Law, and its Blessed Judge; for he who contemns the Law contemns the Giver of it; Amen, Amen.

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Notice of Default and Entry of Default Judgment

[This Notice is posted after the Default is served, in three public places, one being the county seat within the county in which the abatement is served. Post it for thirty days.]

Be it Known and Remembered by All Who see these Presents and to Whom these Presents shall Come:

This public notice posted for purposes of Edification and imputing Knowledge to the Christ's Lawful assembly at Los Angeles in particular and to all throughout His Kingdom in general, Declareth and Witnesseth that:

Notice of Default Judgment and judgment nihil dicit is hereby given, and the same was entered, in favor of the Demandant, the Rule Day now past; notice of same having been properly, Lawfully and duly served upon each of the Defendants J. Robertson, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Officer I.D. #14858; and Harvey Steinberg, LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY; and James Cane, PRESIDING JUDGE, SAN FERNANDO MUNICIPAL COURT; and THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF CALIFORNIA. The aforesaid Defendants having never answered or rebutted any matter well pleaded in the plaint have, by their failure to reply, confessed and admitted to all matters well pleaded therein. Therefore, this matter is hereby abated and all proceedings pending and in litigation are at an end. Any further action or course of action pursued by Defendants in this matter, will establish evidence of Trespass against and contempt of this Honourable court, its Sacred Law, and its Blessed Judge; for he who contemns the Law Contemns the Giver of it; Amen, Amen.

Removing or attempting to remove this posting are deemed in Law actions of Trespass to obstruct His Order, constituting a disturbance of His Peace and the Peace of all who sojourn with Him by Trespassing upon the Inheritance common among the Brethren in and through Him, and a Trespass upon Him and His Holy Record established in Law, thereby perverting and impugning His Record of Truth established in Law.

Notice to All Breaking the Close over this land

[This Posting should be placed on the gate and door posts of the dwelling where you are currently staying, after you have removed your door bell, mail box, and house numbers.]

His Lawful assembly at Kettle Moraine, grateful to Almighty God for our Liberty in the Christ, to all breaking this Close of and over this land, to humbly Extend Greetings and Salutations to you from God our Father, and His Beloved Son Jesus the Christ, our Lord, Saviour and Testator:

By the Authority and Power delegated to us solely by the Grace of God, in and through our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, in accordance with His Commandments, Precepts, Judgments, Statutes, Ordinances, and Testimonies in and of His Holy Writ, solely by and under the Leading of His Warrant in Law and by His Will, do we in and of His Body post this notice, with the Law, at the gates to this Close of and over this land and on the door posts of the dwelling-house therein:

Sealed under Authority of the Christ, in His Hallowed Name by His Direction of our own hands by His Grace on this Blessed day in His Everlasting Glorious Reign:

Locus sigilii ecclesia:

___________________________________, a bondservant of Jesus, the Christ

___________________________________ , a bondservant of Jesus, the Christ

Whereas, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, and His Intent manifested in His original Act in His Testament of bringing into being His Estate governs all derived from it; therefore when God our Father sent His Son to execute His Testament according to His Will, so His Son sent into the world those called by Him from the foundation of the world for His Dignity, Glory, Majesty and purposes; and,

Whereas, all Power in heaven and in earth hath been committed to Christ Jesus by God our Father, Who bestows the same upon those Whom He hath called and sent into the world in execution of, and to execute, the Righteous Judgments in His Holy Writ in His Name and under His Warrants contained therein; and,

Whereas, as many as believe in and on His Son He gives the power to become the sons of God by and through adoption, and a son hath Inheritance common in all other sons through and in Christ Jesus, therefore the Close of and over this land and all Inheritance in and of the Inheritance established by, through and in Christ Jesus, have been Willed by God our Father, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, to Wilfred Francis and his seed in perpetuity; and,

Whereas, the Will of our King and Testator in His Law and Testament instituting the Inheritance establishes and governs the Inheritance of those who Inherit the Close of and over this land instituted by our King in His Law and Testament, therefore those who act and do contrary to the Will of our King and Testator are not His sons, but bastards, having no Close or any Inheritance established by the Will of our Blessed King and Testator; and,

Whereas, the Law of God is the Law of the land, for it has been written from the beginning, only His Righteous Law in and of Him governs His Estate and all within and every part derived from His Estate which He created. His Law favours and preserves the common good of the land, -- statutes, codes, rules and regulations not with standing in Law,-- and any act done against His Cause is not Lawful, therefore ignorance of God's Law is no excuse, for all men know God, even His eternal Power and Godhead, and are not presumed ignorant of their eternal welfare; and,

Wherefore, any and all who enter here without consent evidenced by Warrant in Law from God our Father, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and His several appointed Ministerial Officers having and being of one Mind in Christ, but enter either in their own name or by the name of a stranger having no Inheritance of and in the Inheritance common among the Brethren: One, break this Close; Two, breach the Peace of our King, by violating His Law establishing this Close and all Powers appertaining to the Noble and Sacred Ministerial Office of the Christ; Three, and thereby breaching the Domestic Tranquility of one His sons; Four, endanger His Inheritance in and of His son by adoption; and, Five, are, in His Law governing this Close, trespassers, thieves, and robbers having not entered through the Door; and,

Therefore, an action of trespass quare clausam fregit will lie against all such who break this Close through or under such pretenses or color of Law.

1. Arkansas v. Kansas & T. Coal Co. (CC.) 96 F. 362

2. See Christian Philosophy in the Common Law, by Richard O'Sullivan, K.C., The Newman Bookshop, Westminster, Maryland.

Available from The Christian Jural Society Press.

3. From Bouvier's Dictionary of Law (1856) and (1914), and Broom's Maxims (1845). Bouvier's (1856) on computer discs and Broom's

Maxims is available from The Christian Jural Society Press.

4. Handbook of Common Law Pleading, by Benjamin J. Shipman, Third Edition by Henry Winthrop Ballentine, West Publishing Co., St.

Paul, Minnesota (1923) p. 29.

5. Ibid., Common Law Pleading, p. 29.

6. Ibid., under "Chancery Practice." p. 8.

7. Literally, persona means the 'mask of the actor.' Riddle's Latin English Dictionary.

8. Selection of Legal Maxims: Classified and Illustrated, by Herbert Broom, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-At-Law, T.& J.W.

Johnson, Law Booksellers, Philadelphia, 1845, page 143. Available from the Christian Jural Society Press)

9. See, Words and Phrases for Title 26, The Internal Revenue Service Code.

10. Matthew 22:21.

11. Ibid., Shipman, p. 23.

12. Ibid., Shipman, p. 24.

13. See "Discussion," in Black's Dict. of Law, 3rd edition, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota.

14. See, "Pledge," in Handbook of Roman Law, by Max Radin, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota (1927). This work is

available from The Christian Jural Society Press.

15. See, "Maxim," in Bouvier's Dictionary of Law, by John Bouvier, (1856).

16. Ibid. Bouvier's. "Maxim"

17. Select Documents of English Constitutional History, Edited by George Burton Adams, and H. Morse Stephens, The Macmillian

Company, New York, 1906. page 339-342.

18. Romans 8:16,17.

19. See various dictionaries, including Melinkoff's Dictionary of Law, Oxford English Dictionary, etc..

20. Acts 10:34.

21. Literally, "war name." For Rule as to its use, see The California Style Manual, by Robert E. Formichi, published by The California

Supreme Court, 1986, Section 196, page 13, "Style of Main Title.".

22. 'state.' A Christian people with Dominion over all geographical territory which makes them the -- res publica -- lords of the soil.

Riddle's Latin Lexicon.

23. 'State' the name of the ministerial government, occupying a feud, established by constitutional compact among the Christian people

holding and occupying a fixed geographical territory.

24. 4 Bacon's Abr. Of the Law, (1832), Of Misnomer and want of Addition (D) and Queen v. Plenty (1869).

25. Francis Wharton, Pa. Dig., Section 20.94 (1853).

26. California Style Manual, A Handbook of Legal Style for California Courts and Lawyers, 3rd Ed, Sec. 150

27. Pleasant Grove Union School Dist. V. Algeo, 61 Cal. App. 660, 215 P. 726.

28. This is an axiom of the laws of War wherein it is legal to deceive the enemy.

29. All scenarios cited are summaries of cases that have been referred to The Christian Jural Society Press.

30. Com v. McWilliams, 21 Pa. Dist. R. 1131. Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), pp. 1449-1450.

31. 18 U.S.C. 3109.

32. Sherman v. United States, 1958, 356 U.S. 369, 372, 78 S.Ct. 819, 820, 2 L.Ed.2d 848.

33. A New Abridgement of the Law, by Matthew Bacon, with Large Additions and Corrections, by Sir Henry Gwyllim, and Charles

Edward Dodd, Esq., and with Notes and References made to the Edition Published in 1809, by Bird Wilson, Esq., to which are added

Notes and References to American and English Law and Decisions, by John Bouvier, Volume VII., Published by Thomas Davis, No.

171 Market Street, Philadelphia (1846), page 5.

34. Nomo-Lexicon, A Law Dictionary, by Thomas Blount, Facsimile of the Edition of 1670, Sherwin & Freutel, Publishers, Los Angeles


35. The Queen v. Plenty, Court of Queen's Bench, 4 C.Q.B. 46.

36. Ibid. Queen v. Plenty.

37. 4 Bacon's Abridgment, (D) Of Misnomer, and want of Addition. (1832), page 7.

38. Ibid., 4 Bacon's Abridgment.

39. The Style Manual, for the California Supreme Courts, 1984.

40. "commercia belli" means, "commercial agreement in war," or, "war contract."

41. "The question is a political one, not confided to the courts, but to another department of government. Whenever an act done by a

sovereign in his sovereign character is questioned, it becomes a matter of negotiations, or reprisals, or of war." Wulfsohn v. Russian

Soviet Socialist Federated Republic (1923), 234 N.Y. 372, 138 N.E. 24.

42. United States Postal Policy, by Clyde Kelly, a Member of the Post Office and Post Roads Committee in Congress, (1931)

43. Woolum v. Sizemore, 102 S.W. 323, 324.

44. See, "unalienable," in Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1914.

45. Ibid., United States Postal Policy.

46. Dictionary of Latin Synonymes, Little, Brown & Co., 1854.

47. "INHERENT POWER. An authority possessed without being derived from another. It is a right, ability, or faculty of doing a thing,

without receiving that right, ability, or faculty from another." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1859), vol. I, p. 633. [Emphasis added.]

48. "TO VEST, estates. To give an immediate fixed right of present or future enjoyment; an estate is vested in possession, when there

exists a right of present enjoyment; and an estate is vested in interest, when there is a present fixed right of future enjoyment. Fearne

on Rem. 2; vide 2 [*626] Rop. on Leg. 757; 8 Com.Dig.App. h. t.; 1 Vern. 323, n.; 10 Vin.Ab. 230; 1 Suppl. to Ves. jr. 200, 242, 315,

434; 2 Id. 157; 5 Ves. 511." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1859), pp. 625-626.

49. "12. In order to vest jurisdiction in the particular court to proceed with the trial of a given case, the Accused must appear in [his

proper] person before the court and be arraigned." Lee S. Tillotson, The Articles of War Annotated (1949), p. 40.

50. "Abatement is ordinarily a matter of right" Simmons v. Superior Court (1943), 96 C.A.2d 119, 214 P.2d 844.

51. "Common law 'plea in abatement' as such has no existence as a doctrine or remedy in [the State of] California." Burnand v. Irigoyen

(1943), 56 C.A.2d 624. [Common law plea in abatement does not exist in statutory courts.]

52. "Abatement at law is the overthrow or destruction of a pending action apart from the cause of action; in equity the suspension of the

proceedings. The term 'abatement' is used, with reference to pending actions or suits, to designate the result upon a suit or action, of

defects which vitiate the propriety of the suit as brought, in contradistinction to the existence or the statement of a cause of action; it

looks to their effect; and consequently it is ordinarily defined descriptively in terms of the effect produced, so that the definition

varies accordingly as abatement at common law or abatement at equity, or under codes extending equitable doctrines to all suits or

actions is spoken of;…" (1 C.J.S. Abatement, §1a, p. 27) quoted in Burnand v. Irigoyen (1943), 56 C.A.2d 624, 629.

53. "Martial law is the law of military necessity in the actual presence of war. It is administered by the general of the army, and is in fact

his will." Chief Justice Waite, in United States v. Diekelman, 98 U.S. 520.

"Executive orders have the force and effect of law and in their construction and interpretation the accepted canons of statutory

construction are to be applied." Brown v. J. P. Morgan and Co. (1941), 31 N.Y.S.2d 323, 177 Misc. 626, 635.

"There are certain limitations placed upon powers of courts beyond which a court cannot go, and these involve the discretionary

powers of the Executive Department." Nordmann v. Woodring (1939), 28 F.Supp. 573, 575.

54. "CHARACTER, distinctive mark xiv; graphic symbol xv; sum of mental and moral qualities xvii; personage, personality xviii. ME.

caracter--(O)F. caractere--(mostly late) L. character--Gr. kharakter instrument for marking, impress, distinctive nature, f.

khardssein(:-kharakj-) sharpen, furrow, scratch, engrave, prob. F. base meaning 'scratch.' So cha:racteri-stic xvii. --F. caracteristique

-- late Gr. kharakteristikos; characterical and -istical were earlier. char-acterize. xvi. --F. Or medL. -- late Gr." Oxford Dictionary of

English Etymology (1966), p. 163.

"CHARACTER. The possession by a person of certain qualities of mind or morals, distinguishing him from all others [humans].

"In Evidence. The opinion generally entertained of a person derived from the common report of the people who are acquainted with

him; his reputation. Kimmel v. Kimmel, 3 S. & R.(Pa.) 336, 8 Am.Dec. 655; Boynton v. Kellogg, 3 Mass. 192, 3 Am.Dec. 122; 3 Esp.

236; Tayl. Ev. 328, 329.

"A clear distinction exists between the strict meaning of the words character and reputation. Character is defined to be the assemblage

of qualities which distinguish one person from another, while reputation is the opinion of character generally entertained [perceived];

Worcester, Dict. This distinction, however, is not regarded either in the statutes or in the decisions of the courts; thus, a libel is said to

be an injury to character; the character of a witness for veracity is said to be impeached; evidence is offered of a prisoner's good

character; Abbot, Law Dict. See Leverich v. Frank, 6 Or. 213; Powers v. Leach, 26 Vt. 278. The word character is therefore used in

the law rather to express what is properly signified by reputation." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), p. 457.

55. "At common law and in those jurisdictions where the common law effect of a seal is still recognized, it is well settled that authority

to execute a sealed instrument [Non-Statutory Abatement] can be conferred only by an instrument of equal dignity or solemnity; i.e.,

by a contract under seal. Van Ostrand v. Reed, 1 Wend.(N.Y.) 424, 19 Am.Dec. 529; Story on Agency, 9th Ed., secs. 49, 242, and

252." Rotwein, Law of Agency (1949), p. 21.

"Whenever any act of agency is required to be done in the name of the principal under seal, the authority to do the act must be

conferred by an instrument under seal." Judge Appleton, Heath v. Nutter, 50 Maine 378.

"A seal, according to Lord Coke, is wax with an impression. A scrawl with a pen is not a seal and deserves no notice. Sigillum est

cera impressa, quia cera sine impressione non est sigillum. The law has not indeed declared of what precise materials the wax shall

consist; and whether it be a wafer, or any other paste or matter sufficiently tenacious to adhere and receive an impression, is perhaps

not material." Justice Kent, in Warren v. Lynch, 5 John.(N.Y.) 238. See also Van Suntwood v. Sandford, 12 John. 197.

56. "11.19. Numbers mentioned in connection with serious and dignified subjects [the measurement of time from the birth of Our

Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ] and in formal writing are spelled out." United States Government Style Manual (1959),

"Numbers Spelled Out," p. 169.

"12.19. Numbers appearing as part of proper names [The Year of Our Lord and Saviour] or mentioned in connection with serious and

dignified subjects such as Executive orders, legal proclamations, and in formal writing are spelled out." United States Government

Style Manual (1986), "Numbers Spelled Out," p. 169. [Insertion added.]


(Isaiah 33:22) For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us.

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Copyright 1996, 2014, by Gregory Allan; All rights reserved.