of General Election:
is hereby given, that the first General Election to fill offices of the First House of Delegates, Christ county, kingdom of God, will be held on the Twelfth day of the Eleventh month, in the year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ, nineteen hundred ninety-seven,
( November 12, A.D. 1997 )
at the Tustin community center, in Tustin, Michigan, in the Northwest Territory, North America. Ballots will be received, only from Qualified Electors, between the hours of:
six o'clock (P.M.) and nine o'clock in the evening.
Nominations have been made to the following offices:
- Chairman: Gregory Allan
- Constable / Sheriff: Gordon Lee
- Judge: John Clement
- Associate Judges: Abel Andrew; Daniel Jay
- Scribe: Jeffery Albert
- Treasurer: Jeffery Albert; Dean Arvin
- Parliamentarian: John Lester
- Post General: Kayo Ian
- Sergeant-at-Arms: Gordon Lee
The Sergeant-at-Arms pro tempore shall be present during the above noticed times, to keep the peace. Anyone requesting information regarding this Election may address correspondence to Christ county Scribe, c/o Gregory Allan; Wood, at general delivery, Tustin post office, Tustin, Michigan, or call ( 616-797-9198 ).
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This notice is pursuant to resolution numbered one hundred ninety-six of the First House of Delegates, Christ county, kingdom of God.
(Isaiah 33:22) For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us.
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