Forms and Styles for Court Prodedures (Adopted as of 3/14/1999) (1 of pages.) Courts Christian for the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God Forms and Styles for Court Procedures Shown as adopted, as of the fourteenth day of the third month, in the year of Our King, nineteen hundred ninety-nine. 1. General Filing and Recording. A. All documents shall, when possible, be made on standard letter-size paper, eight and one-half inches wide, by eleven inches long. The top margin shall be no less than one and one-eighth inches, to allow for filing and recording information. The bottom margin shall be no less than one-half inch, and the side margins no less than three-quarters of an inch. Original evidence is excluded from this requirement. B. The Christ county Banner should be displayed in the upper-right corner. C. All documents shall be typewritten, or neatly hand-printed so as to be legible. D. All documents signed, or required to be signed by the office of Clerk shall only be valid if the Court Seal is impressed thereon. E. All documents filed or recorded with the Clerk shall have original signatures thereon, attested to by the Clerk, or witnessed by no fewer than two Christian men or women. F. All documents filed or recorded with the Clerk shall contain an effective date, and the current mailing locations of all parties thereto. G. A cost is established for filing and recording, as well as obtaining copies of documents already in the Records. One-half of the sums collected shall be retained by the Clerk in consideration of his labor, and the balance shall go into the Treasury. Costs shall be as follows: 1. Filing. Documents filed in the Clerk's records shall be subject to prior payment to the Clerk of the sum of seventy-five cents for the first page, and ten cents for each additional page. 2. Recording. Recording of documents shall be subject to prior payment to the Clerk of the sum of fifty cents for the first page, and ten cents for each additional page. 3. Copies. Certified copies of documents already filed or recorded may be obtained by first paying to the Clerk the sum of ten cents per page requested. 2. General Style and Requirements for Court documents. A. In instances where a specific form has been adopted for use by the Court, that form shall take precedence over these styles. B. When Jurisdiction has not yet been established in any matter, the top heading of all Court documents shall read: Courts Christian for the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God C. When Jurisdiction has been established in any matter, the top heading of all Court documents shall read: In the Courts Christian for the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God D. Immediately below the top heading of all Court documents shall be the mailing location where the Court may be accessed, which is currently as follows: c/o Kayo Ian; Post General general delivery, Benzonia post office Benzonia, Michigan E. Following the mailing location for the Court shall be a title for the document, which best captions the intent of the document. The title shall be centered, and made bold, so as to be prominent and easily seen. F. Following the document title shall be the inscription: In the name of Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, King of kings: G. Documents, such as a Summons, which are addressed to a specific party, shall clearly identify such party beneath the inscription of Our King. H. Below the headings, but prior to any other information, all Court documents shall clearly identify the parties, and the cause as follows: In the Matter between: ___________________________ _____________________________ Dispute: ____________ ___________________________ _____________________________ Claimant Respondent I. Signatures 1. Party. No Court document shall be valid if not signed by the required parties. Signatures shall be made in the following style: Executed and Sealed by the voluntary act of My own Hand, Witnessed by My Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, and Thankful to the only true God, the Father, on this [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. 2. Averment. Averments shall be made in the following style: [Party] does solemnly aver that all of the above-written Statments are true, correct, complete, and not intended to be misleading, of [Party's] own first-hand knowledge. 3. Witnesses. Witnesses shall use the following Certification: We, the Undersigned, having ascertained that Our Brother has read and knows the contents of this Writing, did witness His Execution and Sealing of Same, and do hereby testify to the forgoing, by voluntary act of Our own Hands, before Our Sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, King of kings. 4. Clerk. The Clerk may sign notices where no judicial determination is required. The Clerk's signature shall be accompanied by the Court Seal, or if the Seal is not available, by the Clerk's thumbprint. 5. Judicial. Signatures of arbitrators and judges shall be accompanied by the Clerk's attestation of authenticity. 3. Styles for Specific Process. A. Certificate of Service of Process I, the Undersigned, do hereby certify that on the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], I did serve that certain document titled [document title] and dated [date of the execution of document], upon [proper appellation of party to whom process was served], by [(hand-delivery), (United States First Class mail), other: specify]. [Signature and Seal of process-server] B. Notice of Appointment You have been duly Appointed [(mediator), (arbitrator)] for the above referenced Matter. If you have not given the Holy Oath of Office you are required to do so before beginning your official duties. If you are unable to accept this Appointment for any reason, written notice must be given to the Clerk within three days. C. Notice of Bias I, the Undersigned, having been duly Appointed for the above referenced Matter, am unable or unwilling to minister to said Matter for the following reason(s) of bias as checked and explained below: _____ Personal or financial interest in the outcome of the dispute. _____ Past or present relationship with the parties or their representatives. _____ Unable or unwilling to serve promptly. _____ Other bias. Explain: [Include detailed explanation.] Therefore, unless all Parties to said Matter sign a Waiver of Bias, then I shall be unqualified. D. Waiver of Bias [(I), (We)] the Undersigned [(Party), (Parties)] to the above referenced Matter, hereby waive any present or future claim of bias against [appointee] arising from any possible damages incurred by way of bias as described in the Notice of Bias dated [date]. E. Notice of Session / Notice of Hearing You are hereby given Notice of a [(Session), (Hearing)] regarding the above referenced Matter, to be convened on the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], at [time] o'clock in the [(morning), (afternoon), (evening)], and located at [location]. F. Directed Summons: (Jurisdiction not secured) Please be advised that a dispute between the Claimant and Respondent has been submitted to this Court. You have been named as a:  Respondent: You may answer or otherwise respond to this Summons by directing Same within [days] days to the Court Clerk, at the above listed mailing location.  Witness: You are directed to appear at the following location, at the time listed: [location, day and time]. If you recognize the Son of the only true God as your Saviour, and your Sovereign Lord, King of kings, then you are hereby directed to recognize and obey this Summons, or to timely show lawful cause as to your refusal of Same. Failure to comply with this Summons will create a condition of fault, and shall be construed as evidence of bad faith. This Summons is invalid if it is not served upon the above listed Party on or before the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. [Signature of Arbitrator] [Attestation of Clerk] G. Summons Please be advised that a dispute between the Claimant and Respondent has come under the Jurisdiction of this Court. You have been named as a:  Respondent: You may answer or otherwise respond to this Summons by directing Same within [days] days to the Court Clerk, at the above listed mailing location.  Witness: You are ordered to appear at the following location, at the time listed: [location, day and time]. You are obligated to recognize the Jurisdiction of this Court, pursuant to: [source of jurisdiction]. If reference is made to an obligation not filed or recorded with the Court Clerk, then a true and correct copy is attached hereto. Failure to comply with this Summons will create a condition of fault, which may lead to arrest, court costs, and/or default judgement. This Summons is invalid if it is not served upon the above listed Party on or before the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. H. Postponement Request I, the Undersigned, a Party to the above referenced Matter, hereby accept the Court's Postponement Cost, and request a postponement of the [(Session), (Hearing)] scheduled on the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], at [time] o'clock in the [(morning), (afternoon), (evening)], and located at [location], for the following good cause: [Include detailed explanation.] I. Judgment on Postponement Request The Undersigned and duly Appointed [(Mediator), (Arbitrator)], having given the Holy Oath of Office, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby [(grant), (deny)] the Postponement Request made by [(Claimant), (Respondent)] dated the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. J. Challenge to Interpretation This Challenge to Interpretation regards Rule [Rule] of the Court Rules for the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God, the Revision Date being the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. Said Rule was interpreted and applied as follows: [Include detailed explanation.] I hereby give Notice of my Objection to said Interpretation and Application for the following Reason(s): [Include detailed explanation.] K. Judgment on Challenge to Interpretation The Undersigned Judges, duly elected by the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God, and comprising a Tribunal therefor, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby [(confirm), (overrule)] the Interpretation challenged by the [(Claimant), (Respondent)] on the [day] day of the [month) month, in the year of Our King, [year]. [If overruled then: (Said Rule shall be interpreted and applied as follows: [Include detailed explanation.] ) ] [Signatures of Judges comprising Tribunal] [Attestation of Clerk] L. Settlement [(I), (We)], the Undersigned and duly Appointed Mediator(s), having given the Holy Oath of Office, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby set forth the following Settlement, agreed upon by the Parties during the Session convened at [location] on the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]: [Detail the Terms of Settlement] [Signature of Mediator(s)] We, the Parties to the above referenced Matter, do hereby Confirm and Accept the Settlement set forth above. [Signature of Claimant] [Signature of Respondent] M. Award [(I), (We)], the Undersigned and duly appointed Arbitrator(s), having given the Holy Oath of Office, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby render the following Award: [Detail the Terms of Award] [State the Time-limit for Compliance] [Signature of Arbitrator] [Attestation of Clerk] N. Petition for Review [(I), (We)], the Undersigned, hereinafter "Petitioner," Party to the above referenced Matter, do hereby petition the Court to Review the Award rendered therefor. Petitioner prays that said Award will be [(confirmed), (vacated), (modified), (corrected)]. Grounds for granting this Petition are hereby detailed as follows: [Detail grounds for Petition] [Petitioner's Averment] [Signature of Petitioner] [Two witnesses, or Clerk Attestation] O. Judgment on Review We, the Undersigned Judges, duly elected by the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God, and comprising a Tribunal therefor, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby [(confirm), (vacate)] the Award rendered in said Matter. [Detail the Terms of any modification, correction or vacation.] [Summons and Order to Show Cause may be inserted here.] [Signatures of Judges comprising Tribunal] [Attestation of Clerk] P. Summons and Order to Show Cause You are ordered to appear at the following location at the time listed: [location, day and time] to show cause as to why an Enforcement-Order should not issue with regard to the Award rendered in the above referenced Matter. Failure to comply with this Summons will create a condition of fault, which may lead to arrest, court costs, and/or default judgement. This Summons is invalid if it is not served upon the above listed Party on or before the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. [Signatures of Judges comprising Tribunal] [Attestation of Clerk] Q. Judgement on Show Cause [(I), (We)], the Undersigned and duly appointed Arbitrator(s), having given the Holy Oath of Office, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby render the following Judgement on Show Cause: [Detail the Terms of Judgement] [If party is in default by non-appearance then: (If, within seven days of service of process of this Default Judgment, this Court does not receive an answer as to why you failed to appear at the Show Cause Hearing, then an Enforcement-Order may issue.)] [Except when issued on Default Judgment, Petition for Enforcement-Order may be inserted here.] [Signature of Arbitrator] [Attestation of Clerk] R. Petition for Enforcement-Order [(I), (We)], the Undersigned and duly appointed Arbitrator(s), having given the Holy Oath of Office, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby petition the Tribunal for an Enforcement-Order with regard to the above referenced Matter. [If subsequent to Default, then (The Undersigned do(es) hereby solemnly aver that seven or more days have passed since the service of the Default Judgement on Show Cause, and no response to Same has been received by the Court.)] [Signature of Arbitrator] [Attestation of Clerk] [Court Seal] S. Enforcement-Order To any Constable or Sheriff subject to the Jurisdiction of this Court: We, the Undersigned Judges, duly elected by the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God, constituting a Tribunal therefor, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby Order you, in your ministerial capacity, to execute the lawful Judgment of this Court in the above referenced Matter, as Rendered by the [(Award), (Judgment)] dated the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], and as Confirmed by a Tribunal for this Court on the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], by taking the following actions in pursuance of this Order: [Detail all required actions.] Furthermore, you are hereby Ordered to return Notice to this Court upon execution of this Order, or within [number of days] days of failure to execute Same. [Signatures of Judges comprising Tribunal] I, the Undersigned, having the Authority of Clerk in the above referenced Matter, do hereby certify that the above Judges' signatures are valid, and that a Sealed True-Copy of this Order was served upon [proper appellation of officer], [title of officer], by [(hand-delivery), (United States First-Class mail, Other: specify)], on the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. [Signature of Clerk] T. Report on Enforcement-Order I, the Undersigned [officer], do hereby give Notice that the Enforcement-Order dated the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], has [(been executed in its entirety), (been partially executed), (not been executed)], as of the [day] of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. [If other than executed in its entirety, then detail what has and has not been executed, and the Cause for that which has not.] [Signature of Officer] 4. Forms. A. Dispute-Resolution Application This Court's Form known as "DRA1999a" is the accepted form for application to this Court for its ministry. Perfected service of a Sealed copy of a properly executed DRA1999a shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirement of giving "Notice of Intent." Said Form is attached hereto, and made a part hereof. [Signature of Arbitrator] [Attestation of Clerk] N. Petition for Review [(I), (We)], the Undersigned, hereinafter "Petitioner," Party to the above referenced Matter, do hereby petition the Court to Review the Award rendered therefor. Petitioner prays that said Award will be [(confirmed), (vacated), (modified), (corrected)]. Grounds for granting this Petition are hereby detailed as follows: [Detail grounds for Petition] [Petitioner's Averment] [Signature of Petitioner] [Two witnesses, or Clerk Attestation] O. Judgment on Review We, the Undersigned Judges, duly elected by the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God, and comprising a Tribunal therefor, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby [(confirm), (vacate)] the Award rendered in said Matter. [Detail the Terms of any modification, correction or vacation.] [Summons and Order to Show Cause may be inserted here.] [Signatures of Judges comprising Tribunal] [Attestation of Clerk] P. Summons and Order to Show Cause You are ordered to appear at the following location at the time listed: [location, day and time] to show cause as to why an Enforcement-Order should not issue with regard to the Award rendered in the above referenced Matter. Failure to comply with this Summons will create a condition of fault, which may lead to arrest, court costs, and/or default judgement. This Summons is invalid if it is not served upon the above listed Party on or before the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. [Signatures of Judges comprising Tribunal] [Attestation of Clerk] Q. Judgement on Show Cause [(I), (We)], the Undersigned and duly appointed Arbitrator(s), having given the Holy Oath of Office, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby render the following Judgement on Show Cause: [Detail the Terms of Judgement] [If party is in default by non-appearance then: (If, within seven days of service of process of this Default Judgment, this Court does not receive an answer as to why you failed to appear at the Show Cause Hearing, then an Enforcement-Order may issue.)] [Except when issued on Default Judgment, Petition for Enforcement-Order may be inserted here.] [Signature of Arbitrator] [Attestation of Clerk] R. Petition for Enforcement-Order [(I), (We)], the Undersigned and duly appointed Arbitrator(s), having given the Holy Oath of Office, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby petition the Tribunal for an Enforcement-Order with regard to the above referenced Matter. [If subsequent to Default, then (The Undersigned do(es) hereby solemnly aver that seven or more days have passed since the service of the Default Judgement on Show Cause, and no response to Same has been received by the Court.)] [Signature of Arbitrator] [Attestation of Clerk] [Court Seal] S. Enforcement-Order To any Constable or Sheriff subject to the Jurisdiction of this Court: We, the Undersigned Judges, duly elected by the First House of Electors, Christ county, kingdom of God, constituting a Tribunal therefor, and having Jurisdiction over the above referenced Matter, do hereby Order you, in your ministerial capacity, to execute the lawful Judgment of this Court in the above referenced Matter, as Rendered by the [(Award), (Judgment)] dated the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], and as Confirmed by a Tribunal for this Court on the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], by taking the following actions in pursuance of this Order: [Detail all required actions.] Furthermore, you are hereby Ordered to return Notice to this Court upon execution of this Order, or within [number of days] days of failure to execute Same. [Signatures of Judges comprising Tribunal] I, the Undersigned, having the Authority of Clerk in the above referenced Matter, do hereby certify that the above Judges' signatures are valid, and that a Sealed True-Copy of this Order was served upon [proper appellation of officer], [title of officer], by [(hand-delivery), (United States First-Class mail, Other: specify)], on the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. [Signature of Clerk] T. Report on Enforcement-Order I, the Undersigned [officer], do hereby give Notice that the Enforcement-Order dated the [day] day of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year], has [(been executed in its entirety), (been partially executed), (not been executed)], as of the [day] of the [month] month, in the year of Our King, [year]. [If other than executed in its entirety, then detail what has and has not been executed, and the Cause for that which has not.] [Signature of Officer] 4. Forms. A. Dispute-Resolution Application This Court's Form known as "DRA1999a" is the accepted form for application to this Court for its ministry. Perfected service of a Sealed copy of a properly executed DRA1999a shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirement of giving "Notice of Intent." Said Form is attached hereto, and made a part hereof.